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tdimage_2006_06_10.bin (min. requiered: 8MB_image_0_10_0-3_29-2005_11_15)


- bugfix: detailed eventinfo allowed to scroll out of the screen.

- bugfix: in Teletext, if the displayed page was a newsflash- or subtitle-page,

a new entered pagenumber was not shown.

- bugfix: scrollbar's where not updated correctly everytime.


tdimage_2006_06_09.bin (min. requiered: 8MB_image_0_10_0-3_29-2005_11_15)


- bugfix: on the language selection screen (on bootup) the displayed "welcome"

window title could be translated to the wrong language.

- change: changed DirectFB to work in "FRONTONLY" mode. This saves the half

of videomemory and is nearly twice faster.


tdimage_2006_06_08.bin (min. requiered: 8MB_image_0_10_0-3_29-2005_11_15)


- bugfix: while a running recording the displayed recording progress time

depended on the local time offset, which was wrong.

- new : a small splash-screen showns the current state like the LCD.

- bugfix: The Video Media Player did not play some normal MPEG-files at all.

With this bugfix, the filetype does no longer depend of the filename

suffix, so the player detects the the used MPEG-standard by the data

inside the file and not on *.mpeg, *,dat and so on.

- bugfix: fixed updating the current selected service for service-browser and

timelined EPG after pressing OK inside the timelined EPG (switch to

the selected service).

- change: added a new flag to the service-db (fully backward compatibility) to

differ blocking of service-updates from PMT and SDT.

- new : Added LCD-support to language selection dialog on bootup.

- bugfix: blocking-free channel-change (no blocking artifacts in picture).

Note: blocking artifacts still can happen on bootup with the first

service and in PVR-playback after fast forward/rewind.

- bugfix: The state of SCART Pin 8 was not correctly restored after switching

AUX-device off.

- bugfix: When entering the maintain favourites menu first time, the name of

the automatically generated list "new list" was not translated to the

currently selected language.

- bugfix: The application crashed on timeshift-start, if the infobar was visible.

- new : Added flag in the service-db to prevent a manually added service to be

deleted while a scan. Upcoming settings-editors hopefully will support


- new : If you switch to a service, which provides linked services, you can

each linked services as a single service to your servicelist. While

on such a service, just call the service-options dialog (left/right

cursor button), select the linked service you wan't to save and press

the blue button.

- new : tdcontrol-plugin: new command "ver", which reports some version info.

- new : tdcontrol-plugin: new comman*s rcs, rci, rcf, rct, rcn, wcs, wci and

wcf especially for settings editors. This will enabled loading a new

service-list and/or favourite-list without rebooting the box. The

detailed developer-information is available as PDF from the public


- new : enabled the zoom in/out buttons. This works only, if the output-format

is set to fixed 16:9 ! In that case, if the source-format is 4:3, you

can zoom in to different x:9 formats. This is usefull, if the service

transmit letterboxed content. If the source-format is also 16:9, you

can zoom in and out from 50% to 150% of the image size, where 100% is

the original size.

- new : plugin for network-streaming. You can enable a streaming server in

the extras-menu and are able to connect to the box with various

streaming-client applications. We prefer VLC from,

but it will also work i.e. with Microsoft Mediaplayer 9.

DM8000 HD - Newnigma

VU+ duo - PLI

Triple dragon - PICmod cronbear1 image

Echostar 7000 viaccess

Gregorian 120 & 90 cm

Visiosat bisat


ook uit nu de TDman 12.a gebasserd op de laatste officele:




TDman v.12a Edition


Thx to TDTurkey Team for some stuff taken from their image.

Based on latest official image.

It is 8mb version - no need to install official first.

Remember to backup Your settings before updating!!



* Included newest Newcamd, Evocamd, Mgcamd, Radegast with libraries

* Removed samba stuff (You can still use it, just copy binaries to /var/samba and chmod755 - links added)

* Removed some skins.

* Bmtoy ver. 4.99b, noalco 7.5

* Added CAIc plugin for info about crypt systems.

