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Hallo mensen, is er misschien een firmware waar je bv op alle type reiceivers kan laden? (universele)?

Want ik heb een oude DVB alphastar receiver en ik wil het graag hier in nederland uit proberen.

Heb met software van humax en echostar geprobeerd maar zonder succes.

Weet iemand misschien een oplossing?<p>Thanks in advance.

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Ik heb dit net op een site gelezen.<p>Info about the AlphaStar Receiver

This receiver was initially made by Tee-Comm for the AlphaStar DBS service which used a symbol rate of 23.000 and FEC 2/3. Software upgrades since the demise of AlphaStar have made it work with a package uplinked by Spacecom Systems on T5 using the same SR/FEC, but this receiver is also being used for a Chineese package on T5 with SR 20.000 FEC 3/4, so obviously someone knows how to change the SR/FEC on this box by changing the firmware.

It was also used very briefly in Europe where a Dutch distributor re-wrote the firmware to use variable SR/FEC, along with making the menus in Dutch. Since the Tee-Comm 1000 uses the Nokia tuner, it can actually handle SR from 1-45MS/s. It was never sold though, since Multichoice (now Canal+) wouldn't license the CA to the distributor, which does seem rather odd, since AlphaStar used the same IRDETO CA as Multichoice.<p>Weet iemand hierover meer vertellen.

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