[Contact List] - 25 Remove MSN Logo Remove "Messenger" Title Remove Display Picture Container Remove Personal Message Bar Remove E-mail Button Remove MSN Today Button Remove My Space Button Remove Add Contact Button Remove Search Bar Remove Button Text Remove Advertisement Change Display Picture Link Remove Contacts Personal Message Remove Buttons From Contact Card Remove Gleam Notification Add Always On Top Button Add Sign Out Button Disable Song Links Fix Add Contact Bar Position Disable MSN Spaces Contact Card Integration Remove Display Picture in Sign-In Window Remove Bottom Links in Sign-In Window Remove Microsoft Passport Network Branding Swap Title - Artist (Windows Media Player) Remove Toast Display Picture [Instant Message] - 37 Remove MSN Logo Remove Invite Button Remove Send Files Button Remove Web Cam Button Remove Voice Button Remove Activities Button Remove Games Button Remove Block Button Remove Color Button Remove Search Button Remove Send Button Remove My Display Picture Remove Advertisement Remove Font Button Remove Emoticons Button Remove Voice Clip Button Remove Backgrounds Button Remove Winks Button Remove Packs Button Remove Nudge Button Remove What's Hot Section Remove Standard Toolbar Text Remove Formatting Toolbar Text Remove User Is Writing Message Add Always On Top Button Change Ink Tabs to Text Remove To: Bar Remove Web Cam Icon from To: Bar and Avatar Containers Remove Nudge Delay Disable Nudge Shake Add Send Button to Handwriting Tab Add Mess.be Custom Games Remove Yellow Info Bar Remove Convert Tab Remove "says" Text Remove "Get a Webcam" Link Auto Hide Display Pictures [Miscellaneous] - 8 Offline Systray Status Polygamy (Multi-MSN) Show Idle Status Remove File Transfer Protection Boost Personal Message to 500 Characters Remove Billing Info Menus Shorten Status Info in Info Bar Install WinAMP Plug-in for Now Playing feature