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[Nokia] ma 1.3


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Voor degenen die deze versie gedownload hebben het antwoord van Nokia op mijn mail<P><BR> Nokia took a quite new way with the MA1.3 in the organization of the<BR>software.<BR>The memory management was modified, in order to use systemresources still<BR>more efficiently.<BR>That meant in this connection to function faster and to receive more free<BR>memory.<BR>For you means in the conversion, it can over 3000 radio and television<BR>programs be stored now.<BR>Likewise more storage space is available for further menu languages or<BR>OpenTV applications,<BR>the Nokia Guide runs faster and problem-free.<BR>Also more workstation for future features was created now, like the VCR<BR>control or a EPG with preview on several days.<BR>This basic modification leads naturally also to a modified behavior of the<BR>Mediamaster.<BR>That means it that the non-standard data, which were created under the<BR>MA1.2 to the MA 1.3 are not any longer compatible.<BR>Of it concerned all sender programmings, channel lists are and over the<BR>Scriptloader added programs and lists.<BR>The current Scriptloader can´t be used for the MA 1.3. Shortly you find on<BR>the web page "" new, adapted programs and lists.<P>Here, shortly,the most important modifications:<BR>- three new menu languages: russian, greek and turkish<BR>- improved Non DVB behavior<BR>- improved and accelerated OpenTV behavior<BR>- support of encoded videotext<BR>- improved picture and tone quality<BR>- improved satellite handling (NOKIA Sat Scan)<BR>- improved memory management<BR>- improved CA- and Smartcard handling<P>We hope we´d shown you with this explanation that our continuous<BR>improvement of software is important to deliver you as customer also in the<BR>future products, which are containing easily and additionally new control<BR>elements.<P>with best regards<P>NOKIA Home Communications<BR>SAT-Hotline<P><BR>het komt hierop neer dat al de oude settings die aangemaakt zijn met de vorige versies dienen vernieuwd te worden<BR>suc6<BR><B>null</B>

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hier op deze plaats staan de verschillende downloadplaatsen <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <BR>je selecteerd de juiste ga dan in het mehu van je receiver en upgraden van de ontvanger<BR>wel je ci cam eruithalen als je ereen hebt<BR>duurt ong 20 min<BR>zet zeker niet je ontvanger uit (hoe raar hij ook doet)

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