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receiver; strong 4375

firmware; v 1.02 march 2002

card/file : fun wit satkoos 5 in 1





nagra=no good, no picture at al

zapping speed =ok



-i see no difference between penta or tetracrypt

-sometimes green blocks when picture moves fast in a movie or program, this happens in seca channels but is not really disturbing

-sometimes *no acces screen appears, but MM is decoding channel succesfully, i just press ok.

-sometimes stream channel not working, then receiver off/on en then o.k.



....crypt version for strong 4375 with nagra.



VU+ Duo, dreambox 500s, Rebox 4000, Openbox, cccam, Wavefrontier 90 met 13,19,23,en 28,2

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Problem with MM is that if used with other PCMCIA or card in internal cam, with all channels not decoded with MM, there is mesage "No access". Is there a way to disable this?


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">citaat:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Onderwerp gestart door Breznjev:

<strong> </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">citaat:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Onderwerp gestart door CutOverSpy2:

But most FTA channels or channels in preview mode (like K Channels) give a "NO ACCESS" message.


Regards</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I have to add my comment to that. For the most FTA channels I have to remove the MM to be able to view them. Also, trying to add channels, with the MM inserted, NO channels are found, with the MM removed, all channels are found....


I do NOT have any problem when using my DiSEqC 1.2 motor


(receiver and software as stated abov)



Ben[/QB]</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">After testing it a bit longer I've found that when watching crypted channels like Can*l Digit**L the same error sometimes shows while the channel in still crypted, (during a movie) the message stays on screen until you press the Esc key on the remote (This is a problem when you're recording a movie, so you can't see what's beeing recorded so it's possible that the last 30min. of the movie can't be watched)

There are also some hick-up problems with most channels (Sometimes image just freezes and sometimes an error message "encrypted ... check subscription" apeirs).


Does this mean that the mm can't reed the card fast enough or that the comm between the receiver and the mm is to slow ?


Receiver: Echostar 3000 IP

Hard/Firmware/Software version of receiver: 900

Bootloader: flash 3.81

Magic Module with Penta software (tetra not tried)

Funfile fun5in1 satkoos


Installed this evening , perfect view no problems to report.


receiver: Echostar 3000ipva 3000, version 800


Card : Fun with 5in1 file by SatKoos

Pentacrypt 1.0


Now and then a lot of blocks on the tv screen

so I'am still not satisfied with the MM

Hopefully the programmers will test the MM on a Star!!




Ups, Ushtar make stupid mistake ;-) yes now MM say "No access" a bit much! Will make fix soon.


I also try and make "No access" message go away automatic (apart from not showing up at all on FTA of course) so you don't have problem when using two cam or receiver that have also embedded irdeto or something.


I also try and make Irdeto goldcard work again..can you please tell me where to find files??




Hallo Ushtar,

I am sure the "no access" banners will disappear in the next upgrade of PENTACRYPT. However, I also hope that you will be able to solve the problem of the "green blocks" that appear consequently on some channels. These green blocks give a conflict with the module, with the result of a system crash (you need a restart) or sometimes you simply get a black screen only. In that case a system reset is also necessary of course.

Technical data of my system:


Receiver : Nokia 9800s Mediamaster

software : 1.3

configuration : Astra/Hotbird


"Green block" interference problems on:


- TVE Spain

- Euronews (hotbird)

- Arirang (all RR communciation channels)

PentaCrypt is much more stable than the previous versions on my machine! I think we are on the right way. Success and I look for your update!


The green blocks on FTA channels are slowly fading away. While tetracrypt did crash on some of the FTA of the ASTRA, Penta 1.0 isn't crashing with my system anymore but on a minority of the FTA channels the green and purple blocks do still appear random at the screen. Good job. Hope you can find a workaround sooner or later.


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">citaat:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Onderwerp gestart door Ushtar Haxhi:



I also try and make Irdeto goldcard work again..can you please tell me where to find files??


