ACS nummer: Dit is het versienummer van de kaart-software. Er zijn een aantal software versies in omloop; 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 en 3.82, 3.83. De versies 1.4 en 1.6 zijn vrijwel identiek. Alphacrypt: De opvolger van Irdeto Allcam SE. Dekodeert zowel Irdeto als Betacrypt. Asciiserial: Dat is het nummer dat op je kaart is gedrukt en waarmee je kaart geïdentificeerd kan worden. Het nummer staat er overigens ook nog eens in barcode op gedrukt. In de meeste gevallen is de asciiserial ook op de kaart opgeslagen, maar er wordt in zijn algemeenheid verder niets met die informatie gedaan. Het dient dus louter ter identifikatie. Aston Seca: Hoewel de naamgeving misschien anders doet vermoeden, is noch Aston, noch Seca de benaming van de kodering. De kodering die bedoeld wordt wanneer we het over Seca (of Aston Seca) hebben is eigenlijk de mediaguard kodering. Mediaguard is een ontwikkeling van Seca en Aston is de ontwerper/bouwer van de modules. Als we het dus over Aston Seca hebben, dan bedoelen we dus in feite de CAM voor het dekoderen van de Seca Mediaguard kodering. Seca Mediaguard wordt vooral door de Canal+ organisatie gebruikt. Best logisch als je weet dat Canal+ aandeelhouder is van Seca. Vanwege de invloed van Canal+ kom je Seca Mediaguard vooral tegen in Frankrijk en verder in alle landen waar Canal+ eigen landen organisaties heeft. ATR: Answer To Reset, kortweg ATR, is de string waarmee de kaart zich meldt aan de receiver. Dit gebeurt bij iedere reset (aktivering van de kaart). De ATR is opgebouwd konform de ISO7816-3 specifikaties. De ATR bevat voornamelijk gegevens over de manier waarop de receiver/CAM met de kaart moet kommuniceren: Voltage en Amperage nodig voor het programmeren, Baudrate, Synchrone of Asynchrone kommunikatie etc. Auto Update: De auto update (AU) techniek zorgt ervoor dat de kaart zichzelf up to date houdt (de juiste keys berekent). De providers wijzigen hun keys regelmatig en zonder de AU techniek heb je al snel geen beeld meer, tenzij je de benodigde keys zelf handmatig ingeeft. De benaming voor de betreffende keys is afhankelijk van het koderingssysteem. Zo wordt deze bij Irdeto de plainkey genoemd, bij Seca heet hij operational key etc.) Betacrypt: Een variant binnen het Irdeto koderingssysteem. Wordt gebruikt door de Duitse provider Premiere World. Blocker: Een blocker dient ertoe om ongewenste signalen te filteren. Met name het "uitzetten" van de kaart door de provider wordt hiermee tegengegaan. Blockers kunnen in de vorm van software (op de kaart) of als hardware voorkomen. Bootloader: De bootloader is het eerste programma dat gestart wordt bij het aanzetten van je receiver. Deze bootloader zorgt er vervolgens voor dat het operating system van de receiver wordt gestart. Dat operating system noemen we ook wel de firmware van de receiver. Card doubler Een voorziening waarmee het mogelijk is om 2 smartcards gelijktijdig in je cam te steken. CB20 selektie: Een smartcard kan op 3 verschillende manieren worden geselekteerd/bewerkt: 1. Gebruik makend van de hexserial kunnen individuele kaarten worden aangesproken. 2. Via de kaartgroep kunnen alle 256 mogelijke kaarten van die groep worden aangesproken. 3. Binnen een kaartgroep een selektie van kaarten aanspreken via de CB20 selektie (max. 256 kaarten). Channel ID: Dient voor de kanaalselektie. De juiste kombinatie van key en channel ID zal de key aktiveren. Common Interface: Common Interface (CI) is een PCMCIA slot in de sat-receiver waarin CAM's gestoken kunnen worden. Common Interfaces zijn een kenmerk van multicrypt receivers. Common Scrambling Algorithm: Hiermee wordt bedoeld: het koderings algoritme zoals gespecificeerd door DVB. Het common scrambling algorithm is ontworpen met de intentie om hackers "buiten de deur" te houden. Het CSA kan door verschillende typen CAM's worden gebruikt omdat het meerdere stuurkommando's (EMM's en ECM's) kan bevatten, allen bedoeld om kontrole te bieden over dezelfde gekodeerde uitzending. M.a.w. een provider die uitzendt in zowel Seca- als in Viacces kodering, kan in zijn signaal de benodigde EMM's/ECM's sturen om beide typen CAM's te bedienen. Conax: Een koderingssysteem dat vooral in de scandinavische landen veel gebruikt wordt. Conditional Access: Conditional Access (CA) is een technologie die gebruikt wordt voor kodering en authorisatie in DVB systemen. Een CA systeem bestaat uit een aantal basiselementen, te weten: SMS en SAS. Conditional Access Module: Een Conditional Access Module (CAM) is de bouwsteen waarin het CA systeem is ondergebracht. CAM's kunnen als losse modules worden geleverd, maar soms zijn ze ook vast in de receiver ingebouwd. Embedded CAM noemt men dat. De CAM bevat ook alle software die nodig is voor de kommunikatie met je kaart. Die kaart wordt namelijk in de CAM gestoken. Control Word: Een Control Word (CW) is een data pakket met als inhoud de gekodeerde sleutel voor het koderings algoritme van de kaart. Crd's: Crd's zijn files die commando strings bevatten. Ze worden gebruikt voor het updaten van je smartcard. Cryptedkey (Key) & Plainkey: Een kodesleutel in gekodeerde respektievelijk ongekodeerde vorm. De kodering van de key is een versleutelde kombinatie van de datum waarop de key gestuurd werd, de plainkey en de plainmasterkey. De key wordt met enige regelmaat naar de kaart gestuurd, ter bevestiging dat de gebruiker geautoriseerd is om de aktuele zender te bekijken. De key zorgt ervoor dat een zender korrekt gedekodeerd wordt. Plainkey is de ongekodeerde versie van de key. Crypto Works: Een relatieve nieuwkomer. Het Crypto Works koderingssysteem is door Philips ontwikkeld. Customer Word Pointer: Het 4e byte in de PPUA waarmee individuele kaarten worden geïdentificeerd c.q. aangesproken Datum: De datum op de kaart wordt door de provider gebruikt bij het aktiveren en de-aktiveren van kanalen. Direkte programmeerlijnen: Hiermee wordt de direkte verbinding bedoeld tussen de kaartkontakten en de eeprom. Daardoor kunnen, op kaarten die over deze direkte programmeerlijnen beschikken, de PIC en de eeprom onafhankelijk van elkaar worden geprogrammeerd. Dit in tegenstelling tot bijvoorbeeld de Goldwafer kaarten waarbij die direkte verbinding tussen kaartkontakten en eeprom ontbreekt, waardoor de eeprom via een speciale loader file moet worden geprogrammeerd. DPSC: DPSC staat voor Digital Pirate