* Keys as always for reference. Update on Your own.



Enjoy. Tdman

DM8000 HD - Newnigma

VU+ duo - PLI

Triple dragon - PICmod cronbear1 image

Echostar 7000 viaccess

Gregorian 120 & 90 cm

Visiosat bisat


volgens mij zit er nog een bug in deze image TDman v.12a Edition ik kan namelijk niet in het menu extra komen dan reset hij weer als je daar in wilt gaan

iemand anders al geprobeerd

Dreambox 7020 open pli,Dreambox 7025 open pli

triple dragon picmod,humax 5400

kathrein 910 Titan

Openbox S10


Heb hem er ook even ingezet en bij mij werk alles goed.

Heb de g**x van de exteme in /var/bin chmod755 gezet maar deze ziet hij niet.

Verder geen resets gehad.

DM920 Ultra HD; Newnigma, DM800HDse,

Oppo-BDP-105EU, Rotel RSP-1576,Rotel RMB 1095, LG UH850V,

Monitor Audio Gold 200 4G


ik heb var leeg gehaald en daarna die image er in gezet kon in het menu niet in extra komen wat doe ik dan fout

Dreambox 7020 open pli,Dreambox 7025 open pli

triple dragon picmod,humax 5400

kathrein 910 Titan

Openbox S10


Ik heb hem gewoon over de Extreme heengezet geen var leeg gemaakt.

misschien moet je hem gewoon er nog eens in zetten er kan iets fout zijn gegaan.

DM920 Ultra HD; Newnigma, DM800HDse,

Oppo-BDP-105EU, Rotel RSP-1576,Rotel RMB 1095, LG UH850V,

Monitor Audio Gold 200 4G


Inmiddels is TD Extreme 2.0 ook uit


, over deze versie.

Nieuw bootlogo.

G**x met evocamd in menu

g**x met camd3

g**x met mgcamd.


En alle andere emu's


Deze image bevat geen keys of emu's.

Alles gaat via het web panel.



DM8000 HD - Newnigma

VU+ duo - PLI

Triple dragon - PICmod cronbear1 image

Echostar 7000 viaccess

Gregorian 120 & 90 cm

Visiosat bisat


iemand deze er al in gezet TD Extreme 2.0 als ik hem op dhcp zet dan valt mijn net werk uit van de dragon

Dreambox 7020 open pli,Dreambox 7025 open pli

triple dragon picmod,humax 5400

kathrein 910 Titan

Openbox S10


Ik vond het ook al vreemd. Dit heb ik ook.

Dus niet op DHCP zetten maar gewoon even in typen en in de gaten houden

hij wil wel eens weer terug switchen.

Ben blij dat dit aan de Image licht , dat scheelt weer wat speurwerk.

DM920 Ultra HD; Newnigma, DM800HDse,

Oppo-BDP-105EU, Rotel RSP-1576,Rotel RMB 1095, LG UH850V,

Monitor Audio Gold 200 4G


ja ik dacht dat ik gek werd dacht dat mijn dragon dood was gegaan dus gelukkig niet

Dreambox 7020 open pli,Dreambox 7025 open pli

triple dragon picmod,humax 5400

kathrein 910 Titan

Openbox S10


Ik heb vandaag ook even extreme 2.0 er opgezet maar dit is weer een heel goed image <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" />

DM8000 HD - Newnigma

VU+ duo - PLI

Triple dragon - PICmod cronbear1 image

Echostar 7000 viaccess

Gregorian 120 & 90 cm

Visiosat bisat


satlook heb jij ook een probleem om de webinterface aan het wek tekrijgen van deze image extreme 2.0

Dreambox 7020 open pli,Dreambox 7025 open pli

triple dragon picmod,humax 5400

kathrein 910 Titan

Openbox S10


Eerst even je cookies wissen dat hielp bij mij.

DM8000 HD - Newnigma

VU+ duo - PLI

Triple dragon - PICmod cronbear1 image

Echostar 7000 viaccess

Gregorian 120 & 90 cm

Visiosat bisat

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