Multiboot with Dreambox image on AB IPBox 250S PVR 1. You must have Enigma image installed in you box. 2. In WEBINTERFACE ----> CONFIG ----> BOOT MANAGER ----> BOOT MENU make choice "bootmanager" 3. In your box by some ftp client put dreambox img in /hdd 4. Then edit /var/tuxbox/config/enigma/ bootmenue.conf changing like that : bs=1024 skip=1152 count=4992 box=5 (number 5 for DM7000, number 7 for DM500 image) 5. From WEBINTERFACE Home Page CONFIG ----> BOOT MANAGER ----> ADD 6. That's it ... when you reload the box on display you will see a new voice SELECT IMAGE , with remote will have the possibilty to launch another 7. All Img in multiboot can be found on /hdd/fwpro in theory is it possible to use all img for 7000 56xx and 500 ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiboot Dreambox image na AB IPBox 250S PVR 1. V prijimaci musite mat naistalovany Enigma image 2. Potom vo WEBINTERFACE ----> CONFIG ----> BOOT MANAGER ----> BOOT MENU vyberte moznost "bootmanager" 3. Pouzitim nejakeho FTP klienta vlozte Dreambox image do adresara /hdd 4. Potom editujte /var/tuxbox/config/enigma/ subor bootmenue.conf nasledovne: bs=1024 skip=1152 count=4992 box=5 (cislo 5 pre DM7000, cislo 7 pre DM500 image) 5. Potom cez WEBINTERFACE ----> CONFIG ----> BOOT MANAGER ----> ADD naistalujte zvoleny Dreambox image 6. To je ono ... ked restartnete box uvidite ponuku "multibootu" s hlaskou SELECT IMAGE, dialkovym si mozete zvolit prave naistalovany Dreambox image alebo povodny Flash image 7. Vsetky Img v multiboote najdete v /hdd/fwpro Teoreticky je mozne pouzit vsetky img pre DM 7000 56xx a 500 ...