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Van Satarmy. Kan iemand mij vertellen hoe dit aangesloten moet worden? Ik heb er een binnen gekregen maar het past niet op de kaart, je moet dus verbindings-draden leggen.<BR> Heb je dat gedaan dan blijven er nog 6 aansluitpunten over, 2 naast degenen die naar de kaart gaan, genummerd K en A en dan nog 4 rechts opzij gekenmerkt + en - Maar er staat geen te gebruiken spanning bij vermeld,en tenslotte nog B en A. Helaas reageert het Satleger niet op mijn mail en er zat geen beschrijving bij. Iemand een idee ?<BR>


Hallo,<BR>heb hier ook zo'n ding "liggen", schijnt vooralsnog alleen met D2-mac te werken en (nog) niet voor b.v. SECA (waar ik 'm voor had willen gebruiken).<BR>Heb me om die reden dan ook nog niet verdiept in 't hoe aan te sluiten.<BR>Afwachten dus !<P> charel.


BenBem,<BR>doe geen moeite, op seca wekrt het "nog" niet.<P>ik het het aangesloten maar .... heb ergens een ooie doc toegestuurd gekregen van een goeie colega van hier, (nogal technisch) die uitlegd hoe en wat.<P>als je interesse heb wil ik het wel posten.<P>groetjes..


Big Anthony,<BR>Als je de doc zou willen posten dan graag.<BR>Ik ben wel geen techneut maar dommer word je er nooit van. Wel vreemd trouwens dat ze er helemaal geen letter beschrijving bij hebben gedaan.


Hier post ik de doc die ik gekregen heb:<P>Some people seem to hit trouble in getting their LCD displays to work with the FunCard. I already tried the alphanumeric displays LCD162C LED and LCD162F LED available in Germany. Both are 16x2 with LED backlight. The manufacturer is DisplayTech Ltd. Hong Kong. Product overview and specs are available at <> or <> In addition I used a Sharp LM20X21A LCD module and lateron I received the official ELFA provided FunCard LCD module. All displays were character based LCD modules having a line length of 16 charactes in 2 line version. The FunCard/Discovery LCD connector is nothing special. In case of the SMT v1.0 it's an industry standard 14 pin LCD style connector without the 2 pins used for backlight. It's the same one used for the external LCD port of the Atmel STK200 classic starter kit. You shouldn't use backlight if the smartcard is powered from the IRD because the current might be to high. My first experience showed that nothing seemed to work. Following some investigation I noticed there are several generations of FunCard out there differing regarding some hardware details. a) FunCard HMT v1.0 (holemounted) -restricted support -needs connection from ICP to PB6(MISO) in case of an AT90S8515 DIP this will connect Pin31 to Pin7 to allow interrupts -PORTD used for LCD data!!! -LCD Software sometimes uses 4 bit mode (PD7-PD4) B) FunCard HMT v1.1 (holemounted) c) FunCard SMT v1.0 (surfacemounted) -PORTC used for LCD data!!! d) FunCard Light HMT v1.0 (holemounted) A test archive ( is available for download from the FunCard homepage. This packed file contains FunLED1 and FunLCD1. The LED test program will work with all cards. The LCD test program won't. It is written for the FunCard HMT v1.0. There is no reference regarding this hardware dependancy. The HMT v1.0 used PORTD for transfer of LCD data and commands. The card had a 2x8 pin connector for a LCD module with backlight display (be careful regarding the current). The FunCard SMT v1.0 available in Germany right now uses PORTC for the for the same transfer. Because of different ports used no data or commands will arrive at the LCD and all you get is a single dark line like with any LCD display that has power hooked up to it. After modification of the addressed port this programs works fine using the SMT version. The Atmel STK200 starter kit offers a third choice and uses PORTA for the LCD Data. This is no problem as long as the software is adapted. All you need to keep in mind is that the hex files are written for a specific hardware and might need some modification. Regarding the functionality I found no differencies between the Sharp LM20X21A using an Hitachi HD44780A00S controller and two compatibles (DisplayTech 162C using Samsung LSI KS0070 and DisplayTech 162F using Samsung LSI KS0070B). The Samsung LCD controllers are now called S6A0070. They are compatible to the orginal Hitachi HD44780 referenced almost everywhere. There were some additional problems caused by bugs Atmel ships for free with their STK200 sample programs. It took me two hours to figure this out because I was checking my hardware over and over and never thought about a software bug. Obviously the developer was lacking a 2 line display and couldn't test the second row where he sent all data to the same position. In addition the first row would only display 15 characters. Both were logical errors coded into the sample routines. In summary the test programs will work if you send the LCD data/commands to PORTD for the HMT 1.0, PORTC for the SMT 1.0 and PORTA for the STK200 starter kit. cu SatScan <BR> <BR>Date: 01:10 on 02-11-2000 <P>Following this first step of getting all displays to work I flashed S**ASoft beta1 to the FunCard. All I got was the single dark line seen before. I tried to disassemble the hex file and found some great stuff that might be added on purpose to confuse the disassembler. Using a more professional dissasembler that has great support for the AVR series the file could be disassembled. After some slight modifications it can be recompiled into the same hex file. Checking the code shows that the LCD support routines are implemented already. They do use PORTC for talking to the LCD module this time so using the FunCard SMT v1.0 wasn't that bad. Unfortunately the routines aren't called anywhere so there is no LCD support in S**ASoft beta1. Using S**ASoft beta2 shows the same. The LED support is activated whereas the LCD support has been prepared but not activated. I don't know if it will ever be activated. May I ask the programmmers if you plan to implement this function or stay with the onscreen displays? In regard to the LCD module needed for a FunCard this is industrial standard. You can use any OEM LCD module that is compatible to the Hitachi HD44780 LCD controller chip. There is no need to buy the display that is always recommended if anyone asks for a LCD module to use. cu SatScan <BR> <P>Hi SatScan, Thank you for your interesting postings about using the LCD. I'm sure that a lot of people want to read more about using LCD with the FunCard. Although Twinpics can comment much better on the 'why' and 'how' of LCD, I can tell you that -as it looks now- we will not put too much effort in the LCD support. Here are some reasons for that... - In our attempt to make the FunCard as simple as possible for everyone, it is very useful to remove as much not-neccesary parts as possible. You can already see this on the FunCard Lite (rev.A), which holds only the 8515 and 2464. - During internal tests we found that you can't make the FC use both the LEDs and LCD options at the same time. Like you said, the card is powered by the receiver and -especially in case of a CI module- it's shown that not all receivers / CI modules can give that much current. A solution for that could be to maintain 2 versions of the software, where either the LCD or the LEDs are supported. But this will be too much. Ofcourse we encourage people to play around with LCDs etc. themselves, but for many users it will be too difficult. Regards, LDP LDP Administrator FunCard.Net <BR> <P><BR> <BR> <BR>Hi LDP, thank you for clarifying the current status of LCD support for FunCard S**ASoft. Although admitting I haven't performed the mentioned tests yet I don't feel there is any logical reason why you can't have LED and LCD support at the same time. The LEDs are driven by PD0-PD3 (binary key) and PB2-PB4 (status). The LCD is driven by PORTC and PD4-PD6. The current is seriously something to take into account. As long as no backlight LED is used there shouldn't be a problem. If it really turns out to be a problem a single solder pad could disable all LEDs at once instead of having to maintain two different software levels. Sorry for starting a discussion regarding topics that might already have been discarded. I would like to volunteer for putting the LCD support into the code if it's to anybodies interest. Regards, SatScan<BR> <BR>

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