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De nieuwe ru109-56xx_050311-0208.img


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Dateiname ru109-56xx_050311-0208.img

Dateigröße 5.40 MB

Angelegt 11.03.2005

Beschreibung ru109-56xx_050311-0208.img

md5: 303ef0015774337e809aa0771ad3f760


Welcome to ruDREAM image based on:


kernel v.2.6.9 (mod)

enigma v.109 (mod)

modules v.109 (expanded)


EMU & CARDREADER in image:


only official DreamCrypt camd




internet keyupdate

internet addonupdate

remember emu type for chanel and bouquet




EMUD v.1.22

EMUSET v.1.18




TuxCom v1.7

TuxTxt v1.83

SAMBA v1.9.18p8

ALL EMU (available to download)

OTHER ADDON (available to download)




TETRIS v.1.4

OTHER GAMES (available to download)


Change button funtion:


BLUE button - emuset

YELLO button - plugins list

AUDIO button - sound stream & mode select

TEXT button - video text

RED button - EPG List for current channel

RED button - double click for show EPG Style menu




irc channel #dbox2 or #rudream (dalnet servers)


Special thx to all guys and teams who help us do our image more powerful and stable:


kindzadza, mixvt, lucgas, vhunter, pnk66, puh, xphile, sphinx, Tom0000, mad*spike, mizu, jirka, FvS, komi

ruDbox Team, DBNA Team, DBF Team, The Hydra Team



When you like our work and would like to support it,

you can make a donation using the Paypal button below. Every donation helps,

even when it's ,00!




RUB: 42301810800180190044

USD: 42301840400180190045

EUR: 42301978700180231246


Compiled by:


ruDREAM team


ChangeLog & notes:




- fix dot phantom in service selector



- fix crash enigma, after use textinput for scripservice



- fix many small bug, after updating with cvs



- small fix

- cvs update [09-03-2005]



- added suport check stable work newcamd



- added suport in EMUD run cardspider, for enable run cardspider create file:

echo cardspider >/tmp/cardspider

and hot reboot dreambox

- fix small many bug ADDONMANAGER

- fix window closing if in bouquet select dialog for setting EMU press button Lame

- fix the break of installation and closing of a window if in dialogue for uninstall

of language press button Lame



- added camd3n info

- fix closing a window if in dialogue of a choice of a source for installation of

expansion press button Lame



- adeed Syslog Setup

- fix bug EMUD

- fix small other bug



- fix bug format USB-stick

- added ability save current config and all settings to main flash



- small fix EMUD



- added opportunity to specify the link to a file or only

a way is if the name of a file xml by default will be used


file xml by default: addon_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xml, where

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - number version image

- added output loginfo on syslogd for emud

- fix bug EMUD (crash enigma at change EMU)



- added output loginfo on syslogd, for enable run command:

syslogd -R ( - IP addres you PC)

- fix bug compiling emuset

- fix other bug



- added new serviceselector in file mode:

[multy red button]-[Movie]-[Music]-[Photo]

added the predetermined folders for music and photo:

/hdd/music ; /hdd/photo

- added ability setting of function of the red button of

the selectorservices in file mode:


- added setup serviceselector function red button in expert setup menu

- added setup EPG style in expert setup menu

- cvs update [26-02-2005]



- fix alternative links for addons.xml

- small fix emud and other bug

- added setup slide show in expert setup menu

- added ability set alternative links for images.xml

- mod kernel for supporting more USB-sthick

- added pause update EPG and kill all EMU at flashing image

- fix purpose of buttons for web interface (yello and blue)

- fix pic in help for enigmaMain



- fix enigma crashing if pressing OK on splitsize item in Expert Setup

- cvs update [12-02-2005]

- now use dreambox tag form cvs, enigma as always from head tag



- fix drivers color swaping

- fix busybox killall, now must work with flashwizzard

- add ability set alternative links for addons.xml

- add ability don't hide infobar in Radio and MP3 mode look in Infobar Setup

- cvs update [09-02-2005]



- add decryption dish network epg, thx DBNA team

- fix valign for NTSC mode

- cvs update [22-11-2004]



- small fix emud (work with new mgcamd)

- cvs update [12-11-2004]




(*) available manual installation and loading through the menu

(**) available manual installation



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* i.c.m. Newcamd 5,28 en originele seca2 Kaart,als ik de OSD functie aanzet,gaan de seca2 Ned. zenders aan en uit,geen constant beeld dus ,geeft iemand deze combinatie met een werkende OSD??? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kweetniet.gif" alt="" />


* zappen tussen de Ned. zenders zonder OSD functie,krijg ik wel beeld,maar dan krijg ik een venster te zien met:"this service could not be descrambled". Weet iemand hoe ik deze functie kan uitschakelen???

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kweetniet.gif" alt="" />

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