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New Hydra7000 Poseidon 1.08.2 Image by The_Hydra


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New Hydra7000 Poseidon 1.08.2 Image by The_Hydra




- 1.08.2 kernel (2.6.9-rc5)

- 1.08.2 enigma (2005.02.03)

- Front Processor version 1.04 (with keyboard mouse fixpack)

- Rdgdedit v1.7

(Radegast Edit Plugin by The_Hydra. Invoked from Sm@rtCAM - blue button.)

- Scamedit v1.0

(SCAM Edit Plugin by The_Hydra. Edits SCAM config and key files. Invoked from Sm@rtCAM - blue button.)

- Sm@rtCAM v1.2

(Sticky interface. Makes it easy to stick channels and providers to a softCAM)

(To invoke rdgdedit or scamedit press ok on the softCAM in the list field.)

- Newcedit v1.0

(NewCamd Edit Plugin by ruDREAM. Source shared with The_Hydra, a BIG THX to NiL. Invoked from Sm@rtCAM - blue button.)

- Control Panel v2.0

(To customise just add /var/etc/mycpanel.xml. Invoked by green button.)

- Addons / Plugins invoked by yellow button.

- Camd files in /var/bin for ease of use

- Password change allowed by user to any password

- Modified Simple and Stylish skin with crypt icons and active SoftCam in OSD.

- OSD supports Green Button - C-Panel, Yellow Button - Plugins, Blue Button - Sm@rtCAM

- SNR meter in the OSD

- Internet images updates

- Working DHCP support

- Bullz_text ready - C-Panel has bullz menu. Thanks to bullz

- WIFI ready - /var/etc/init now checks for WIFI

- Ability to move the whole /var directory to USB or HDD

- Games ready - libfx library now bundled with image

- USB Format and Tools now added to C-Panel

- Addon Manager to uninstall and manual install addons

- CIFS enabled

- The_Hydra on-line news service, be the first to see announcements!!!



Fixes / New Features:


- New FrontProcessor 1.04 with keyboard / mouse fixes

- New libjpeg lib built by The_Hydra

- New libungif lib built by The_Hydra - For new standard enigma picviewer

- New PicViewer built into enigma

- Web Interface: 2.7.3

- TS filesize selector for your recordings (650Mb, 700Mb, 800Mb, 1Gb, 1.5Gb, 2Gb, 4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb)

- New pmt file logic for more stable zapping

- New C-Panel servers (now mirrored throughout the world for faster downloads, BIG THX go to JAX, GraveR, TFH and cwispy)

- No softcams onboard ALL to be downloaded

- Tuxtxt v1.82

- New Backup & Restore script by Littlesat

- New SpiderInfo script by Littlesat

- New Netpilot Connectview script by Littlesat

- Newcedit v1.0

(NewCamd Edit Plugin by ruDREAM. Source shared with The_Hydra, a BIG THX to NiL. Invoked from Sm@rtCAM - blue button.)

- Audio Priority Settings plugin by PLi. Source shared with The_Hydra, a BIG THX to PLi.

- Loads of other new scripts (THX to Littlesat and Hyunday magic)

- VLC audio problem fixed (Dutch channels)

- C-Panel is now encrpyted. You may customise your own C-Panel by editting /var/etc/mycpanel.xml. Any settings

added in this file will be concatenated to the end of the encrpyted C-Panel.

- Loads of new scripts (thx to Littlesat and Hyunday magic) (Hemertje please add any other nicks here)

- Enigma config enhancement. Edit /var/tuxbox/config/enigma/config. Source shared with The_Hydra thx to PLi.

i:/ezap/osd/hidebginradiomode=00000000 = no background (when set to 1)

i:/ezap/osd/hideinradiomode=00000000 = osd hide after...(when set to 1)

i:/ezap/osd/timeout=00001770 (Hexadecimal value for 6000ms)


- Also a BIG THX to many users for the offers and suggestions they brougth to The_Hydra Team!



