Gast Geplaatst: 12 september 2006 Geplaatst: 12 september 2006 NeumoTeam 2.9a image for 200s, 400s 200s image needs some further testing, will be released soon. Many thanks to [color:"blue"]deeptho[/color] , who has been working almost his entire summer vacation on this image! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" /> Download at the NeumoTeam fileserver: New features *network update via http. In the network update menu, choose "add server". Add the server as usual. You will have to enter something (e.g. the letter "r") for the username and password even if the website does not require one. After adding the server, you can use "modifify server" to change the protocol to http. You can also edit /var/update_server_list, which has a new format. *menu-X runs /var/script/ *improved layout of epg-display. *new standby-mode "DGS original" *wider channel list to allow more room for program titles and icons; improved icon layout: icons are placed as far right as possible instead of being aligned in columns. *internet epg icon in channel: icon looks like two computers with or without a red cross. The first variant means "internet epg is available on this channel and has been activated by user". The second variant means "internet epg is available on this channel but has not been activated by user". Press the "check" button on the remote (the one that looks like a "v" and is below the left arrow button) to toggle the status. Icons appear only after you install internet epg software *auto start time can now be set in "Neumo team options" (used to be fixed at 03:00 hours) *ext3 support: ext3 is a journaled filesystem. After an unclean shutdown, it detects and corrects any meta-data corruption on your hard disk in a very short time. This way a time-consuming full file system check is avoided, and you will no longer have to wait 15 minutes before relook reboots after a panic. Note that even with the ext3 file system a corruption can occur, for instance if your hard disk is dying. To detect such cases, once in a while (by default: every 20 mounts, every 20th time you activate the relook) a full filesystem check will be run even if it is not needed. ext3 support is NOT automatically activated. For each filesystem you have to decide whether or not to activate it. The filesystem that needs it most is /var/media. Make sure it is unmounted and then run the following command tune2fs -O has_journal /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part4 Use tune2fs -i 4w -c 100 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part4 to schedule a full fsck every 4 weeks or every 100 mounts (whichever comes first) instead of after the default number of days and mounts Once you have activated ext3, you can deactivate it using the command tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part4 You can even move your hard disk to a system that does not support ext3 BUT ONLY if all ext3 partitions are CLEANLY unmounted first. *sqlite3 command line client now has command line recall. Press up arrow to view and edit the last type command. Backspace and delete work. *passwd command: use "passwd relook" to alter the password *syslogd, klogd: use "syslogd -O /tmp/syslog; klogd" to log console messages to /tmp/syslogd *strace: use "strace -f -o /tmp/log command" to find out what command is doing *ntpclient: use "ntpclient -s -h $NTPHOST" to set system time from ntpserver $NTPHOST. You can also synchronize continuously with ntp server but that does not seem to work (ntpclient -l -h $NTPHOST&). *adjtimex: use adjtimex -t $TICKS -f $FREQ to slow down or speed up your system clock if it is running ahead or behind. Needs to be run on each boot *additional options for "find": -exec and -print0 *less: "less" is a better version of "more" *dropbear ssh server and client: only works after you have created some keys. Run the following commands to create the keys: cd /etc/dropbear dropbearkey -t dss -f dropbear_dss_host_key dropbearkey -t rsa -f dropbear_rsa_host_key *sftp-server: this allows you to connect to relook using sftp. *tar: tar now has the -T option *ldd, strace, fuser (useful for debugging) */etc/fstab to facilitate mounting. Could this not be used instead of the mountmanager config file? We could move fstab to /var/etc and then link to it. Other changes *New database schema (1.15.1). Database is automatically upgraded from 1.15 (and perhaps earlier versions). *improved /bin/init: works without changes on hard disk and nfs installation; handles ext3; simplified code. Support for internet epg: shutdown is delayed if internet epg is running. RF-part of relook is shutdown. Shutdown continues after internet software finishes, when the user presses the powerbutton once more, or when a scheduled recording is going to start. *busybox has been upgraded to 1.2.1 *telnet has been removed: you can still telnet TO relook but not FROM (does anyone use telnet FROM relook?) *upgraded sqlite3 to version 3.3.6. *added "universal tun/tap" support as a module to the kernel. This can be used in openvpn. Added sound support to the kernel (simplifies using sandali's dvb api support) Solved bugs *improved robustness against erroneous NULL values in database. *channel epg now displays the channel being watched, not some other channel *rev 529: log.smb and log.nmb now stored in /tmp/ instead of in flash *rev 346: if current channel has no epg, info banner showed program from last channel. *fixed DiSEqC 1.1 *fixed subtitle bug *crash in channel