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JTag is inderdaad de enige oplossing. Heb het zelf al meerdere keren gedaan. Alleen jammer dat die dingen (zijn relatief eenvoudig) hier niet te koop zijn.

Maar ze zijn zeker te repareren zonder vervanging van onderdelen.


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JTag is inderdaad de enige oplossing. Heb het zelf al meerdere keren gedaan. Alleen jammer dat die dingen (zijn relatief eenvoudig) hier niet te koop zijn.
Maar ze zijn zeker te repareren zonder vervanging van onderdelen.
<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

De JTAG-interface is zéér simpel zelf te maken met 4 stuks 100 Ohm en 1 stuks 33 Ohm weerstanden, een printer-kabel en een afgezaagde ide-connector.
Deze Jtag hoeft dus vrijwel niets te kosten.

Ik vind het vreemd dat de gegevens en de benodigde software voor het repareren van de M-Vision niet overal bekend zijn.....

Ik weet niet of je op dit forum al de benodigde informatie kan plaatsen gezien de "rules".....
MvG Hans <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" />

Met de JTAG-interface en de juiste software is de M-Vision binnen 5 minuten weer werkend.


VU+Ultimo + 1TB "green" harddisk - OpenPli 3.0

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Bron: Satbox - Satellietforum voor Nederland & België > Ontvangers > M-Vision > jtag intel flash chip TE28F160C3TD70



PDABekijk de volledige versie : jtag intel flash chip TE28F160C3TD70





berend197712-04-2006, 09:33

hallo iedereen is er iemand die mij kan helpen om via de jtag mijn intel chip te flashen ivm rode led syndroom?


chip is de TE28F160C3TD70 flash van intel


alvast bedankt




artware12-04-2006, 15:42

deze chip is beveiligd en moet je per sector wissen.




artware12-04-2006, 15:47

How to reprogram Mvision FCIS7000 containing the Intel TE28F160 flash memory using Jkeys & Wall software




With due thanks to: "Geppetto" "Mvision" "Galaxis" and "Salim Montasser" for instructions.


If like me you have a receiver with either a "red light" "err0"or "err 6" showing in your display panel, the flash memory chip inside your receiver is corrupt and needs to be re-written by means of a Jtag and the correct software all of which is available for download from here. I purchased my jtag for £22.00 from Germany on the internet check E *ay (its a piece of hardware that connects to your computers printer port with another usb lead supplying the +5v required by the flash to make the necessary operations, together with a ribbon cable that connects via the connector "CN1" inside your receiver."


Ok so get the hardware then download the software you need the Jkeys and Wall software (from the stickies here). And the file also here “ Jtag for all flashes” as this file is the only one that contains the files for the Intel.


So open up your receiver and locate "CN1" connect the 20pin connector ensuring that the red lead on the ribbon cable (indicates Pin1) is the right way round, don’t worry too much if you get it wrong because nothing will work if you do but when I did it I didn’t cause any damage!! But try to get it right if you can!! The correct way is to look carefully at "CN1" and see which is pin 1, you can usually tell because the pins are marked either with a small arrow or a number, Pin 1 is normally at the end of CN1 closest to the ribbon cable next to it. While your here you will need to see which "Flash" your receiver has in it to enable you to select the correct settings in "Jkeys"


The flash chip is located approx 1 1/2 inches North West of CN1 and will be one of three types MX29LV160, Intel TE28F160 or M29W160ET

The software we will be using is designed only for these three chips.


The main processor should be an Omega ST5518.


Ok so now we need to connect the Jtag interface to the computer printer port and also a spare Usb port (some interfaces come with batteries and dispense with the usb lead.)


Having satisfied yourself all the connections are correct open the Jkeys software you will see in the top left corner it will detect your main processor in your receiver with a device ID and device type 5518 if it doesn't detect your 5518 then the jtag interface at the end of the ribbon cable is either connected the wrong way round, or not connected properly, be careful because the pins of CN1 are fragile.


Under the heading IRD info check that the IRD model is correct for your receiver make if it isn’t change it to the correct one.

Under the heading "Save memory" the field "region" should show the correct flash chip in your receiver again if it doesn’t then change it to the correct one!


