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[Nokia] dvb 181.9


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Patch of geen Patch dit persoon (Sandra)heeft toch wel het een en ander toegevoegd.<BR>Ik had ook liever gehad dat Uli ermee doorging. Het is toch wel lekker dat een ander dit voortzet. Ik zelf vind dit niet echt een patch zolang er iets wordt toegevoegd. En dat is toch niet alleen de Orf fixed. (keep going Sandra)<P>------------------<BR>

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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by miravalik:<BR><B>It does not work for me. My Remote control not work after programing !!! Please help! Jaromir<P></B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P><BR>Is it still possible for you to reload a previous version of dvb by the serial port?<BR>If not , you have to use the bdm interface to reload the firmware.<BR><P>------------------<BR>edited by Tech smile

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Once you have changed the remote control code in the menu, you can´t switch back to default with your remote beause the RC frequency has changed. The same happened to me, but it was easy to change the FW back to 1817 via SCSI. IMHO it should be possible to reurn to default simply by a hardware reset. All your other general setting will also change to the default settings.<BR>HW reset: Hold all 3 buttons and connect the box to the mains.<P>------------------<BR>

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You can also use the DVB2000 setting en color editor, You will find this proggy in the MISC section from the download section.<BR>I also lost control , but once you send the original setting to your d-box the remote will live again.<P>greetings<P>------------------<BR>

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