Satlook Geplaatst: 17 mei 2006 Geplaatst: 17 mei 2006 TDman v.11c Edition Update Based on latest official image. You MUST have latest TDman 11a in box to install this update. NEW!! Finally added Camd3 emu to box. Just set it in BMToy. TO USE NEW CAMD3 YOU MUST ERASE/INIT VAR PARTITION FROM BOOTLOADER MENU Remember to backup Your settings before updating!! Fixed problem with initializing hdd. Should work ok now. * Included newest Newcamd, Evocamd, Mgcamd, Radegast and Camd with libraries * Removed samba stuff (You can still use it, just copy binaries to /var/bin and chmod755) * Removed some skins. * Bmtoy ver. 4.99b, noalco 7.6 * Added CAIc plugin for info about crypt systems (Camd3 = C3 added). * Keys as always for reference. Update on Your own. One thing more. Sometimes You have problems with channels and favorites list. It is due changes in format of them. Scan once again orbit and make new one. Note: If some people are using this readme in their own releases please don't forget to notice from what release they are taking it, or write their own file. Enjoy. Tdman <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" /> DM8000 HD - Newnigma VU+ duo - PLI Triple dragon - PICmod cronbear1 image Echostar 7000 viaccess Gregorian 120 & 90 cm Visiosat bisat
EBOR Geplaatst: 17 mei 2006 Geplaatst: 17 mei 2006 Leuk alweer een nieuwe Image, Het gaat de laatste tijd snel met de T.D. DM920 Ultra HD; Newnigma, DM800HDse, Oppo-BDP-105EU, Rotel RSP-1576,Rotel RMB 1095, LG UH850V, Monitor Audio Gold 200 4G
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