Satlook Geplaatst: 7 april 2006 Geplaatst: 7 april 2006 Image bevat geen keys of emus Black dragon v1.3b BD Team InjectoR v1.3b released.... This is a 8MB image. Based on the official image 24-03-2006. Requirements: + usb stick compatible with TD kernel * Removed all languages files except Default language ( English ) * Removed all skins except Default skin. * No keys & no emus inside. * NO PASSWORD added. * To set a password telnet to your box and run command passwd. You can change it by yourself. * Increased /var directory size to 2.2MB. * Added new Web-interface v0.1. How to Install : * Flash First with the 8MB image. * Configure your network. * Open a web browser and connect to your TD. * Go to " Addons Manager " & Install as you like DM8000 HD - Newnigma VU+ duo - PLI Triple dragon - PICmod cronbear1 image Echostar 7000 viaccess Gregorian 120 & 90 cm Visiosat bisat
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