Ok now the next bit threw me at first so I will try to help here in the panel of Jkeys bottom right there are three buttons Flash programming, EPROM programming and Development Panel, click on development panel this will give you an on screen instruction by jkeys to ground pin one switch off the Receiver, whatever you do DONT!!! Instead open "Wall" accept the error message saying the id code is incorrect and then click on resetUp until the numbers and letters in the Implementation field remain the same, you may have to click this several times, when they stay the same then leave wall running in the background, go back to the jkeys error message and click accept, you should now be looking at the "development panel”




The following procedure now changes depending on which flash chip you have in your receiver, these instructions are only for the INTEL TE28F160



Ok so far so good…hmmm,


Development panel


Only for the Intel TE28F160!!!


This bit I got wrong the first few times I did it so follow here very very carefully,

In “User Function click on “load to” this will open up a directory in your computer where you installed the files, load the file “ FCIS7000 TE28f160.bin” now click in the Address” enter the number 80000140 this is the memory address we are going to write the data to click “Get Memstart” and if you have done things correctly the number 80000140 will appear in the data line above, now click “Trigger User” and in the nine “Arguments fields” should appear 00000000 nine times. If and only if you get this result can you proceed by closing the development panel, don’t worry because the settings are now correct to write to the correct memory locations within the flash.


Closing the development panel returns you to the main jkeys screen you were at earlier, check firstly the IRD model shows the FCIS7000 & the Intel flash TE28F160 on the left hand side and on the right hand side Chip/sector programming will show “Full” and the Single location programming address should read 7FE0000 ,if this is not the case you have made an error, as the Chip sector programming will remain greyed out if all is not correct!!


Ok now we ready to program the flash, click on “Erase” to erase the entire contents of the flash memory, we have to do this as we are unable to write to a location that is not empty, now I had to Erase this several times before all sectors were clear, if you want you can check by clicking on “Read” saving the memory dump and opening in “ultraedit” if you have any data in the file the flash is not empty and you will run into problems during the next step.


Now click on the arrow to right of where it says “Full” and instead of selecting “full” select the first of 38 sectors, which is SA0 click on erase again to ensure the sector is clear and then click on program, select the SA0 bin file and then click program a message will appear saying” write to sector xxxx/xxxxxx” say yes and if all is well the first sector of the chip will be written.


Now at this stage I started to get very excited, don’t because I got as far as writing sector 12 when I received an error message stating “unable to write to sector xxx/xxxxxxx address is not empty!! After starting the whole procedure again from the start I got as far as sector 13, the next time sector 37!!!


What I think was wrong and this is only speculation on my part, is I don’t think my jtag hardware power supply could cope with so much use, as the error appeared at different sectors, so I hope you are luckier, anyway and this is important, the way I did it was when I reached a sector that returned an error I erased that sector only, and then tried to re-write, you may have to do this more than once, sometimes this worked sometimes it didn’t, if it didn’t then the way to go is to remember the sector you last programmed, close jkeys and wall, yes close them, open them again, and go through the procedure of resetUp select the chip and receiver click on development panel go through that procedure again, until you return to the flash programming screen, but this time do not click on “Full” and do not click on “erase” or you will erase the sectors you have already written.


Select the sector that returned the error, ie if you got as far as programming sector 19 successfully, then when you tried sector 20 it refused with an error, now start to program sector 20 again and you should find it will work! If it refuses erase that sector and try again, if it wont program close jkeys and wall and try again from 20. what I didn’t realise at the time was if I had successfully got as far as sector 30 and then got an error then I was starting from sector SA0 again, it is not necessary to do this , as the data previously written stays there unless you do a “Full” erase. I discovered this by getting as far as sector 37 when I got an error so I thought I would just try writing the last sector and it worked!!!


So to reiterate as you write sector by sector successfully, that location will retain the data unless you do a full erase.


So that is the procedure for the Intel flash, the procedure for the other two flash memories are much easier in my opinion as you do not have to write the flash sector by sector but in one go.



I hope this guide helps, you do have to have a lot of patience, but if you persevere you will get there in the end, I am happy to assist anyone that has problems just let me know.









kalemisj02-12-2006, 10:50

Please can anyone tell me where can i find and download ''Jtag for all flashes''

and the flash dump for ''TE28f160c3T'' mvision 7000

Thank you in advance




haaren02-12-2006, 12:08

# http://##GECENSUREERDE TEKST OF URL##/files/4694230/MvisionE_JTAG.rar.html




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