Ushtar</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">In the Files section of Duck ( you can find the following Irdeto Files for GW :

Irdeto-file's for pic-card and goldwaffers


Digiman 25-04-02 Irdeto CI ALLCAM AU update File Thanks to Digiman

Strsh 09-05-02 GW Irdeto Strsh

goldcard_irdeto 09-05-02 Irdeto GW file

Pace500gold 20-08-01 Pace eeprom and picfile for Goldprogger. thanx Lagos

kit16PACE 12-06-01 Compleet kit to make working Irdeto files for Pace-500

kit16others 29-07-01 Irdeto kit16 files for non Pace receivers. thanx Wallie


There are also Seca & Viaccess files

Hope this helps you out.




Hello All,


I have an echostar 3000via with version 8.00 bios <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />


Also I am using the latest penta version for the MM.


It looks that I can look all coded channels without a problem but the switching is sometimes too slow.


Also when I am using the video recorder option to switch betwen channels and record a video (with a normal video rec.) it will say that I have no access to look this channel and press exit <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> This is normally no problem when I look live at this movie but not in recording mode when I am sleeping. So in short it is happening sometimes and not always (didn't hat this with the tetra version).


Als when I put reciever on it hangs on initializing the module. When I remove it and put it in again no problem.


When I do the reciever on standby and on initilizing wihout a problem.


So when there is no new version within a some days I will switch back to the tetra and wait on the second new software version...


And Ushtar maybe now make a version 1.01 and then 1.02 that is easier for us <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />


forgot to mention I am working with s*tK**s or b*r*s files 5in1 and flash 3.81.


<small>[ 05-06-2002, 20:54: Bericht gewijzigd door: discusws ]</small>


I want to tell you that viacces is working on a goldcard,but strange enough some bouqets don`t want to work on a goldfile for viaacces.

bouqets that not want to work are the viasats on sirius,hrt on hotbird,tps is working very well also absat.With the fun 5in 1 all is working good except the tps viacces channels,not multivision that is working correct,but all the other channels on tps are blinking on and off.

Then the irdeto on gold is very unstable and hard tot get to work,sometimes i`ll get a channel,a real abbo card irdeto is working perfect.Seca is working good,also on gold.

This is with a humax 5400 firmware 2002G nl

On viasat with gold the message no accept


Echostar AD3000IP Viaccess


MM w/Tetracrypt 1.0





Flash 3.81

Humax EEProm file




Funcard AT8515 & 64K EEprom


Original cards Irdeto1/Seca1


Works 100%, no pixel problems.


43ºW Pas (Spanish Bouquet) VIACCESS OK

30ºW HISP (Spanish/Portuguese Bouquet) NAGRA OK

43ºE TU1C (Star Bouquet) NAGRA OK



5 ºE SIRI VIACCESS (viasat) OK


An upgrade of the MM with Cryptowrks (UPC 15ºW), Conax (All of THOR @ 1ºW) and Videoguard (Sky on 28.2ºE similar to DSS i.e. DirecTV encryption) would be great.


Humax 5400Z

Pentacrypt 1.01

Boris Fun 5 in 1


No Nagravision on Polsat/Hotbird (Hispasat unknown, can't receive due to tree...)


Rest 100% OK ! Keep on the good job.




Echostar 3000 ipva

pentacrypt 1.01

files: satkoos 5 in 1

works oke, also on hispasat 100 %

Polsat i can not tested,(no keys)

Irdeto Stream/hotbird/ and spectatolli etc, too much during the update " no acces"

But after that little irritation you have a very nice picture.





Aston Xena 1700

PentaCrypt 1.01

Fun5in1 By SatKoos


Works the same as version 1.0 but the No Access message doesn't apeir on the FTA-channels and if it apeirs it goes away after a few seconds. Still has some hickup problems (the picture freezes for a few seconds, gets blurry and then continues. Hope you can fix this in one of the next versions)


Good Job on the bugfixing Ushtar !!



I Also tried a DS9-5in1 file form satkoos on a SilverCard but that didn't work.



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