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DrDish Weekend 11/12/13 November

Aanbevolen berichten


Please find below the reception parameters for the transmission of Dr.DishTV. We will start at the same time for all the satellite at 17:00 GMT. The duration of the programs is 4 hours.

The dates for transmission is Friday Saturday and Sunday 11-12-13 of NovemberThe US, Australia and Canada are served later this months.

For more information visit or write to


Satellite: HotBird-6

Localization : 13° East

Polarity : Horizontal

Frequency : 10,971 MHz

Symbol rate : 27.500 MSps

FEC : 3/4

Service name: MRTV

Service ID: 8

Uplink station :RRSAT


Satellite : Amos 2

Localization : 4° West

Polarity : Horizontal

Frequency : 11,684 MHz

Symbol rate : 4.500 MSps

FEC : 3/4

Service name: RR Promo

Service ID: 3

Uplink station :RRSAT


Satellite : Amos 2

Localization : 4° West

Polarity : Horizontal

Frequency : 10,994 MHz

Symbol rate : 4.850 MSps

FEC : 3/4

Service name: RR PROMO

Service ID: 2

Uplink station :RRSAT


Satellite : Hellasat

Localization : 39° East

Polarity : Vertical

Frequency : 12647 MHz

Symbol rate : 27.500 MSps

FEC : 3/4

Service name: AWA Movie

Service ID: 7

Uplink station :RRSAT


Satellite : Insat 2E

Localization : 83° East

Polarity : Vertical

Frequency : 4042 MHz

Symbol rate : 8000 MSps

FEC : 7/8

Service name: RR PROMO

Service ID: 1

Uplink station :RRSAT


Satellite : W5

Localization : 70.5° East

Polarity : Vertical

Frequency : 11305 MHz

Symbol rate : 27.500 MSps

FEC : 1/2

Service name: RR Promo

Service ID: 3

Uplink station :RRSAT


Satellite : Yamal 202

Localization : 49° East

Polarity : Left hand

Frequency : 3792 MHz

Symbol rate : 27.500 MSps

FEC : 3/4

Service name: RRSat Promo

Service ID: 215

Uplink station :RRSAT


nu ook weer... Net effe een stuk boom weggezaagd met de kettingzaag... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Hotbird was niet meer te zien.. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/kweetniet.gif" alt="" />

--> Windows logica: Afsluiten onder Start

Ik vind hem niet..wat doe ik mis?

is hij nu op hotbird?



Triax 78cm met trio hotb/astra1/astra2 Triax110 Aluminium Draaibaar met moteck-SG2100A Diverse Cams--VU+DUO



Thanks for the many e-mails we got from NL. If you missed DrDishTV - tonight at 18.00h the last transmission comes on RRSat/Hotbird - you can see this issue of DrDishTV the whole week in a test broadcsat on Challenger TV on Hotbird. Sorry for the reduced bandwidth, but we are just testing.

If everything goes as planned, the next live show of DrDishTV comes not only via Intelsat 10-02, but also on Hotbird (Challenger TV).





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