Control Panel:


- New C-Panel layout!

- C-Panel is now encrypted.

You may customise your own C-Panel by creating your own /var/etc/mycpanel.xml.

Any settings added in this file will be concatenated to the end of the encrypted C-Panel.


Howto create mycpanel.xml:


- Create a new file with a linuxeditor (e.g. UltraEdit-32)

- Name it "mycpanel.xml"

- Use the following syntaxes to create your own Control Panel:


For Example:


<directory> # Start of MyControlPanel

<category name="Category name..."> # Begin of the category

<tarball name="Download name..." url="http://www_url/file_name.tar.gz" target="/"/> # Downloading and extracting a tar.gz zipped file

<softcam name="Emu name..." url="http://www_url/emu_name.tar.gz" target="/"/> # Downloading and extracting a tar.gz zipped emu file

<file name="Download (key)file..." url="http://www_url/SoftCam.Key" target="/var/keys/SoftCam.Key"/> # Downloading and copying a (key)file to the wanted directory

</category> # End of the category

<separator/> # Line between the categories

<category name="Category name..."> # Begin of the category

<execute name="Name binary exe file..." target="/var/bin/bin_exe_filename" confirmation="true"/> # Executing a binary exe file

<plugin name="Plugin name..." configFile="plugin.cfg"/> # Executing a plugin

<execute name="Script name..." target="/var/bin/"/> # Executing a script

</category> # End of the category

</directory> # End of MyControlPanel


- Save it and FTP it to your box: /var/etc/mycpanel.xml

- Start Control Panel via the green button on your remote controll and see your own made control panel under the The_Hydra Control Panel...



Standard Addons:


- Satellites XML Loader 1.5

- Start Ngrab recording

- Stop Ngrab recording

- TuxText


Downloadable Addons:


- Bullz_text v0.30

- Dreambox Chess v1.3

- Dreambox Chess Client v1.0

- DreamBox Weather Forecast-X

- DreamFlash v2.3

- DreamNetcast Plugin v1.0

- DrTic v2.0

- Games

- Hydra RuLook Skin 4:3

- Hydra RuLook Skin 16:9

- I Have A Date v1.0

- Jukebox Plugin v0.6.0

- Links Web Browser (USB/HDD)

- Mosaik Plugin

- MV - EPG v.B3.1(USB/HDD) (Once downloaded use double click red button to access)

- PhoneBook v1.0

- Picviewer Plugin v1.0.5

- rss Reader v1.5

- Samba

- Shell_tool v1.0.5

- SysInfo Plugin v0.8.1

- TuxCalc Plugin v1.0

- Tuxcom Plugin v1.7

- TuxText v.1.82

- Wifi Plugin v1.2 thx to daf2000, lologuy and rongogo



Downloadable Games:


- Blocktris

- Bloks

- Chess 1.3

- Chess Client 1.0

- Dreambox Chess

- Lemmings

- Mastermind

- Minesweeper

- Pacman

- Puissance 4

- Snake

- Sokoban

- Solitaire

- Tankwars

- Yahtzee

- Walls



Standard Language:


- English


Downloadable Languages:


- Croatian Hrvatski

- Czech Čech

- Danish Dansk

- Deutsch Deutsch

- Dutch Nederlands

- Finnish Suomi

- French Français

- Greek Ελληνικά

- Hungarian Magyar

- Italian Italiano

- Norwegian Norsk

- Polish Polski

- Portuguese Portuguese

- Romanian Român

- Russian Русско

- Slovak Slovaški

- Spanish Español

- Swedish Svenskt

- Turkish Türk



Standard Skin:


- Simple and Stylish


Downloadable Skins:


- Carbon

- Hydra RuLook 4:3

- Hydra RuLook 16:9

- Star Trek


Standard SoftCAMS:


- None, ALL downloadable via Control Panel now!


