3. How to setup NewCS ? If you run NewCS on your STB, it will work as a CS server. NewCS is a program which can be connected to various kinds of client EMUs. NewCS set up will be done by /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml file. There are some important points in setting newcs.xml. Below is an important section. You must confirm the setting in parts 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and the rest part should remain as default setting. 1.357 This means communication speed to card. Most of cases, 357 is good. 2./dev/sci0 Set serial port which is connected to card slot. relook have /dev/sci0 (lower slot), /dev/sci1 (upper slot). mutant have /dev/sci0. 3.0000000000 Enter box keys if needed. 4.yes This option checks automatically whether card is inserted in card reader or no. Enter yes. 5.10000 Set card sharing port number which is newcamd compatible protocol. mgcamd, evocamd use this protocol. If there is a router/firewall, you have to open this port. Most of failures on accessing to server from outer network happen due to the firewall. 6. ... Settings for newcamd compatable protocol cardsharing. 7.01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 This is used for coding on packets while card sharing. Leave it as it is. It does not require to be changed except some particular cases. 8. ... This is for clients settings who will be allowed to access to server. You can add users as many as you want. As defaults, below is how it looks. user1 pass1 on 9.on This setting means whether card update function is on or off . Compare added new newcs.xml with original newcs.xml. Then you can know howto add new client. If necessary, you can modify the newcs.xml file and then place the modified file into /var/tuxbox/config using FTP. If you want to share your slot with your friend, add the settings to newcs.xml and inform your friend detailed information to share cards with your friend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. How to setup mgcamd for connect to card sharing server ? mgcamd setting can be done by two files exist in /var/keys/mg_cfg, /var/keys/newcamd.list in the receiver. mg_cfg is regular setting for mgcamd and newcamd.list is setting part which decides to select a server which will be connected when CS is performed. mg_cfg is not a particular case that require to be changed, contrarily, newcamd.list need to be explained in detail since it is used very often while CS is operated. newcamd.list can be considered as a server list. In other word, one receiver, as a client set, mgcamd.list will direct the client set to which card server to be connected. If you open the newcamd.list, setting is done as below.( In each row, each can be distinguished by empty space) CWS = 10000 User1 Pass1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 CWS = 10001 User1 Pass1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Card sharing server setting section '' loopback IP (It allows you to connect to your receiver itself. This is used when your STB has card.) '10000 or 10001' Port number (See Note 1,2) 'User1' login ID (See Note 1) 'Pass1' login Password (Note 1) '01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14' DES key (See Note 1) Note 1 : Each items has to be set in the CS server's newcs.xml where you aim to be connected. Note 2: You can designate the port number area. For example, if it is set A:B, it try to connect to numbers between A and B. In order to do CS, you need to have IP, Port number, ID, Password, DES key details of your friends or third person. For example, you have managed to get the information below. •IP : •Port number : 10000 •ID : user1 •Password : pass1 The below row has to be added into newcamd.list and then restart EMU. "CWS = 10000 user1 pass1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14"