Sattellite Card. De DPSC kaarten worden verkocht met werkende keys. Prijzen van enkele honderden guldens zijn daarbij heel normaal. Veel van deze kaarten wordenvoorzien van een soort timerfunktie die ervoor zorgt dat de kaart slechts een beperkte periode blijft funktioneren. Vaak worden dit soort kaarten trouwens al voordat de timer is verlopen, door de provider gesloten middels een ECM. DVB: DVB staat voor Digital Video Broadcasting, oftewel digitale satelliet TV. ECM: ECM staat voor Electronic Control Message (stuurkommando's voor je kaart). ECM's worden als packets verstuurd. Zo'n packet wordt ook wel Control Word (CW) genoemd en bevat de gekodeerde keys, ID's etc. die nodig zijn om het signaal te dekoderen. M.a.w. de ECM is een identifikatie van de service en van de kondities waaraan voldaan moet worden om van de geboden service gebruik te kunnen maken. Providers gebruiken regelmatig fake ECM's om illegale kaarten uit te schakelen, zonder dat de originele kaarten er last van hebben. EMM: EMM staat voor entitlement management messages. De EMM's worden samengesteld uit de informatie die in het SAS zijn vastgelegd en worden altijd samen met de ECM’s verstuurd. De EMM bevat algemene informatie over de abonnee en over de status van het abonnement en ze worden gebruikt om informatie over de bevoegdheden en keys over te dragen, wijzigen of verwijderen. EPG: EPG staat voor Electronic Program Guide (elektronische programmagids Fileset: Een fileset is de benaming voor de komplete software die je nodig hebt om een kaart te kunnen programmeren. Hoe die fileset er uit ziet is afhankelijk van het type kaart waarover je beschikt. Voor een PIC type kaart bestaat de fileset uit een PIC file en een eeprom file. Voor een FUN kaart heb je 3 files nodig, de flash-, interne eeprom- en externe eeprom file. Firmware: De firmware is de operatingsystem software van je receiver Hexserial: Een nummer (3 bytes hexadecimaal) dat door de provider gebruikt wordt om de kaart aan te spreken. Hexmasterkey: Dit is een 10 bytes lang hexadecimaal nummer dat met de hexserial versleuteld is. De hexmasterkey is eigenlijk niets anders dan een kode waarmee de kaart in staat is de plainmasterkey te herleiden uit de masterkey. Zonder de hexmasterkey is het niet mogelijk om de plainmasterkey korrekt te updaten. Impulse Pay Per View: Impulse pay per view of interactive pay per view (ippv) is een uitbreiding op gewoon ppv. Je betaalt niet meer voor een evenement, maar je wordt afgerekend op de tijd dat je van de service gebruik maakt. Instructions: Seca maakt gebruik van zgn. instruction bytes (INS) voor de kommunikatie tussen de CAM en de kaart. Deze instrukties worden o.a. gebruikt voor het opvragen van kaart- en provider gegevens, autorisatie, ECM's en EMM's en nog veel meer. Irdeto: Een organisatie, opgericht door Ir. den Toonder (vandaar de naam), die zich bezig houdt met het ontwikkelen van systemen voor beveiligde datadistributie, zoals ppv (pay per view) en ippv (interactive of impulse pay per view). De meest bekende providers die gebruik maken van Irdeto zijn: Premiere World, Canal +, Telepiu, Stream en Nova. Kaartengroep: De kaartengroep is een andere benaming voor de providergroep. Keycompatible Kaartengroepen: Dit zijn kaartengroepen/providergroepen die dezelfde keys gebruiken. Landkode: Een kode, bestaande uit 3 letters die als funktie heeft de CAM/receiver te informeren welke zendergroep beschikbaar moet zijn. LNB/LNBF: LNB staat voor Low Noise Block. Een LNB konverteert de frekwentie van het ontvangen satellietsignaal naar een andere frekwentie. Om precies te zijn, een frekwentie die geschikt is voor transport via een coax kabel. Bij satellietontvangst wordt de Ku-band omgezet naar een veel lagere frekwentie. Met behulp van een LNB dus. LNBF staat voor Low Noise Block Feedhorn. Dit is een LNB waarbij de feedhorn volledig geïntegreerd is. Een feedhorn bundelt de door de schotel opgevangen energie zodanig, dat die optimaal door de LNB verwerkt kan worden. Loggen: Een proces waarbij de datastroom tussen kaart en CAM in beeld wordt gebracht. Deze datastroom herbergt onder anderen de keys die gebruikt worden door de provider om de kaart te manipuleren. Masterkey & Plainmasterkey: Dit is een gekodeerd respektievelijk ongekodeerd nummer met een lengte van 8 bytes. Deze sleutel is nodig voor het verrichten van specifieke kaart funkties, zoals het "openen" van de kaart. De masterkey kan ook worden berekend uit de som van de hexserial en de provider groep. Ofwel: hexserial + provider groep = masterkey. De masterkey wordt ook wel aangeduid met Key00 Wanneer de masterkey naar de kaart wordt geschreven, gebeurt dat ongekodeerd (de plainmasterkey). De plainmasterkey is nodig voor de verwerking van key- en zender informatie. MOSC: Modified Original Smart Card. Hiermee worden de originele providerkaarten bedoeld MPEG: MPEG staat voor Moving Pictures Expert Group. Deze organisatie heeft de MPEG standaard ontwikkeld. MPEG is er in een aantal varianten: - MPEG-1, vooral gebruikt voor Video CD en MP3 - MPEG-2, de standaard voor digitale TV, DVD en set-top boxes - MPEG-4, de multimedia-standaard voor het web Multicrypt: Dit is de benaming voor de universele receivers ofwel CI receivers die onder druk van de markt zijn ontstaan. Multicrypt receivers zijn dus receivers die m.b.v. losse CAM's meerdere verschillende koderingen kunnen verwerken. NagraVision: Een koderingssysteem dat vooral veel gebruikt wordt door Spaanse en Turkse providers. Nano Codes: Nanos zijn de kommando's, die naar de kaart worden gestuurd om die te modificeren Pay Per View: Met pay per view (ppv) wordt betaaltelevisie aangeduid. Films, sportwedstrijden etc. worden per stuk vrijgeschakeld wanneer je daarvoor betaalt. PPUA: De PPUA ofwel Program Provider User Address is een 4 bytes lange kode die in feite uit 2 delen bestaat en dient ter identifikatie van kaartgroepen en individuele kaarten. De eerste 3 bytes bevatten het Shared Address, de laatste byte bevat de Customer Word Pointer. Provider ID & Provider groep: Nog een 3 bytes lang hexadecimaal nummer aan de hand waarvan een kaart kan worden geïdentificeerd. De eerste 2 bytes dienen ter identifikatie van de provider groep. Een provider groep kan uit maximaal 256 unieke kaarten bestaan. Er zijn 2 provider ID's: Provider ID 00 en Provider ID 10. Vrijwel alle providers worden via Provider ID 00 