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[Nokia 9600] Help ! Endless message' self test & CI1.06' on MM9600S


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Hi <P>Sorry i don't speak german but i have a serious problem with my box.<BR>I have Nokia Media Master 9600s with bootloader CI1.06& s/w CI2.6(upgraded from 2.3 by satellite), I try with Transbox Pro to upgrade to DVB2000, but the download does not succeed and now i’m with an endless message ‘self test & CI1.06’, when i use Transbox again i have the Error 108 message.<BR>I try to use NSDServer to restore the original software CI2.6 but it does not work and i have’ software Id error message’ !<BR>I don’t know if i’m right or not but i think that the bootloader is still on the box, the bootloader try to load the software in RAM but the S/W is corrupted or absent in the flash memory.<BR>I don’t try to renew the bootloader CI1.06 with B2.00uns wich seems to be the best, and i don’t know if this will be well done by Transbox Pro when the jumper XP06 is on.<BR>I don’t have BDM and i want any method by serial ! <P>anyone can help me !<P>Thank you very much for the support!<BR>Mejdi CHRAKI<BR>

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I am sorry too, we do not speak German but Dutch, the best thing is to go to the international board of sat4all<BR>Any way you made a mistake to try to upload update for DVB2000 in a media box with still the bootloader from Nokia.<BR>You guest it well you need to do this with a BDM only.<BR>You can try some software for Nokia as well and to upgrade the original software for Nokia, with a funcion erase before upgrade!<BR>Good luck. Try this link: <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A><p>[ 22-04-2001: Message edited by: Unetwork ]

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