Gast Geplaatst: 31 augustus 2006 Geplaatst: 31 augustus 2006 Hoe krijg ik in newcs de kaartlezer van de dreambox aangestuurd, zodat ik deze kan gebruiken? <newCSconfig> <readers name="Card Readers"> <device> <name>lower</name> <type>Sci</type> <node>/dev/sci0</node> <export>1</export> <enabled>1</enabled> <blocksa>No</blocksa> <blockua>No</blockua> <blockga>No</blockga> <boxkey>0000000000</boxkey> <crypto-special>yes</crypto-special> <carddetect>yes</carddetect> <newcamd_port>10110</newcamd_port> <priority>round</priority> <!-- hard is default --> <sid> <allow> <!-- valid value for id are: 4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it. --> <id></id> </allow> <deny> <!-- valid value for id are: 4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it. --> <id></id> </deny> </sid> </device> </readers>
DRG Geplaatst: 31 augustus 2006 Geplaatst: 31 augustus 2006 ik mis de <mhz> optie.. als het een @home kaartje is zou dit <mhz>600</mhz> moeten zijn zie net dat het niet uitmaakt bij een dreambox <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <export>1</export> <enabled>1</enabled> dit kan alleen yes of no zijn geen 1 of 0 Diverse meuk... maar dat boeit niemand toch..
Gast Geplaatst: 31 augustus 2006 Geplaatst: 31 augustus 2006 Ik maak gebruik van een Caiway kaartje (irdeto2). Met de config die ik toegevoegd had was ik geëindigd. Standaard is het deze: <readers name="Card Readers"> <device> <name>phoenix</name> <type>Phoenix</type> <node>/dev/ttyS0</node> <mhz>357</mhz> <!-- or 357 --> <parity>even</parity> <export>yes</export> <enabled>yes</enabled> <blocksa>No</blocksa> <blockua>No</blockua> <blockga>No</blockga> <boxkey>0000000000</boxkey> <PTShandshake>no</PTShandshake> <crypto-special>no</crypto-special> <carddetect>no</carddetect> <newcamd_port>10110</newcamd_port> <priority>round</priority> <!-- hard is default --> <sid> <allow> <!-- valid value for id are: 4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it. --> <id></id> </allow> <deny> <!-- valid value for id are: 4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it. --> <id></id> </deny> </sid> </device>
DRG Geplaatst: 31 augustus 2006 Geplaatst: 31 augustus 2006 je bent me even kwijt... open de newcs.xml die in de zip bij newcs kwam.. pas de waardes aan en vervang de oude newcs.xml in de dm500 ( ik neem aan dat je het volledige pakket van newcs gedownload hebt ) Diverse meuk... maar dat boeit niemand toch..
Gast Geplaatst: 31 augustus 2006 Geplaatst: 31 augustus 2006 Dat is nou precies waar ik niet uitkom. Ik heb de handleiding van e-smith uitgevoerd en alles werkt. Mijn opstelling is pc met e-smith server. Kaartlezer op com1 Mgcamd op dreambox Bovenstaande config werkt goed, alleen wil de externe kaartlezer die aan mijn pc zit verwijderen en de kaartlezer in mijn Dreambox zit gebruiken. Ik heb gelezen dat het kan, alleen leggen ze niet uit hoe. Het zit hem denk ik in : SCI en /dev/sciX/ ________________________________________________ <device> <!-- valid value for name are: Any name of your choice, just to name the device for you to read. --> <name>Dreambox 500C</name> <!-- valid value for type are: phoenix, dbox, sci, dragon, sc8, mp35, pcsc (for own binary) or infinity(for own binary). --> <type>sci</type> <!-- valid value for mhz are: 358(3.58mhz), 450(4.5mhz), 536(5.36mhz), 600(6.00mhz), 800(8.00mhz, 1000(10.00 mhz), 1071(10.71mhz) (not yet used on dreambox/dragon). This setting is now IMPORTANT, normal phoenix usually have 3.57mhz, and can be overclocked to 6mhz. For the others you probably need extra crystal (be careful). --> <mhz>600</mhz> <!