vrijgeschakeld. Uitzondering hierop is Premiere World, deze wordt via Provider ID 10 vrijgeschakeld. SAS: SAS staat voor subscriber authorization system. Het SAS vertaalt (op verzoek van het SMS) de gegevens over de abonnee in een EMM. Tevens zorgt het SAS ervoor dat de smartcard de benodigde autorisatie ontvangt voor het bekijken van een kanaal. SECA: Société Européenne de Contrôle d'Accès (SECA), zie verder Aston Seca. Shared Address: Het Shared Address (SA) bestaat uit de eerste 3 bytes van de PPUA en dient ter identifikatie van kaartgroepen (max. 256 kaarten). Signature: De signature (de authentikatie kode) is een 5 hexadecimale bytes lang nummer, nodig voor het verrichten van specifieke beveiligingen. Je kunt de signature beschouwen als een soort checksum ter kontrole van de datastroom. Smartcard: Een chipkaart die over zowel een processor als over geheugen beschikt en waarvan de inhoud gemodificeerd kan worden in een programmer of in de satellietreceiver. SMS: Een abonnee management systeem SMS (subscriber management system). Het SMS is een subsysteem van de CA dat alle informatie over de abonnee managed en EMM,s opvraagt uit het SAS. Viaccess: Een van de nieuwere kodeersystemen. Vooral veelgebruikt in Frankrijk. Videoguard: Koderingssysteem, wordt voornamelijk gebruikt door het Engelse Sky. D2MAC/Eurocrypt Satellite-TV Pirate Card Encyclopaedia (focuses mainly on PIC1684-based cards) 24C16 - a memory chip with I2C communication protocol. See also EEPROM. There is another fully compatible version called 24LC16 (made by Microchip). It is more tolerant to incorrect voltage - therefore 24LC16 should be used. 24C16 - a memory chip with I2C communication protocol. See also EEPROM. There is another fully compatible version called 24LC16 (made by Microchip). It is more tolerant to incorrect voltage - therefore 24LC16 should be used. Administration key (issuer key) - a special "master key" by which the other keys are encrypted. It is a secret how the keys are actually cracked, but possible methods include: a) insider leak at the TV channels b) brute force attack - stepping through all possible combinations until the working key is found (requires huge processing power unless custom-built hardware accelerators are used or if some smart special technique is used). Huge computer power can be bought with large sums of money, or stolen by someone working with a super computer at a research facility, military facility or large coorporation. Cover-up explanations include governments who oppose commercial television who might sponsor the hackers. Or the TV channels themselves, who want everyone to be able to watch their channel (the channels only pay the film makers per subscriber, not per viewer). c) a smart hacker found a weakness in the Eurocrypt system, which allows keys to be easily cracked with an ordinary PC d) extracting the keys from an existing original card, using an electron microscope or by sending funny electronic signals to the card to make it send out its own memory contents and keys The update codes that are published when Eurocrypt channels changes keys, are generated by people who know the administration key. Self-updating Eurocrypt cards contain the administration key plus a program routine that automatically calculates the new keys. Amiga - see "Self-updating cards" Amstrad decoders - see Philips STU ASIC - an "application specific IC". Any IC (integrated chip) that is made especially for an application, is called "an ASIC". There are application specific chips in phone cards, in wrist watches, and in the official Sky Television cards, etc. The ASIC's in original Sky cards were once cloned by professionals in California for pirate card manufacturers in Europe, so they could be used in home-made Sky pirate cards or in Season 10. However, Sky then replaced all the viewing cards with new cards (the 11 series) and changed their keys. There hasn't been any pirate cards for Sky for years. Atmel card - see Funcard. ATR protocol - "answer to reset" T=0 ISO-7816 - the way smartcards communicate. Almost all smartcards use this protocol or some variation of it, when they operate. For example phone cards, satellite TV cards, pirate cards, etc. A "smartmouse interface" (standard smartcard interface) communicate using this protocol. Note that when PIC cards are programmed, this programming does not follow this ISO protocol. Auto-updating cards - see "Self-updating cards" C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8 - the names of the terminals on any ISO-7816-compatible smartcard. Cable TV - cable TV networks don't use the same encryption methods for their pay-channels, as TV satellites do. This page specializes in satellite TV, not cable TV. The only exception is Dutch cable TV networks, which actually use the Eurocrypt system. Philips CTU 900 decoders for Dutch cable TV could be used as satellite TV decoders, but to get a perfect picture quality they need to be modified slightly. Cable TV - how does it work? - At any one time, only one channel can be received per satellite receiver (which is why you can't view one satellite channel while your VCR records another, for example). The satellite receiver's job is to convert the signals from the LNB (microwave head) to ordinary RF TV signals. In a cable-TV network however, they have one receiver for each channel, so that all the channels are sent through the RF antenna cable, so you can zap between channels on your TV easily, and view different channels on different TV's / VCR's. Canal + problems - see Eurocrypt S2. Channels - which can be viewed with pirate cards? - today, all Eurocrypt pirate cards decode all Eurocrypt channels. Note however which channels are Eurocrypt-M and which are Eurocrypt-S. Chip - black electronic thing with pins on it. It consists of a photographically P- and N-doped etched semiconductor wafer connected to pins, and everything moulded into black resin (plastic). A "wafer card" consists of the wafer and a gold pad glued to it (with some gold bondings (threads) in between). Cipher key - see Key Code - this term may stand for either Program Code (i.e. a HEX file) or a Multimac Update Code. Please don't say just "code".  