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### HOT: HUMAX CI-5100 !!! ###


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After the HUMAX CI-5100 C cable-receiver being already available since some weeks, now the long awaited SAT-version HUMAX CI-5100 becomes available sooner than expected! This happened, because the F1-CI is no longer in production and the last units are already sold. The first delivery of CI-5100 units is expected to arrive in the next days.<P>The CI-5100 is now that version, of which we have a prototyp here from Korea for testing since last year November (you can take a look at our test-report under <A HREF="http://www.***.at/SAT/humax_bericht.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.***.at/SAT/humax_bericht.htm</A> , but this is in German language only).<P>That receiver has the same features like its bigger brothers IRCI-5400 & CRCI-5500 (same hardware, softwarefunctionality, OSD, DOLBY DIGITAL,...), but it has no module built in besides the two CI-slots. But it is cheaper and a "best buy" anyway.<P>Sincerely,<BR>Your fucking ****- AUSTRIA Team<P> -----------------<P>P.S. How strange, our name is censored here... Nevertheless, try to use **Fuck'em** instead of the ***, if interested. This is no advertisement, so no need for censoring, we are also a sat-news-provider.<p>[This message has been edited by SAT4ALL (edited 29 August 2000).]

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So you think you can advertise on sat4all, though you know we have Clear NON-COMMERCIAL advertising rules here?<P>Linking to a commercial site is also prohibited here. Just think twice now frown.giffrown.gif<P>Do it again and you'll be verry sorry!<P>------------------<BR>SAT4ALL Webmaster<p>[This message has been edited by SAT4ALL (edited 29 August 2000).]

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Hm, the link was directly to the test report, if you forbid all info that is laying on commercial sites, not much info will be left. But of course the admin makes the rules. If we have had the time to translate the complete test report, we would have done it, but it still needs some more time until our site has English support also. Sorry for the problems, guyz.<P>Sincerely,<BR>The Austrians<P>------------------<BR>

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What I don't understand is that you don't just put any news on our board?<P>That would be fine by me, and then you wouldn't be pissing me off.<P>You probably know what we did to ********?<BR>We don't like doing such things but he left us no choice.<P>------------------<BR>SAT4ALL Webmaster

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