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Newcamd v6.06 !!! upgrade


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Newcamd 6.06 upgrade


v6.06: newcamd: behaviour when requested to decrypt two channels at once changed will now continue to decrypt the recorded channel instead of

starting to decrypt the new (2nd) channel

newcamd: fix swapped control words for MTV+VH1 ESP

newcamd: fix Cabo AU nagra1

newcamd: fix nagra2 ecm nano parser for Cabo

cardserver: err, changed something weeks ago, forgot what exactly (Dreambox) tries to get current channel from

/tmp/.listen.camd.socket when first starting

this means newcamd starts to decrypt immediately

when started after enigma (or later restarted)

needs cvs image compiled Dec 26th, 2005 or later


`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````````


Official release newcamd v6.06 upgrade


check recent.txt for answers to questions asked recently in forums


please use drivers and libs from the last full release 6.01




Some news services indicated the European Union thinking about forcing Pay-TV providers to offer their services beyond national borders to anyone who wants a subscription. We strongly support such a move and we pledge that the emu and cardsharing facilities in newcamd would be discontinued if Pay-TV providers would start to offer their services internationally under the same conditions they offer it to national residents. In particular:


1. same choice and contents of all channel packages (no stripped-down

international subscriptions like Digiturk Euro).

2. same prices as for national customers


It was never the intention of the newcamd Team that people would use it to steal the services of their national Pay-TV provider (or any other provider they could officially subscribe to). If and when everyone would be able to officially subscribe to any Pay-TV package he wants to, under the same conditions as everyone else and regardless of where he lives, we would feel newcamd becoming kind of obsolete. The only reason why we make newcamd support emu and card sharing is to overcome this discrimination by Pay-TV providers to offer official subscriptions to national residents only.

DM8000 + DM800SE + VU+DUO + Wavefrontier T90 + 10LNBs

Hemertje.Dreambox Webmaster

Sat-nerds Moderator

Plinux Member

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De download via het draadje hierboven loopt bij mij vast tijdens de download...

In Gemini 2.6 is het inmiddels via het menu te installeren en hij doet het goed! Nieuwe dingetjes moet ik nog ff teste..



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waarom draai ik nogsteeds met 5.28 o.i.d <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/anoniem.gif" alt="" />

ehm of geen tijd om het te vervangen ...of het doet het gewoon goed <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/biggthumpup.gif" alt="" />

That's Right, PINK FLAMINGO !


Humax 5400Z -->Aston simba 202 draaibaar 60cm triax-->4x Dreambox 7000s met 80cm/1m/1,2m triax draaibaar met 160gb Samsung Spinpoint! Salora schotel 150cm draaibaar.

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Bij mij werkt (zie eerdere posting) NewCamd 6.05 en nu 6.06 niet standaard. De log meldt dat de Local Lan Offline is.. Hoe krijg ik deze aan?? Een NewCamd 6.04 doet het wel meteen..

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