COM84.EXE is a driver you may need to start before you can run PIP-02, PIX or other "PINAPI" compliant PIC programming utility. COM84 comes from "COM port programmer for PIC1684", i.e. Ludipipo. COP - a single-chip computer with higher security than PIC16c84. COP-cards - pirate cards which use the COP processor - for example Big Mac, The Card, etc... The TV card emulating software for COP cards were not publically available, unlike the programs for PIC cards. Unlike COP cards, PIC cards can be made easily and so far even legally, by the end user. Trade with COP cards which decode the Eurocrypt channels is, however, illegal in Scandinavia - since they are sold as ready-to-use. Data logger - a device that logs the data between a smartcard reader and a smartcard, in both directions, and sends it to the serial port of a PC. See also Smartmouse (which allows communication between RS-232 and a smartcard) and Season (which allows communication between RS-232 and a smartcard reader). Software such as "The Ear" can be used with this device. D2MAC - a TV system closely integrated with the Eurocrypt encryption method. To convert a D2MAC channel into PAL so you can view it on your standard TV (which uses PAL in Europe), a "D2MAC receiver" is needed. Almost all D2MAC receivers have Eurocrypt decoders built-in. Most of the times they are used, the words D2MAC and EUROCRYPT have the same meaning. Decoder - the thing you insert the smartcard into. Most D2MAC-receivers have built-in Eurocrypt decoders, and most receivers sold in U.K. and Ireland have built-in Videocrypt-decoders. DES - the 56-bit encryption algorithm used in the D2MAC/Eurocrypt system. DES-cracker. Any piece of software (or machine) that counts through all the 2^56 combinations in the DES key space, in order to find the right key. DIL-chip - chip with two rows of easy-to-solder pins that goes through the circuit-board, rather than the small surface-soldered SMD-chips (or SOIC). DIL stands for Dual In-Line package. See also SMD. DSS - system used by the TV satellites over North America. Don't ask be about hacking DSS, because I don't know. ECM - Here, the "Electronic Counter Measure" the channels take against pirate cards by changing the key. Some channels never change their key, but TV1000 currently do it once every second month, and Canal+ once every three days... Encryption algorithm - a way to scramble information and make it unaccessable to anybody that doesn't know the number ("key") on which it is based. For example, if I encrypt HELLO by adding each letter with 1, I get IFMMP. Adding each letter with 1 is then the encryption algorithm. Of course, most encryption algorithms are much more complex than that. EEPROM - a type of computer memory - "electrically erasable & programmable ROM". The data memory inside the single-chip computer PIC16c84 is of this type. The memory chip 24LC16 uses memory of an EEPROM type. EEPROM memory keeps the contents after the power is turned off (unlike the RAM work memory in a computer). But it can also be reprogrammed many times, unlike EPROM or ROM memory. Flash memory works in the same way as EEPROM memory but it uses a more modern technique. Sometimes people include both EEPROM and Flash memory when they say "EEPROM memory". A more correct term would be "NVRAM". See also "EEPROM card". EEPROM chip - this term often refers to the serial I2C EEPROM 24LC16. The 24LC16 EEPROM chip is used for extra memory on "EEPROM cards", such as Multimac2. See also 24C16. EEPROM card - strictly speaking, an EEPROM card is a smartcard which has only a memory, not a "brain" (microprocessor). But sometimes MM2 cards are called "EEPROM cards" because they have a 2416 chip onboard. Eurocrypt - an encryption system used by all Scandinavian channels - TV3, TV1000, Canal+, and the channels in the "CTV package". To view a Eurocrypt channel, you need a Eurocrypt decoder (which is connected to, or built into your D2MAC receiver) and a smartcard to insert into the decoder. Most D2MAC receivers have Eurocrypt decoders built-in. For more info, see also "original cards". Videocrypt is another encryption system which uses standard PAL instead of D2MAC. There are two flavors of Eurocrypt, called Eurocrypt S and Eurocrypt M. Some channels use M and some use S or S2. EuromacII - a trade name of a Multimac2-card or the PCB itself, green or blue, with an image of a space shuttle. As with other Multimac2-cards, I/O is at RB7. C4 and C8 had changed places compared to normal Multimac2-cards. EuromacII cards are not sold anymore. Flash memory - see EEPROM Funcard - a programmable smartcard sold blank, which uses an Atmel processor instead of the PIC1684 chip. Atmel processors are more powerful since they have a bigger program memory, which makes it easier for developers to make complex programs, such as software to decrypt digital channels. Fuses - eight flags in the PIC1684 processor. They can only be changed when programming the chip. Once programmed, the whole chip needs to be erased and then reprogrammed. Two important fuses are code protect and power-up timer. Power-up timer has caused much confusion since the interpretation of that bit was changed when PIC16C84 was replaced by PIC16F84! Galaxy-card - name for a PIC+EEPROM card in "wafer" shape. On Galaxy-1 all pins are connected, but on Galaxy-2 C4 and C8 are not connected. This makes the programming more complicated, but on the other hand you don't have to seal C4 and C8 after programming, if you have a Pace500/1000, Amstrad or Philips STU. Only special programmers (with through-PIC programming) can program Galaxy-2. HEX file - generally a file with hexadecimal numbers. They usually end with .HEX. Program for PIC processors and contents of EEPROM chips are unfortunately by tradition stored in hexadecimal format instead of normal binary format, which makes them slightly more than twice as big as they normally would be (if a HEX file is 2200 bytes, it requires only 1024 bytes (or 8192 bits) when programmed into the chip. To make everything even more idiotic for no reason at all, HEX files can be either 8-bit (which really means 16-bit) or 16-bit (which really means 32-bit). All programming utilities understand 8-bit HEX - also called INH8M, but many also understand 16-bit HEX. Hexadecimal - a number system with 16 digits (0123456789ABCDEF) instead of 10 (0123456789) or 2 (01). 