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New PLi® Citrine Images


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New PLi® Citrine Images powered by PL[color:"red"]i[/color]nux


The Citrine suite consists of the following images:


- Citrine for the DM500 (incl. Alps tuner)

- Citrine for the DM5620

- Citrine for the DM7000 with fully updated v2.6.9 kernel and driver





- 1.09 kernel (2.6.9)

- 1.09 enigma (25-10-2005)

- Squashfs 2.2-r2 with LZMA-compression

- Front Processor version 1.06

- MyPPanel, to create your own script control panel under the Setup button

(based on the CPanel as made by The_Hydra. DAF2000 added, removed and changed some things)

- OSD supports: Yellow Button - Addons/Plugins, Blue Button - PLi Setup

- Password change allowed by user to any password

- PLi Setup

- EMU Setup

- WIFI Setup

- Extra Setup (Sleep, OSD time, Autohide OSD and NO Picture in Radio/MP3 mode, Swapfile and size)

- Firewall ready

- Crond ready

- Audio Priority Settings via Setup

- Addon Manager to (un)install addons

- Debug settings

- USB Format and Tools

- Ability to move the whole /var directory to USB or HDD

- Games ready

- CIFS enabled

- Web Interface: 5.4.2-Expert

- PMT file logic for more stable zapping

- No softcams onboard ALL to be downloaded

- Tuxtxt v1.93



Fixes / New Features:


- 1.09 enigma (25-10-2005)

- Squashfs 2.2-r2 with LZMA-compression

- Timezone settings are stored correctly now

- Bootmanager via WebInterface

- HD sleep time settings via Setup Menu (Extra)

- MyPPanel, to create your own script control panel under Setup

- NewCs support added in EMU Setup

- New and faster deamond

- New filenaming of your Recorded Movies, now it will be <Channelname>-<date>-<time>-<Name_of_the_Program>

- Netpilot can be started when Radegast is choosen

- Updated kernel and Dream drivers

- Busybox-1.01

- Webinterface Zap -> Movies: Possibility to rename the recordings

- Update of the Pingu skin by Redneck Eyeball

- Multiview standard in the image (no need to install via Setup)

- Multiview Icon update by Rick Hunter and Roodkapke

- Feeds update

- PET123 own Channellist url thx to PET123 (from now always up to date)

- HDD speed/acoustics bug fixed

- Language selection in your own native language

- Ecm patch

- Full Media Highway EPG support for ALL Media Highway EPG providers



Known Bugs:


The USB stick wifi doesn't work on this image.

When new drivers are available, they can be downloaded as addon.!



Media Highway EPG



All images in the Citrine suite have an adapted version of Enigma that is capable of handling Media Highway EPG information without the use of external scripts and executables. This standard of sending EPG is used by several satellite providers such as Canal Digitaal, Sky Italia, Canal+/CanalSatellite France and others.

Until our latest Beryl image only now/next information of these providers was available in Enigma EPG. And in Beryl only the Dutch Canal Digitaal provider was supported.

Now ALL providers are supported on this Citrine image!


For loading and reading schedule information it was necessary to use external programs. Even then the information was stored outside the Enigma cache.


With Citrine the MHW information is treated exactly like normal schedule EPG information. Nothing needs to be configured, it just works as Multiview is standard in our Citrine image!


When you tune in on a transponder that sends MHW information the stream is read and stored in cache, you will not notice that the box is reading the information. In case of Canal Digitaal you need to be tuned in for about 15 seconds to receive a full set of information. There is no harm done if you zap earlier. After a successful fetch the reading attempts on that transponder will be suspended for an hour.


The EPG data is visible in Enigma EPG and Multi EPG.

You don't need to do any configuration in MV, it works right out of the box.


One note: Providers do not send MHW information on every channel they broadcast. In most cases information of all provider channels is transmitted from one transponder. Normally you will zap by those transponders often enough.


Pay Attention: All information stored in the EPG can be a huge amount of data!




- Many thanks to the PLi® Beta team for their contributions and extensive testing!



Control Panel:


You may customise your own PLi-Panel in the Setup by creating your own /var/etc/myppanel.xml.

Any settings added in this file will be shown under the PLi Setup via the blue button.


- Howto create myppanel.xml:


- Create a new file with a linuxeditor (e.g. UltraEdit-32)

- Name it "myppanel.xml"

- Use the following syntaxes to create your own Control Panel:


For Example:


<!-- This is a sample myppanel.xml file to show all the possibilities.

Store this file as /var/etc/myppanel.xml


PPanel is based on the CPanel as made by The_Hydra.

dAF2000 added, removed and changed some things. -->


<!-- Each xml file starts with <directory> and ends with </directory> -->



<!-- Use <category> to create sections which will have their own screen.


name : name in screen, compulsory


<category name="Empty menu">

<!-- Add other things here, even nested <category> is possible -->

<category name="Nested menu">



<category name="Click here to see more possiblities">


<!-- Use <file> to download any file from internet.

