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Redbox Team presents

RedBox Image based on 2.7 SVN115 PAL and NTSC Version

Thanks to Veenson and Highland teams for their help and bidlo for the new skin more pleasing to the eye!


revision 7j with some important bug fixes and new features



Lots of little changes but main features:

Neumo OSD included - New look

Both gb~x and old mgc~md work properly.

Latest c~md3 with CW support works.

Fix ip set to (can be changed)

redbox manager plugin under plugins

shoutcase plugin

no keys included

Geckow 1.0 interface included and upgradable

Menu+X hotkeys (as in rudbox images)


Image removes:

ppp and dhcp support






Om het licht te zien:

edit camd3.config , en wijzig BOXTYPE naar 8

VU+ Duo2 met  4x DVB-S2 / 2x Dual DVB-S2 Tuner. Plugin remote channel stream converter

Wavefrontier T90. 6x Google TV Android 4K clients.


Citaat "Om het licht te zien:

edit camd3.config , en wijzig BOXTYPE naar 8 "



Hebben we dan ook geluid ? <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />


Geluid werkt dan ook, volgens mijn info is deze mutatie met name van toepassing voor de Via-access kanalen.

VU+ Duo2 met  4x DVB-S2 / 2x Dual DVB-S2 Tuner. Plugin remote channel stream converter

Wavefrontier T90. 6x Google TV Android 4K clients.

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