10 equals $0A, 100 equals $64, 255 equals $FF, 256 equals $100, 65535 equals $FFFF etc. To indicate that it's a HEX number, the dollar sign is used. Communists instead use H or Ox to make things more complicated. ISO-7816 - the international standard for smartcards, used in phone cards, satellite TV cards, GSM cards, etc. It specifies card size, durability, pin configuration, voltage levels and communication speed etc - therefore people might refer to different things when they say "ISO-7816". For example, a British phone card can be inserted in a Videocrypt decoder, and the number of units left on the card is displayed on the TV screen, thanks to the standardized communication protocol specified in ISO-7816! The way PIC chips are programmed is of course not specified in ISO-7816. See also "ATR". JDM programmer - a ludipipo programmer with built-in functions to select between PIC and 2416 on a MM2 card where C4/C8 are connected. If you are going to buy a low-cost (ludipipo) programmer, select the JDM model! Example: Programmer 00. Named after the inventor Jens Dykjaer Madsen. Note: JDM programmers can only be used with PINAPI-compliant PIC programming utilities such as PIP-02 or PIX, since you need to run the JDM84.EXE driver first in order to take advantage of the switching feature. Key - a secret number on which the encryption algorithm is based. Key change - see ECM Keymaster programmer - a programmer with its own programming software. Ludipipo PIC-programmer - a simple design of a PIC-programmer for connection to the serial port of a PC. Ludipipo programmers don't require a separate power supply, but takes the power from the serial port. Because the ludipipo construction is so simple, it's important how the PCB is made in order to avoid interference etc. Most ludipipo programmers today, work with all computers (including IBM, Victor, Compaq etc). Because the timing is handled by the computer, it is important that the programming software is programmed well. Some programming utilities might not work on some computers, due to timing problems. It could also be problems occuring with impedance in the serial lead. PIP-02 or PIX is much more reliable than for example PICPROG. If the cards are 16F84 (not 16C84) and the timing is bad, many cards may fail while others work fine. MAC 3 - (Luxor/Nokia/Salora MAC3) a decoder which had much problems with many HEX files. This problem is solved with the latest HEX files! Macab - a decoder brand that was particularily difficult getting to work with most HEX files. Nowadays Macab seems to work fine. Man key - short for Management Key. Management key - see Administration Key. Master - a name for chip 1 on a PIC-card with two PIC1684 chips. The other PIC chip is called slave. Memory - all computer memories consists of a number of memory locations. Each memory location can hold a value between 0 and 255 if the memory is a traditional 8-bit memory (2^8=256). Internally it is made out of of 8 bits that can be either 0 (power off) or 1 (power on) - hence the 256 different combinations. (Sometimes, modern computer programs may interpret many bytes at the time, for example 16 or 32 bits at the time instead of 8). Microchip - the manufacturer of PIC1684 and one of the manufacturers of 2416 chips. MicroProg - a processor-controlled PIC programmer. See also Multiprogrammeraren. Milennium - see "Self-updating cards" MM2 card - a card with one PIC1684 (with IO on RB7) and one 2416 chip. Named after Multimac 2 that used to be the only software for this card type. Nowadays, both Multimac 3 and Nordic 4 uses the "MM2 card" (sometimes incorrectly called "EEPROM card"). MPEG - motion JPEG, a compression method to describe a changing image (like a TV image) with as little information as possible. MPEG-3 (or MP3) is the MPEG method of compressing audio. ZIP is another compression method, but it's general for any type of data, unlike MPEG which is specialized to be efficient on moving images (and MP3 for audio). PAL TV consists of 24 frames per second, and sometimes MPEG doesn't describe the full frame, but instead only describes what has changed between two similar frames! With MPEG, an incredible compression ratio of 2000% or better can be achieved on moving images - the more European the film is, the better the compression. Ordinary picture compression techniques are also used - it's based on JPEG which is a lossy (meaning you loose some of the information in the picture compared to before the compression, but of course you can compensate for that by using a better resolution to start with) compression technique for steady images. Since MPEG is a computer-based compression method, it can of course only be used on digitally broadcast TV channels. With digital TV, 20 channels transmit on the same transponder/frequency thanks to MPEG2! (Many people think MPEG2 is a TV format such as PAL, D2MAC or NTSC, but it's not. It's used in many different digital TV formats) Multimac - One of the major HEX files for MM2 cards. Latest version (March 2001) is 3.03. Also see Nordic. Multiprogrammeraren - A name for a processor-controlled PIC programmer with automatic through-PIC programming and support for many types of PIC microcontrollers. This is the best programmer today. Developed by AD-Teknik and sold by Kort Fort Beware of traditional-type programmers that are also marketed as "multi programmer". Non-programmable PCB:s - some PIC PCB:s work fine except the PIC16c84 chip can't be re-programmed while on-board. This is done deliberately by a few manufacturers to force the customer to contact him for reprogramming and noone else. If the card is protected against reprogramming, pin 12, 13, 14, 4 or 5 is not connected and for programming the PIC has to be soldered from the PCB and inserted into a socket, or you have to use a clamp. This is a paranthesis since these are extremely rare and hardly exist today. Nordic - one of the two major HEX files today. The latest version (March 2001) is Nordic 4 and requires a MM2 card. The other common HEX-file is Multimac version 3.03 which also uses MM2 cards. In the old days, there were Nordic Twins and other older versions of Nordic. Those were made for single-PIC1684 cards. OTP - one time programmable. Example: If a chip is "OTP", the chip can only be programmed once. It can't be updated. PIC1684 however, can be reprogrammed thousands of times, since it uses NVRAM technology such as the flash memory in the 16F84 version. Original cards - original cards