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Wednesday, 13th September 2000<BR>Astoncrypt upgrade tests on Astra <BR>Test transmissions for the much awaited over-the-air Astoncrypt CI CAM upgrade are now being carried on Astra at 19.2 degrees east. The software on transponder 12.603 GHz H (SR 22000, FEC 5/6) will upgrade Version 1.00 CAMs to the latest Version 1.03 software. The Astoncrypt CI CAMs, able to decrypt Seca encrypted programming, were first issued with Version 1.00 software, which caused many lock-up problems when switching between providers and individual channels. Transmissions launched in April 2000 on Hot Bird at 13 degrees east to upgrade CAMs failed, due to continued software problems. Astoncrypt CI CAM Version 1.00 owners will be able to upgrade from the 1st October, by waiting on the Astra transponder named 'Astra-Net Slot 1'. <BR><P>------------------<BR>

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