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Starspeeder problemen


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De laatste dagen waren er enkele problemen met Starspeeder. Hierbij de tekst van de rondzend mail van CBL.<P>The problem of interruptions during file downloads has been identified . <P>Result : <P>The Internet carrier ( C&W ) has problems with IP package lost's on some of his route's . Is the package lost more than 12 % , the download interruptions are getting worser and worser because our system verifies the packet and tries to recover them respective tries to get them one <BR>more time . <P>If this happens , the traffic volume doubles every 30 sec. !!!! <BR>This natually may be a disatvantage in a Unicast system like we have , but has the reason to guarranty high package quality to the enduser's . <P>Finally C&W is testing now different route's as well as filter's to sort it out . This should be finished by tommorow . <P>Once C&W has established a proper connection , we on our side will start together with our dealer's a discussion to find a way of certain refund's for those which were concerned of this impact . <P>We on our side , would like to express to all of our user's our thank for the great support and for the help to analyse this problem and also to present to the user's a very big <P>" Excuse us "

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