are of course cards that are issued by the channel to the subscribers. If the subscriber doesn't pay his monthly fee, the channel can send a "kill card number " message via the broadcast, to make the card useless. A "kill" message for a certain card is sent more frequently the first months and then more seldom, so maybe if you don't keep the card in the decoder for a year after you've stopped paying, the card may work fine for maybe a month, until the next "kill" message for that card. Another interesting thing is that original cards are continously updated with new keys, etc. If an original card is not kept in the receiver for the duration of several months, the card may miss out on some of the updates, and therefore won't work. Every day, the channels have to replace lots of cards for this reason. Eurocrypt cards are based on a Motorola processor. Videocrypt1 cards have an ASIC (see ASIC). However, pirate cards for Eurocrypt are not cloned copies of original cards. Instead, the software in the pirate cards is written from scatch. Therefore, PIC and COP pirate cards are of course not affected by "kill" messages, since they are not clones. However, on the Videocrypt1 system used in the U.K., cloned cards have existed. See also Videocrypt1. Pace 500 and Pace 1000 - don't work with Multimac2-cards unless C4 and C8 are covered. Pace and the CTV channels. There is something special with the key for the CTV channel, that causes some Pace receivers not to receive the CTV channels if pirate cards are used. The solution to this, is to update a chip inside your Pace decoder. PAL - the TV system used in Europe. In America, NTSC is used, and by many satellite channels, D2MAC is used. Since there are no D2MAC TV's on the market, and it seems there never will be, you need built in D2MAC-to-PAL conversion into the satellite receiver, to view D2MAC channels. I.e. a "D2MAC receiver". PCB - printed circuit board (i.e. the card itself, on which you solder the chips) Philips STU - a decoder that, just like Amstrad, doesn't work with Multimac2-cards unless C4 and C8 are covered. Philips STU 901/902 - some HEX codes lose the programming and requires to be reprogrammed, if used with this decoder. Somehow this decoder interflicts with the remote-control updating feature in all programs for PIC cards. I don't know if this problem is fixed in the current versions. Phoenix interface - a device with the exact same functionality as a smartmouse, but not smartmouse-compatible. Originally used to re-activate a certain version of the original Sky cards (hence the name). PIC16c57 - one-chip computer made by Microchip. Could only be programmed once (OTP). Used for the very first PIC pirate cards. PIC1684 - a single-chip computer. It has different versions - 16F84 and 16C84 (see below). As with all other semiconductors, it can either be an IC chip (that you can solder to a PCB) or it can be just a flat silicon wafer inside a "wafer card". PIC16c84 - one-chip computer that can be reprogrammed very many times. They come in one DIL version and one SOIC (SMD) version. A "one-chip-computer" contains both processor and memory to store the program code (1KB) and data (64 bytes). 1 KB may seem small but is enough for 1024 commands. Phased out - see PIC16F84! PIC16F84 or PIC16c84A - same chip as PIC16c84, but with some minor improvements. Power-up timer has to be set differently when you program it - that's the only difference. PIC24c - sounds like a chip but it's a programming utility. It can only read HEX-files which has been created in 8-bit format. When you use it, make sure you set programmer type to LUDIPIPO and that the HEX files are stored in the current directory, and that their name end with .HEX - otherwise they won't be selectable when you do 'LOAD HEX'. PIC-buster - a tool that can crack the copy-protection in a PIC16c84 without erasing the program. If the code protect fuse was set when a PIC16c84 was programmed, a buster is what you need to steal what has been programmed into it. (This is not necessary today, since most PIC-programs are freely available on Internet anyway). PIC16F84 can be busted too but is 100 times more difficult, and the chip might break if you try. PIC-programmer - a hardware interface that is used to "program" or copy a PIC-code from a PC into a PIC16c84. It comes with a PC programming utility software to control it, for example PIC24c81 or PIP-02. Cheaper PIC-programmers (such as Programmer IV or Programmer 00) are of the ludipipo type - more advanced ones (such as MicroProg or Multiprogrammeraren) are processor-controlled. PIP-02 - a programming utility that works under DOS but is the most reliable one. Warning about old versions! Versions previous to 1.14 doesn't work well with serial-port programmers on computers faster than Pentium. Version 1.14 has a bug in the 16F84 device type handling. Power-up timer - a fuse in PIC1684. For some reason, it's inverted in 16F84. Therefore you need to invert power-up timer if you program a PIC16F84! Other than that, PIC16F84 is backwards compatible with PIC16C84. Processor - the main part or "brain" of a computer. It reads a program stored in a memory, and does what it says in there. It can calculate mathematically, create electronic signals on it's pins,and change the contents of memory locations. Program - a sequence of numbers (ranging between 0 and 255 if it's an 8-bit program) intended for interpretation by a processor. The program must be stored in a memory, so the processor can read and execute it. (In personal computers, programs are normally stored on the harddrive, but loaded into RAM memory when they are going to be executed. In microcontrollers, the program is stored in ROM (if the chip is OTP) or EEPROM memory where it's also executed). Each number represents an instruction for the processor, for example 35, 40, 159 may mean "copy the contents of memory cell 40 to I/O pin 2", 194 201 may mean "jump to location 201 in memory and continue to interpret from there", or 4, 120, 84,44 may mean "divide the contents of memory cell 120 by 84 and put the result in memory location 44". Programs are processor specific, so a program for a PC-processor (such as the word processor Microsoft Word) can't be understood by a PIC-processor or a MacIntosh processor (i.e. Motorola processor). However, if the programming language is