Gast Geplaatst: 9 mei 2002 Geplaatst: 9 mei 2002 I have done some more test with diffrent Firmware versions : Gamma0.09Beta : SECA : OK VIACCESS : OK IRDETO : OK NAGRAVISION : NOT TESTED This firmware has slow channel changing and sometimes gives a "scrambled program, please check subscription" error but after a few seconds it gets picture and sometimes it just gives a black screen without message or picture Gamma0.10 Gamma0.11 and Gamma0.12 Beta : Give "no card inserted" messages with 5in1 FUN cards, sometimes when I'm lucky I can see 5 channels before I get error messages "scrambled program ..." and the Module doesn't see the card (card reset doesn't always work). My system : AstonXena 1700 (Astra + Hotbird) receiver Firmware 3.0008 (Embedded Astoncrypt/SECA and Viaccess) Can somebody tell me if this is the official "BUG Report Forum" for the Magic Module or is there a specific board, website, ... to cotact the developer of the GammaCrypt software ? Greetz
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