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waar mee xxx Irdeto2 kaart activeren?


Aanbevolen berichten

dat kan ik niet precies aangeven.. (daar ik een reeds geactiveerde kaart teste)

dat is alleen bij eerste keer activeren afhankelijk van de methode van activeren door de provider


is het een treintje met volgnummers van kaarten die achter elkaar geupstreamed worden

is het een vaste range upstreamen inzake masterkeys die hun eigen werking hebben op de irdeto kaart


wie zal het zeggen de irdeto 2 is niet dusdanig goed bekend... al stonden er wel wat studies over.


gegevens over het oude irdeto:


When a person phones in to subscribe he reads the ASCII serial number to the operator. The operator then enters the number into a computer with a lookup table that will match the hex serial number to the ASCII serial number. The computer will now encrypt the master key with the hexmasterkey in the lookup table and setup the provider id and send it to the transmission station, the card will now receive this EMM and setup the provider id and save the decrypted master key.


The cards will still not work until an EMM message containing the plainkey is sent to the provider ID programmed into the card. The plainkey is decrypted using the decrypted masterkey.


The service provider must also send the channel ids to the card for the user to watch a certain channel.


The card will now decrypt the session keys in the ECM message using the decrypted plainkey. Then encrypt the sessionkey using the CAMKEY and send it to the CAM. The CAM will decrypt these keys and use them to descramble the raw data to rebuild the picture and sound and send the analog signal to a TV set.


The ECM is sent to the IRDETO card +/- every 15 seconds.

If ECM’s are sent slower this will enable the system to have more airtime to send EMM’s. This normally happens if masterkeys are being changed.


The EMM to update the plainkeys is sent +/- every 10 to 15 minutes.

The EMM to update the masterkey is sent +/- every 10 hours while the masterkey for that provider group is being changed. It normally happens every 3 weeks for 3 days


The provider can change the masterkeys, plainkeys and provider ID’s.

The system normally uses a common number as the masterkey. This number is then encrypted with the provider group and used as the masterkey for that group. Plainkeys are the same for all provider ID’s after being decrypted.


maar ik heb nooit mensen horen klagen dat ze langer dan een uur moesten wachten...



Stay Awhile



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