compiling, the same source code can be used to make both a PC and a MacIntosh version (for an explaination, see under "programming languages"). Program code - here, a piece of data put in the programmable area of the PIC one-chip computer. This data contains BOTH the program for the PIC:s on-board processor, plus the secret numbers ("keys") for the encryption process. The codes are written by hackers, and can be downloaded as a data file from Internet, for example. They are usually in ZIP archives which also contain text files with information about how to use the code. Programming languages & compilation - the microprocessor (the brain in the computer) only understands it's own type of machine language. PIC1684 only understands PIC1684-machine language, x86 processors (used in PC computers) only understand x86-machine language, and Motorola 68x00 processors (used in MacIntosh, Amiga and Atari) only understand 68x00 machine language. To make it easier for humans to make programs for these microprocessors, programming languages (for example C or Pascal) have been invented. Programs written in these programming languages are then compiled into machine language by a compiler for that specific programming language and processor. Since such a conversion from programming language to machine language can never be perfect, programs made in C or Pascal are generally about 2 to 4 times as slow as programs made in machine language, and the size of the finished program (.EXE) is 2 to 10 times bigger than it could have been if the same program was "hand-written" in machine code. Since microcontroller programs are not that big (because the microcontroller memory is small), and because speed is often important, microcontroller software is usually programmed in machine language, even though C compilers also exist. Programs for PC computers are, however, usually written in C++, Pascal or Visual Basic. When a human programs in machine language directly, the machine language is called "assembler language". The program is either made directly as he types, or generated when he presses a button. This generation is also called "compilation". The programming language BASIC is often compiled just like C and Pascal, but BASIC programs can also be executed in an "interpreted" mode, which means the BASIC commands are read by a special interpretor program. BASIC programs are therefore much smaller than compiled programs, but they have to be run through a BASIC interpretation program. For example, the name of the interpretation program for Visual Basic is VBRUN.EXE. Running a program in interpretation mode usually makes execution slower than what it could have been if the program had been compiled into machine code. The programming language Visual Basic alternatively offers the program author an unusual definition of "compilation" - the BASIC code is put together with the interpretation program in the same file. However, Visual Basic 5 and above also offers real compilation, which they call "native code compilation". Quadra card - this is a card with 2 PIC and 2 EEPROM chips. There are programs for this type of card, but since 4 chips isn't actually necessary, no additional features is obtained with a Quadra card, above those of a Multimac2 card. You just get a card that's unnecessarily big. A Multimac2-card is basically a Quadra card but with the extra PIC and EEPROM removed, and I/O on RB7. RB6, RB7 etc - names on the different I/O pins on the PIC1684 chip. The programmer and the PCB needs to be ready for to the "RB" or "I/O-pin" that the PIC program is made for. Scart - a standard connector used to transfer video. Scart cables offer less quality loss than normal antenna cables, and is suitable between VCR and TV, between satellite receivers and decoders, etc. Antenna cables are more suitable for long distances, and when there is a need to transmit several channels in the same cable. Confusion can be caused by the fact that video can be transmitted in two different ways - via the Red, Green and Blue pins (as in between decoders and receiver, or as in between computers and monitors), or via the Composite Video pin (as in between VCR and TV or satellite receiver and TV). Schaer PIC-programmer - a design of a PIC-programmer for connection to the parallel port of a PC, made by H. Schaer. They are not processor-controlled. Schaer programmers require a separate power supply. Not same as Tait PIC-programmer. Season interface - an interface that enables communication between an ISO-7816 card slot and the RS-232 serial port in a computer. Voyager is a PC program that uses a Season interface to decrypt TV channels. It works on the same channels as the PIC card programs work on. Secure microcontrollers. Microcontrollers that withstand a hacker's attempts to extract the Program Code which has been programmed into it. PIC1684 has security features built-into it but there are known ways how to hack them, which means in practice they have very low security. PIC16c622 or COP has high security in this sense. Self-updating cards. Cards that don't need to be updated when a channel changes a key. A card can be autoupdating on all or just some channels. The autoupdating feature comes from the fact that one of the management keys is programmed into the card. Knowing this, the card can itself calculate the new update code without much processing power. NOTE! It is possible that the TV company finds the management key and "kills" (stops using) it. In such case, the autoupdating card using this man key, may stop working. It has happened that auto-updating HEX files for PIC1684-based cards have been released, but normally, autoupdating software is only put in microcontrollers with better security, such as COP or PIC16c622. Autoupdating HEX files are normally not publically distributed, thus autoupdating cards are made, programmed and sold mostly by the same people. The reason for secrecy is that if the TV company found out which management keys are known, they can kill it. And the management key can easily be extracted from anyone that holds the HEX file, since HEX files are not encrypted. A HEX file can also be extracted from a PIC1684-based card. But not from a high-security card, such as PIC16c622, Funcard or COP. Single-PIC cards - cards with just a PIC1684 chip. May have I/O on RB6 or RB7. May be wafer or a