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First Version of 5600 Settings :-)


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Its done laugh.gif<P>First version of 5600 settings. Following bouquets are included, as well as PW F1 Channels and Superdome channels. The SD channels will be verified tomorrow, update will be availablequickly if necessary... (Thanks to Alfredo for a formidably hack for Formula OpenTV!). Here are the included Bouquets:<P>Basis, Premiere, PW Sport, ARD & ZDF digital,<BR>ORF, Erotik, Canal+, D+, Nova, Stream, CSD, CSE, MTV und OPENTV ...<P>Not all bouquets complete yet, but all major channels are there. <P>PW and CANAL+ should be complete as well as <BR>MTV, ARD, ZDF ... <P>Enjoy<BR>Sat_Fan<BR><P>------------------<BR>

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