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wwe wrestlemania 21 - 3 april 2005

Sergio Conceicao

Aanbevolen berichten

Het heet natuurlijk ook niet voor niets World Wrestling Enterainment. De naam zegt het al, het is vermaak, en vermaken doe ik me prima <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


En het klopt dat alles van te voren al bekend is, ze hebben gewoon mensen in dienst die hele storylines schrijven, zie het gewoon als een soap.....


GTST is toch ook nep, is ook al allemaal van te voren bekend, hahaha

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CHRIS BENOIT FOUND DEAD vrouw en kind vermoord

According to lead investigator Lt. Tommy Pope, of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department, in Fayetteville, Ga., the deaths of WWE Superstar Chris Benoit, wife Nancy and son Daniel were the result of a double murder-suicide, has learned.


Benoit failed to appear both at Saturday’s live event in Beaumont, Tx., and WWE’s Vengeance: Night of Champions in Houston Sunday night, after informing WWE of a family emergency. Several curious text messages sent by Benoit early Sunday morning prompted concerned friends to alert Richard Hering, VP of Government Relations for WWE, Inc. Hering, in turn, spoke with Fayette County sheriffs Monday, and requested that they respond to the Benoit residence to check on him and his family.


Authorities representing the Sheriff’s Department initially had a difficult time entering Benoit’s new Fayetteville home Monday afternoon, which had been guarded by two large German Shepherds roaming freely around the property. Once authorities entered the residence, they quickly located the bodies of Benoit, Nancy and Daniel. WWE was notified of the discovery at approximately 4 p.m.


At 10 p.m. Monday night, Lt. Pope held a press conference in conjunction with Scott Ballard, the district attorney for Fayette County. The press conference officially ruled authorities’ findings as a double murder-suicide from within the home.


WAGA, a FOX-owned and operated television station in Atlanta, reported that investigators believe Benoit killed his wife and 7-year-old son over the weekend, then himself on Monday.


The three bodies have been received by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation’s crime lab, in Decatur, Ga., where autopsies will be performed Tuesday morning. Toxicology reports will not become available for at least two weeks. has further information relating to both the investigation and the cause of death, but the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department has requested that not release any additional details at this time.

<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />


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CHRIS BENOIT FOUND DEAD vrouw en kind vermoord
According to lead investigator Lt. Tommy Pope, of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department, in Fayetteville, Ga., the deaths of WWE Superstar Chris Benoit, wife Nancy and son Daniel were the result of a double murder-suicide, has learned.

Benoit failed to appear both at Saturday’s live event in Beaumont, Tx., and WWE’s Vengeance: Night of Champions in Houston Sunday night, after informing WWE of a family emergency. Several curious text messages sent by Benoit early Sunday morning prompted concerned friends to alert Richard Hering, VP of Government Relations for WWE, Inc. Hering, in turn, spoke with Fayette County sheriffs Monday, and requested that they respond to the Benoit residence to check on him and his family.

Authorities representing the Sheriff’s Department initially had a difficult time entering Benoit’s new Fayetteville home Monday afternoon, which had been guarded by two large German Shepherds roaming freely around the property. Once authorities entered the residence, they quickly located the bodies of Benoit, Nancy and Daniel. WWE was notified of the discovery at approximately 4 p.m.

At 10 p.m. Monday night, Lt. Pope held a press conference in conjunction with Scott Ballard, the district attorney for Fayette County. The press conference officially ruled authorities’ findings as a double murder-suicide from within the home.

WAGA, a FOX-owned and operated television station in Atlanta, reported that investigators believe Benoit killed his wife and 7-year-old son over the weekend, then himself on Monday.

The three bodies have been received by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation’s crime lab, in Decatur, Ga., where autopsies will be performed Tuesday morning. Toxicology reports will not become available for at least two weeks. has further information relating to both the investigation and the cause of death, but the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department has requested that not release any additional details at this time.
<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

@Sergio Conceicao,

Kun je misschien een vertaling of korte samenvatting geven?

Met vriendelijke groeten <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

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Profworstelaar Benoit en gezin dood aangetroffen

26 juni 2007, 08:01


ATLANTA (AFP) - De professionele showworstelaar Chris Benoit en zijn echtgenote en zevenjarig zoontje zijn maandag dood in hun woning in Atlanta aangetroffen. De Amerikaanse politie vermoedt dat de 40-jarige Canadees zijn vrouw en kind om het leven heeft gebracht en daarna zelfmoord heeft gepleegd.


Benoit, een prominent lid van de World Wrestling Entertainment-organisatie (WWE), was berucht om zijn vliegende kopstoot. Hij zou komende zondag in een groots aangekondigd duel op een Amerikaanse betaalzender verschijnen. De 'Canadian Crippler' (Canadese Kreupelmaker') meldde zich in het afgelopen weekeinde echter af voor die wedstrijd wegens privéproblemen.



* VU+ Duo 2 sat/kabel - Amiko A3 combo - Coolstream Trinity - Dreambox 800 HD SE - Xsarius Fusion HD SE - Mag254 iptv *

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