PCB with an IC soldered on. The 1684 may be 16F84 or 16C84. The best Eurocrypt pirate card software for this card is Nordic / Nordic Twins. "Sky" cards - see Videocrypt 1. Smartmouse interface - an interface used so a PC can communicate with a smartcard (rather than programming a PIC card). Smartmouse interfaces are used to update programmed COP cards, to communicate with standard ATR-smartcards, and can also be used to program the 2416 chip on Multimac2-cards, if no PIC-programmer able to program this chip is available. Smartmouse interfaces are good for sending and receiving information to/from a smartcard, but if you want to reprogram the software in a PIC card, you need a PIC programmer. SMD - Surface Mounted Device. If a chip is SMD, it means that it doesn't have pins that go through the PCB, but are soldered directly to the component side using special equipment. SMD offer a cheaper manufacturing process for large series, but is less well suited for hobbyists. Socket - a thing that holds a chip. Instead of soldering the chip to the PCB, you can solder a socket there. Then you eliminate the risk of damaging the chip with the heat from the soldering iron, and canreplace the chip if you need to (for example when you need to re-program the chips, and have a programmer that don't have a card reader). A PIC16c84 needs a 18-pin socket because it is an 18-pin chip, and 24c16 needs an 8-pin socket. Software - program. Switchless programmer - means that you don't need to flick switches on the programmer to adapt it for different card types. This also requires a custom-written programming utility, which is probably easier to use than PIP-02 or the other freeware programming utilities for programmers with switches. For more info, see JDM programmer. Tait PIC-programmer - a design of a PIC-programmer for connection to the parallel port of a PC, made by D. Tait. Tait programmers require a separate power supply. Tandberg Eurocrypt decoders - a difficult decoder model. See also Luxor MAC 3 or Macab. Test card - this is what they, for legal reasons, call pirate cards in America. They were legally sold with the excuse that technicians used the card for testing decoders. They are still legal in Canada but DES is going to change their encryption so who knows for how long it will work... Through-PIC - means to program the 2416 chip on a Multimac2-card by first programming the PIC chip with a temporary program that would then communicate with the PC. Next, the contents for the 2416 chip is communicated to the PIC and then programmed into the 2416 chip. After that, the PIC is erased and programmed for real. The purpose with through-PIC-programming is that it's required if either the card or the programmer doesn't support fast and easy programming via the pads C4 and C8, which are connected directly to the 2416 chip on most Multimac2-cards. Multiprogrammeraren handles automatic through-PIC programming. Other programmers may be marketed as "multi programmer" or "through-PIC compliant" but does not include the custom-written software that handles the entire process for you. Trio Triasat 5005 - works with Multimac2-cards (if power-up timer is set correctly). Always use the MAIN card slot for pirate cards on this special receiver - otherwise you may damage it! Update a card with remote control - this is supported by all HEX files today, but only needed on cards which are not autoupdating. Take the remote control for your Eurocrypt decoder, and find the menu called "Change secret code", which is located under "CASS control" or similar. Enter the seven 4-digit code groups in the 28-digit "Multimac"-style update code, and the channel is back! If it's still encrypted, the channel is using another key that might have been uploaded previously, but you didn't program into the card when it was new. If you don't know that old update code, you can reprogram the entire card in your PIC programmer, to make sure the card has all the current keys. VCL trick - a method of viewing recorded Videocrypt programs without an original card, to enable viewing of recorded Videocrypt TV-programs without a Videocrypt card. Required: Videocrypt decoder and Season-interface and VCL datafile. The VCL datafile is created by someone who has a working Sky card and an interface connected between the card and the VC1-decoder and records the codes which were used to decode this program, then sends it via Internet to those that don't have it. They load it into a special program in their PC, which is connected to the Videocrypt1 decoder via a Season interface and then can decode the encrypted recording. Videocrypt 1 - another encryption system than Eurocrypt. Videocrypt 1 is used by the Sky channels and Adult Channel and Eurotica. Subscriptions to those are, for stupid reasons, only sold in U.K. and Ireland. Therefore, pirate cards for Sky would be legal in the rest of the world. Sky often replace all the subscriber cards, and thereby kill all pirate cards that worked on the previous card. The different generations of Sky cards are named 9, 10, 11, etc. The current generation is 11 (November 1997) and there is currently no working pirate cards for it (?). Pirate cards for the previous generation was made by cloning the ASIC chip in an original card, and by cutting a wire in an expired original card so the card was turned on again. Not all "Videocrypt" decoders support Videocrypt 2. There are no working do-it-yourself pirate cards (i.e. PIC cards) for the Sky-channels on the Astra satellite. Videocrypt 2 - another encryption system than Eurocrypt. There is a program for a single-PIC card that decodes 9 Videocrypt 2 channels. But Videocrypt 2 is not used by any channels anymore.. Wafer cards - litterarly it means wafer thin cards, i.e. real smartcards without soldered-on chips. So far, there has only been single-PIC cards in wafer format, but now there is also a Multimac2 "wafer". Just like a chip, a wafer card has a flat silicon "wafer" built-in, with tiny wires connected to the gold plated terminals on the smartcard. WGTBETA - the best code for double-PIC cards. Made by Satfreak. Contains current keys for all Eurocrypt channels, and old keys for most Nordic channels. There are also modified versions called WGTNORDIC and WGTKEY. New versions of WGTBETA are usually released slower than versions for Nordic and Multimac2.