-- valid value for node are full path to device, f.ex /dev/tts/0, /dev/sciX (for dreambox), /dev/cardreaderX (for dragon), /dev/tts/USBX (for a usb2serial device). COMx on Win32, COM1, COM2 etc. For PC/SC this is just 0, 1 ,2 and so on (reader number) --> <node>/dev/sci0</node> <!-- valid value for infinity_number are number of device, if you have multiple, only used in infinity binary, 0, 1 ... --> <infinity_number>0</infinity_number> <!-- valid value for slot are: 0-7 (only used on Sc8). --> <slot>0</slot> <!-- valid value for parity are: Odd, Even, None (ignored on sci and dragon). This is only used on serial _BEFORE_ ATR is recieved. --> <parity>none</parity> <!-- valid value for reset are: normal, inverse (ignored on sci and dragon). normal is phoenix, inverse is smartmouse --> <reset></reset> <!-- valid value for export are: Yes,No - if not exported only localhost can connect. --> <export>Yes</export> <!-- valid value for enabled are: Yes,No - if not enabled it cant be used. --> <enabled>Yes</enabled> <!-- valid value for blocksa are: Yes, No - block shared address emm to card. --> <blocksa>No</blocksa> <!-- valid value for blockua are: Yes, No - block unique address emm to card. --> <blockua>No</blockua> <!-- valid value for blockga are: Yes, No - block group address emm to card. --> <blockga>No</blockga> <!-- valid value for boxkey are: The boxkey of your nagra STB. --> <!-- <boxkey>0000000000</boxkey> --> <!-- valid value for nagra are: The RSA key from your nagra STB. --> <rsa>0000000000</rsa> <!-- valid value for crypto-special are: Yes, No - Used to enable/disable real-time mosc on Cryptoworks. --> <crypto-special>No</crypto-special> <!-- valid value for PTShanshake are: Yes, No - Used to enable/disable real-time HighBaud on Cryptoworks and Viacess. --> <PTShandshake>No</PTShandshake> <!-- valid value for carddetect are: Yes, No - Used to try to detect if card is present in you cardreader. --> <carddetect>yes</carddetect> <!-- valid value for newcamd_port are: 0,65535 - Which port newcamd server will listen for incomming connections. --> <newcamd_port>15000</newcamd_port> <!-- valid value for autosid are: Yes, No - Let NewCS decide which sids should be allowed/denied based on card answers. --> <autosid>Yes</autosid> <!-- valid value for Seca-PPV are: Yes, No - Let NewCS decide which sids should be allowed/denied based on card answers. --> <Seca-PPV>no</Seca-PPV> <!-- Notes about Service ID's: There are some points worth mentioning: 1. If you allow a sid, all others will be rejected for that caid. 2. When you deny a sid, all others then the denied will be let through to that caid. 3. If you dont specify a reader, all sid's will get let through. 4. Put as many provider-sections in sid as you'd like, and as many id-sections under allow/deny as you want. 5. Deny is the stronger one, will always override allow. 6. If you want to add several sid's at once, do <id>0000:0010</id>, this will add all ten to list. --> <sid> <allow> <!-- valid value for id are: 4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it. --> <id>0000</id><id>0001</id><id>0002</id> </allow> <deny> <!-- valid value for id are: 4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it. --> <id>0000</id><id>0001</id><id>0002</id> </deny> </sid> <!-- valid value for priority are: hard, round, fifo - hard is lower userid, higher priority(gets ECM through before user with higher id), round, there is an equal chance for all users to get ECM through, fifo, first sendt ECM gets through. --> <priority>round</priority> </device> </readers>
DRG Geplaatst: 31 augustus 2006 Geplaatst: 31 augustus 2006 Ik zie zo 123 geen fout... als je telnet naar je dm500 en je start handmatig newcs wat is dan de output ? Diverse meuk... maar dat boeit niemand toch..
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