Gast Geplaatst: 26 april 2000 Geplaatst: 26 april 2000 Hey dudez!!!<BR>Since I saw that many of you confused 'bout Showtime not workin' on Martin's Wafer source...I thought it would okay if I gave yeh my lame opinion about that.. <P>So why?? Cause the 01 identifier doesn't work for the provider 10 in the Martin Bishop's Wafer source. I guess that wafer supports only one provider 10 and it has to be inserted directly into page 2 of the eeprom! But the problem is that when that Wafer used for decoding MCME (which has both Provider.00:ART and Provider.10:Showtime) and Pro.10 is written directly to page 2, and the Pro.00 and Pro.10 details is also written to HMK section of the eeprom (For ART the identifier should be 00 and for Showtime it should be 01 although IMHO the idenfier is useless in the public released version of the source) then the picture freezes on every ECM update for pro.10 when you watching any channel on pro.00 (ART) then the Wafer details will be Pro.00 ART and Pro.10 showtime **It gets that value from page 2 of the eeprom not from the HMK section**! Why?? Cause the card gets two EMM updates at the same time and again IMHO the source doesn't support two EMM on the same SET which causes the Wafer Card to conflict and try to RESET!!!!!!!!!!! <P> Now, suppose that all the previouse stepes was done to the eeprom except writing the Pro.10 of Showtime to Pager 2 of the eeprom, what would happen??? NO KEY UPDATES AND NO SIGN OF ANY DECODING for Showtime NO MORE!!! And the reason is bloody obviouse: although the Showtime Identifier has been marked as (01)..the Card still recognize it as Prov.00!! You might ask: "Then what in the hell is the Prov.10 in this case???" Well, it will be the one that is written on page 2 of the eeprom (Offset: 0266 to be exact) and that ProID will be used as a default Provider.10 with all the other Provider.00 comibinations!!! <P>Am I on the right track?? Okay...Whazzz next?<BR>Well, I have some tiny info to correct for my buddy Jazzie...Showtime doesn't use Shifted commands as the MCAF do...Showtime uses the same darn commands as any other Provider.10. <P>For MCAF, we got a problem that is quite different from the first one:<P> Since MCAF uses Shifted Commands, it seems that the PIC doesn't optimize the ECMs and hence the answer for 'em will be a goddamn "ChID missing"!!!!!!!!!! <P>PS. MCME uses a pretty different ECMs than the other Providers!!<P> I've arranged some ECM/EMM logs for MCAF and MCME and wanted to send 'em to Martin...but I guess the problems that Sat4All has had canceled his old e-mail adress! Any way, I'd be happy to send such a thing to you Martin! <P>--->>God!! It has been a long time since my last Satellite Releated post!!<P>keEp hAcKinG<BR>nUkEhAcK
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