In this case download a google gif and store it in /tmp/logo.gif


name : name in screen, compulsory

url : download URL, compulsory

target : where to store the file, compulsory


<file name="Download a file from internet"




<!-- Use <picture> to display a file on screen (jpg, jpeg, crw, png, bmp, gif).


name : name in screen, compulsory

target : filename or download URL, both work, compulsory


<picture name="Show a picture in the filesystem"


<picture name="Show a picture from internet"



<!-- Use <execute> to execute a script or program.


name : name in the screen, compulsory

target : program to execute, compulsory

confirmation : ask for confirmation before, optional


<execute name="Show directory listing of /tmp"

target="ls /tmp"/>

<execute name="ls/tmp and an echo, with confirmation"

target="echo Here we go!; ls /tmp"

confirmation = "true"/>


<!-- Use <tarball> to download and install a tarball.


name : name in the screen, compulsory

url : download URL, compulsory

target : directory in which tarball will be installed, compulsory

confirmation : ask for confirmation before, optional

script : execute a program after install, optional


<!-- This example is commented

<tarball name="Download and install something"







<!-- Use <comment> to just display a line of text in the menu


name : name in the screen, compulsory


<comment name="This is just a comment"/>


<!-- Use <plugins> to call the plugin screen


name : name in the screen, compulsory


<plugins name="My installed plugins"/>



(you can find this example in /var/etc/myppanel.xml.sample)


- Save it and upload it to your box: /var/etc/myppanel.xml

- Start the PLi Panel via the blue button on your remote controll, select "Show My PPanel" and see your own custommade control panel...



Standard EMU's:


- None, ALL downloadable via the PLi Setup!



Downloadable EMU's: (version numbers are left out, these will change over time)










Standard Skins:


- BlueQT

- Bluenigma BIG

- Carbon

- Neutrino Style

- Pingu

- Screwed Stone

- Screwed Stone SNR

- Silver Metal

- Simple and Stylish

- Simple and Stylish 16:9

- Simple and Stylish 16:9

- Simple and Stylish SNR



Downloadable Skins:


- Anex

- Anex 2

- Astro

- Autoradio

- Carbon

- Djs

- PLi Like TPS 4:3

- PLi RuLook 4:3

- PLi RuLook 16:9

- PLi Simple 4:3

- PLi Stone 4:3

- PLi Stone 16:9

- Kalibo5

- Platine black/blue (usb only)

- Silver2

- Skully

- Small Special

- Solo

- Star Trek Genesis

- Super Mario

- Surfer

- Surfer Color

- Tropic

- Tropic BIG LCD

- Ultra Light

- V9

- Wise



Standard Games:


- None, all downloadable via the PLi Setup!



Downloadable Games:


- Chess

- Pussance

- 9 Pack



Standard Plugins:


- Dreambox Switch

- MultiView 3.1

- Teletext



Downloadable Plugins:


- Bitrate viewer v1.1

- Bulz_text v0.3.6

- DreamNetcast

- EPG v2.5

- Feeds update

- Internet MovieDataBase v1.09a

- Jukebox Plugin v0.6.2

- New Tuxwetter

- Picviewer Plugin v1.1.4

- RSS Reader v1.5

- SysInfo v0.8.7

- Tuxbox Commander v1.00



Downloadable Channelsettings: (Automatically reloads the settings into the Dreambox)


- Joske Settings

- Draaibaar (Rotating)

- Astra

- Astra, Hotbird

- Astra1, Hotbird, Astra2

- Astra, Hotbird

- Astra

- PET123 Draaibaar (Rotating) Settings



Downloadable Extra Services:


- Base Libraries 1.00

- Apache 1.02

- PHP Apache 1.00

- NFS Server 1.02

- PERL 5.8.0

- Samba 1.9.18p8



Standard Language:


- Nederlands

- English

- Deutsch

- Français

- Español

- Italiano



Downloadable Languages:


- None, will come in our next release



IP tables:


A short explanation about how to use iptables:


1. Blue --> services to run --> Start firewall

2. Edit /var/etc/firewall.users. for allowed ip adresses or host names




This image does NOT contain any keys-, or rom files.


It is up to the enduser to add them should he wish to use this image other than with a legal subscription card.


The PLi team is NOT responsible for any unauthorised use of this firmware.




<<<<<<<<<< U MUST FLASH ERASE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>





Many thanks from The PL[color:"red"]i[/color]nux Team...





Direct download on


<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" />

DM8000 + DM800SE + VU+DUO + Wavefrontier T90 + 10LNBs

Hemertje.Dreambox Webmaster

Sat-nerds Moderator

Plinux Member

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Ook na het inloggen is het niet mogelijk om te downloaden, wordt telkens een nieuw venster geopend......

Zoals vaker gezegd is het niet nodig om te registreren of in te loggen op Sjerom!

Je krijgt er geen extra mogelijkheden mee...

Zojuist hier alle 3 de images tegelijk gedownload zonder dat dat ik ingelogd was.
Ik krijg gewoon een standaard download optiescherm te zien en ze kwamen met 100k/s goed en compleet binnen.


DM8000 + DM800SE + VU+DUO + Wavefrontier T90 + 10LNBs

Hemertje.Dreambox Webmaster

Sat-nerds Moderator

Plinux Member

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klopt, heb de downloadlink nu onderaan het bericht staan

anders dan wanneer er per bericht maar 1 bestand wordt aangeboden, nu dus 3 images...


succes en veel plezier mit deze images

DM8000 + DM800SE + VU+DUO + Wavefrontier T90 + 10LNBs

Hemertje.Dreambox Webmaster

Sat-nerds Moderator

Plinux Member

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Mooie epg, maar bij mij zapt deze PLI niet lekker: vaak geen beeld, of geen geluid. Het kan natuurlijk aan de nieuwe Camd3 liggen, maar ik ga voorlopig terug naar Gemini.


(dreambox 7000)

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Vraagje voordat ik weer uren ga spenderen aan testen van iets wat mischien helemaal niet kan,


Voor de DM500, mogelijk om de /var of de Hele image met FWPRO op een NFS Share te zetten EN een aparte NFS mount voor de /hdd ??



- Mijn dochter kan sneller zappen als ik....

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- New filenaming of your Recorded Movies, now it will be <Channelname>-<date>-<time>-<Name_of_the_Program>


die channelname vooraan lijkt me nou niet echt handig, wel ?

sorteert hij dan niet op channel ???

domme vragen bestaan niet, domme mensen wel.
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