Installationsanleitung Den Inhalt in das TranxBDM-Verzeichnis entpacken.Dann die mitgelieferte anpassen (Eigenschaften -> Ziel "allowio X:\DEINORDNER\DEINORDNER2\TranxBDM\Tranxbdm.exe /a") porttalk.sys in Windows\System32\Drivers kopieren und dann porttalk.reg ausführen.TranxBDM dann über starten,fertig sollten noch fragen sein: Orginal by Beyond Logic Port Talk I/O Port Driver The PortTalk driver combined with allowIO.exe, grants certain programs exclusive access to IO Ports on a Windows NT/2000/XP system. Important information for Upgrading PortTalk from V1.x ______________________________________________________ When installing PortTalk V2.0 on machines with an older version of V1.x, the existing driver must be un-installed. Simply run uninstall.exe with administrator privileges. Installing PortTalk V2.0 ________________________ The PortTalk usermode programs now come with a self installer. This is built into allowio.exe and ioexample.exe. When these usermode programs are executed, a check is made if the PortTalk driver is started. If the driver is not started it attempts to install the driver and then start it. Allowio - Grants programs access to IO Ports. _____________________________________________ Usage : AllowIO eg. Using allowio to grant access to IO ports 0x42, 0x43 and 0x61 C:\porttalk\AllowIO>allowio 0x42 0x43 0x61 beep.exe Beyond Logic AllowIO.EXE Address 0x042 (IOPM Offset 0x08) has been granted access. Address 0x043 (IOPM Offset 0x08) has been granted access. Address 0x061 (IOPM Offset 0x0C) has been granted access. Executing beep.exe with a ProcessID of 1096 PortTalk Device Driver has set IOPM for ProcessID 1096. This is more secure than allowing all programs and processes access to all IO ports. If you don't know what addresses a certain program uses, you can grant access to all ports. C:\porttalk>allowio beep /a BeyondLogic AllowIO Granting exclusive access to all I/O Ports Executing beep with a ProcessID of 524 PortTalk Device Driver has set IOPM for ProcessID 524. This is less secure. For example the program can talk to COM1 and lock up your mouse. Craig Peacock 13th January 2002