Downloadable SoftCAMS:


- CAMD3 v3.681

- CAMX v19.01.05

- CS_CLNT v1.13

- EVOCAMD v5.1


- MGCAMD v20.01.2005

- NEWCAMD v5.28


- RADEGAST v3.14 beta


- SCAM v12.09

- SCAM v25.11

- SCAM v2.5

- XCAMD v2.0



Downloadable Settings:


- Joske Settings (Now automatically reloads the settings into the Dreambox)

- Pet123 Settings (Now automatically reloads the settings into the Dreambox)





This plugin allows you to seamlessly select your softCAMs and allows you to stick/unstick (remember/unremember) your softCAMs by both channel and provider.


This image does not contain any keys or rom files.

It is up to the enduser to add them should he wish to use this image other than with a legal subscription card.

The Hydra team is NOT responsible for any unauthorised use of this firmware.




<<<<<<<<<< U MUST FLASH ERASE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



Please flash erase this image after you install it:


As booting up your Dreambox HOLD IN the UP ARROW button on the box until the message "Flash Erase" appears

on your LCD


Failure to do this may give an error message "Cannot Parse /var/etc/cpanel.xml"







Many thanks from The_Hydra....





Direct download link:

DM8000 + DM800SE + VU+DUO + Wavefrontier T90 + 10LNBs

Hemertje.Dreambox Webmaster

Sat-nerds Moderator

Plinux Member

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het is druk op de site , maar ik heb hem binnen ,ik kan begine <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

2 x Dream Box 7020 Image AAF dm 7020 SciFi

1 x Vu+duo Image OpenPLi 2.1

Draaibaar met actuator 18 inch 90cm Echostar(1995)

bisat G4B+(5 LNB,s) sirius 4.8/ hotbird13/ astra 19/astra 23.5/ astra 28

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Ik had 'm al ff gemirrored op m'n site 'n half uurtje geleden, had wel verwacht dat de boel zou dichtslippen... (de image was al 'n uurtje geleden gelekt) Heb net nog ff gechecked via 't CPanel vd. Hydra, maar daar is die vreemd genoeg nog niet beschikbaar! Het werkt sowiezo niet, als je de internet update optie in 't Expert menu gebruikt, want daar zit nog de oude URL in.

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de mirrorservers zijn een half uur geleden geupdate probeer upgrade via internet nog eens...


deze zou het inmiddels moeten doen!


als je een mirror download wil aanbieden dan beter deze even alsnog op je site te plaatsen ipv de gelekte...


<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" />



succes en veel plezier iedereen...

DM8000 + DM800SE + VU+DUO + Wavefrontier T90 + 10LNBs

Hemertje.Dreambox Webmaster

Sat-nerds Moderator

Plinux Member

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(Hemertje please add any other nicks here)

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/loldev.gif" alt="" />

Een enorm mooie image, natuurlijk <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Dit zou overigens wel de image kunnen worden die geen haperingen meer heeft met newcamd en AU=on! (voorzichtige conclusie...)
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Ondanks dat die hier goed werkt & ook via positieve berichten via andere forums, zal ik ook zeker de hier gemelde image mirroreren, want dat geeft natuurlijk altijd 'n veiliger gevoel <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


Iig weer 'n grote <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggthumpup.gif" alt="" /> voor 't Hydra Team! Maak jij er trouwens nu ook deel van 't team uit Hemertje?

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(Hemertje please add any other nicks here)

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/loldev.gif" alt="" />

Een enorm mooie image, natuurlijk <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Dit zou overigens wel de image kunnen worden die geen haperingen meer heeft met newcamd en AU=on! (voorzichtige conclusie...)

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/anoniem.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/loldev.gif" alt="" />

DM8000 + DM800SE + VU+DUO + Wavefrontier T90 + 10LNBs

Hemertje.Dreambox Webmaster

Sat-nerds Moderator

Plinux Member

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