DREAMBOX ROTOR INSTALLATION GUIDE This should help you get your dreambox Up and running with a USALS, STAB or DISEQ 1.2 Motor. Requirements: beta 104 or later of Firmware - If you are unsure, look in the SETUP>Channels menu and see if there is an entry for "Rotor Setup..." you are Elected!!! If Not - Isn`t it time you Upgraded??!! Optional But Cool: My latest "Satellites.Xml" file for your dreambox to expand it`s Satellite Scanning Selection. (the stock file from DREAM has only a few) ## Firstly, go to the SETUP>CHANNELS>SATELLITES menu: Use NEW to add all the satellites you can recieve.. When you select NEW, another entry will be added to the end of the list shown.. Move down onto the new entry and hit OK, a drop-down menu will allow you to select the satellite you want from the list (read from "satellites.xml").. Add the ones you want and Make sure they are all on LNB 0. ## Then make sure the Rotor is set correctly: Move to the Symbol For LNB 0 and hit OK.. then BLUE button, the settings should be: Minidiseq param: None, Mode: 1.2, Param A/A, Repeats: None Save(green button) and CLOSE ## Then go to the SETUP>CHANNELS>ROTOR SETUP menu: We Don't use ROTOR INPUT POWER or GOTOxx for this method.. We are going to rely on Selecting Presets in the Rotor.. The time Value in the upper right is for "degrees moved per second", 1.000 is a good medium. You need to enter the Rotor Preset Numbers for the satellites you have installed in the previous menus.. Example: Number in rotor: 6 , Orbital Position: 50 , Direction: EAST then ADD will make an entry for Sirus - 5 degrees east, Factory Preset 6 in Diseq motars, which will appear in the table to the left of the screen as "6 / 050 E". You need to do this for all the satellites in the rotor's preset list. All motars Claiming to be USALS, STAB or Diseq 1.2 have these presets in memory, unless you have overwritten them!! You may prefer to REMOVE any that are there when you start, then maybe set up just 2 to test the system.. Hotbird & Astra are the classics 1 - Hotbird 13E 2 - Astra 19.2E 3 - Eutalsat 16E 4 - Eutalsat 10E 5 - Eutalsat 7E 6 - Sirus 5E 7 - Telecom 3E 8 - (Thor 0.8W)Intelsat 1W 9 - Telecom 5W 10 - Telecom 8W 11 - Intelsat 18W 12 - NSS K 21W 13 - Intelsat 27W 14 - Hispasat 30W 15 - Orion 37W 16 - Astra 23.5E 17 - Arabsat 26E 18 - Astra 28.2W 19 - Kop 28E 20 - Arabsat 30E 21 - Turksat 31E 22 - Turksat 42E 23 - Intelsat 34.5E 24 - Pas 45W 25 - Amos 4W 26 - Thor 0.8W 27 - Nilesat 7W 28 - Atlantic 12.5W Note: Remember orbital positions are entered like this: 0.8W is entered as Number in rotor: "8" and Orbital Position:"8", for Preset 8 at 0.8w, 19.2east as "2" and "192", 5.0east as "6" and "50" etc.. Any other positions you have found and have stored in the motor under other preset numbers can be entered in the same way.. for example, i have telstar 15w stored on preset 27, so i have the following entry visable in my table : "27 / 150W".. Once you have some satelites set up on the Rotor Config Page, SAVE (green button). ## now go to SETUP>CHANNELS>TRANSPONDER SCAN to test it all! In the AUTO SCAN menu, hit OK over the "Network" drop-down menu to choose your target satellite for the scan. After selecting the satellite you want, the box will appear to freeze, this is because it's waiting for the rotor to move to the selected position before trying to decode anything.. This is not a freeze as such, but a delay, as set in the ROTOR CONFIG menu.. When it comes back to life your DB will start running throught the Transponders listed in the "satellites.xml" file trying to find an active one - when it does you'll get the LOCK & SYNC indicators on and you can scan.. "ERASE ALL" will only erase channels from that satellite, not your entire listing All of this depends on what satellites you have installed in your "satellites.xml" file.. if there isn`t an entry for a satellite, it wont appear in the SETUP>CHANNELS>SATELLITES menus, and you won`t be able to associate channels with Diseq Presets. It`s best to always use the grammer you find in the SETUP>CHANNELS>SATELLITES entrys for your table in ROTOR CONFIG.. if the satellite is called "Sirus 5.0E", make SURE you make the entry for it as "6 / 050E" and NOT "6 / 052E"!! Remember the motor Doesn`t care what you enter, it is only responding to a call for a preset, it`s the Dreambox that nees to have clear grammer to make the association between the Rotor setup Entry and the Actual entry in the "satellites.xml" file.. just a point for the homebrewers out there! You can eliminate this worry by installing my fab "satellites.xml" file - available now where you found this information (probably). This Is fully working With STAB HH100i [Diseqc 1.2] and STAB HH120 [Diseqc 1.2 & Stab-USALS], Dreambox Firmware beta 1.0.4 27.12.2002 and satellitesxml_dreambox_170103.zip .xml file. Thanks to -[marta]-