Gast Geplaatst: 9 mei 2006 Geplaatst: 9 mei 2006 Mahdi heeft onder firmware 1.33 een nieuwe emu-versie uitgebracht. ====Sammy Revolution v2.0[A]====2006.05.08==== -Add Cryptoworks keys to RAM(Need new editor) support only 5 providers address: 0x0960 0D03C0.... PROV_ID address: 0x0970 key format 60 01 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 1 byte (60) - cryptoworks ca 1 byte (01) - provider number 1 byte (00) - key in use 8 bytes CW key (only need second 8byte of 16 byte key) -Fix Cryptoworks Freeze -Fix Conax EMM (now emm send to card , you must *oFF* Emu_EMM by remote) File Name: Samsung_DSR9500_Rv_v2.0[A].bin File MD5: 30E1ACC100F6543449A2506BC1BF4367 File CRC32: 48BEB768
Gast Geplaatst: 16 mei 2006 Geplaatst: 16 mei 2006 ook seca2 ? misschien kun je de firmware er bij plaatsen... In ieder geval mooi dat er weer nieuwe ontwikkelingen zijn!
Gast Geplaatst: 17 mei 2006 Geplaatst: 17 mei 2006 helaas nog geen seca2 via embedded cam. weliswaar zitten we ondertussen al weer op versie 3.1 hier even de history: ====Sammy Revolution v3.1====2006.05.13==== -Add Cryptoworks & ORF(not test) -Add 16 Prov_ID FOR Cryptoworks in ram(Need DSR Editor5.4) *This Providers work (Digiturk/ Link/DMC15°W/British Telecom/Czech Link) File Name: Samsung_DSR9500_Rv_v3.1.bin File MD5: 41FEBC3E4C32CB38C38EDCEA63BBDD32 File CRC32: 378DD7E5 ====Sammy Revolution v3.0====2006.05.11==== -Fix Cryptoworks keys with DSR Editor5.3 (opkey 00 ->keys 00,01 / opkey 01 ->keys 02,03) -Fix Many bug in internal EMU (now emu is very stable!) File Name: Samsung_DSR9500_Rv_v3.0.bin File MD5: 7CEEB35F1CC882E1466C0A3934DC7B83 File CRC32: 8BACCF0A ====Sammy Revolution v2.1====2006.05.09==== -Add Cryptoworks keys to RAM(Need new editor) -Fix Cryptoworks Freeze -Fix Conax EMM (now emm send to card , you must *oFF* EMM by remote) File Name: Samsung_DSR9500_Rv_v2.1.bin File MD5: 30E1ACC100F6543449A2506BC1BF4367 File CRC32: 48BEB768 ====Sammy Revolution v2.0====2006.05.08==== -Add Cryptoworks (digiturk,Kingstone,xtramusic,DMC15°W) -Add CA_sys Menu (Exit Button)(only for show channel CA_sys) -Add Message ID for ON/OFF EMU&EMM -Add Biss -Fix Nagra2 EMM Problem -Fix Sharing problem (Gbox soon) -Fix Some bug File Name: Samsung_DSR9500_Rv_v2.0.bin File MD5: B35B6B19C8DBC3CC98271DAA8337E5B8 File CRC32: 0A3A8D48 ====Sammy Revolution v1.0====2006.04.01==== -Nagra2 D+ / Polsat AU -Nagra2 (opkey 86 ->key 01 & 02) (opkey 96 ->key 02 & 03) -Nagra1 Support for Mediapark -Nagra Support for 17 Provider id (need new editor) -And other is similar old version File Name: Samsung_DSR9500_Rv_v1.0.bin File MD5: DDCB5B9D17A09BD8BF5B22DE6CF097AC File CRC32: 8DC3A855 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sammy Revolution is a Firmware with internal EMU for Samsung DSR9500 Box And Based on Firmware v133 FW Support: -Multi language (polish language have problem ) -Internal CAS Support for (Viaccess and Conax) -Card Sharing with serial port (need software) -CAID List Support for 1000 Channel (like multiple coding system channel)(need editor) -Channel detail (PMT & SID Pid) ------>2x Red Button -ON/OFF internal EMU (back to normal!) ------>PG- / PG+ / BLUE Button -ON/OFF EMM (AU) ----->PG- /PG+ / RED Button Emu need for first use: 1) Load Sammy Revolution FW to Box 2) Turn OFF back box (for 5 min *Important) 3) Turn ON box 4) Load Keybuffer and Caidbuffer with editor to box 5) Turn OFF Box with remote (save data to box) 6) Now Emu ready for use........ *)Emu work only with Conax Card (card without key) **)Need CAID list for select right ca_sys channel (if not availble caid list emu choice first ca_sys) Enjoy Thnx to H2Deetoo & Eurocrypt Sammy Developer © 2006 MAHDI
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