epg when database is locked *crash when pressing epgbutton twice *long program names extend over icons in the live banner. Known (unsolved) bugs *many transponders are missing in newly created db.dat files. This is a bug from official 2.9a. You will only be affected if you erase your db.dat and then recreate it. You can add missing transponders using a manual scan. *some part of the epg gathering code makes relook crash. The problem happened continuously during some weeks, but is now gone. The most likely explanation is that the bug is still there but that it only causes problems when certain epg-data is transmitted and that currently no such data is transmitted. *geckow web interface only works partly. The reason is that the sqlite3 file format has changed. Geckow should be relinked to support both old and new format. *if your channels are ordered non-consecutively then a satellite scan will use existing channel numbers for the newly found channels. The new channel cannot be reached by pressing the channel number. *daylight savings time: relook does not switch automatically to and from dst. In the user interface, timezone CET should be added. The option for dst should be removed (or at least disabled for CET) because switching is automatic. *channel epg is not updated when new data arrives: press "right" a couple of times until you reach a channel with no data. Now press "check". the current channel is activated and epg-data (usually for the next 2 programs) arrives on the transport stream. However, it does not appear on screen (as it does in the regular epg display). I you zap to another channel and then back, the data will appear, proving that it is indeed there. *network update: it should be possible to input a blank username or password. Now this aborts the process of adding a new server. This is annoying because for http update usually there is no need for a username and password. The problem is that the virtual keyboard handles empty input quite differently from everything else. *network update: user should be asked to select a protocol (now it is set to ftp; the user has to press "modify server" later if he wants to change it) *When watching a program already in progress, the progressbar starts at start time of the program. It should start at "begin time of watching" so that users know what he will record with "include time shift". *when inserting new harddisk -fdisk produces errors. It seems to work anyway, but the errors should not appear. -some partitions should be formatted as ext3 by default instead of ext2 so that user does not have to activate ext3 manually. -var/data is not mounted initially. If the user proceeds with channel search db.dat will be created in /var filesystem instead of in /var/data. At the next boot /var/data/db.dat will appear to be missing and the user has to do the channel search again. Also, db.dat is now stored twice in flash: once in /var/db.dat (backup copy) and once in /var/data/db.dat. The second copy is useless because /var/data is overmounted with a hard disk partition. It occupies valuable space on the flash chip. *various parts of the gui display time based on different underlying code. In some cases different times (by one hour) can appear in various parts of the gui. The time reported by the command "date" does not take into account the current timezone and may be inconsistent with the gui-time. *some parts of the code user sql insert queries of the following type: insert into ... values (v1,v2) This should be replaced with insert into ... (c1,c2) values (v1,v2) The second form lists the names of the columns to be inserted and continues to work when columns are added to the database, whereas the first form fails. *The code should more gracefully handle NULL values in database tables. Null values are never entered by relook itself but can occur as the result of bugs in external software of the pc-editor type. Many parts of the code crash in this case. The crash can often be avoided by treating NULL as 0. Zero is also an illegal value in many cases (e.g. as a channel number) but does not cause a direct crash. *on off-the-air channels, title of next program is displayed, even if the next program is hours away. *sound is out of sync during playback of recording if another program is simultaneously recorded. Proposals/ideas for new features *check filesystem just before shutdown instead of at startup. Even with ext3 it can happen that relook starts up for recording, but then spends 15 minutes on fsck which causes recording to start late. The main disadvantage would be that relook may now be busy for 15 minutes at shutdown (it cannot be restarted, it can not wake up to make a recording). *the ability to "edit" recordings. For instance, cut out commercials, remove material before the beginning and end of the recording etc. Could be implemented as in mythtv. 1. GUI part. you press a button (the blue one?) to enter "edit mode". At the bottom of the screen a bar appears which is similar to the "progress bar" on relook. Once in edit mode, the picture freezes and you navigate through the recording using the left and right button which jump forward/backward a fixed amount of time. By pressing UP/DOWN this amount of time is changed. This is of course much handier than relook's << and >> buttons which are rather difficult to use for accurate positioning. When you reach the start of a commercial, you press "bookmark" and then a popup appears with the question "do you want to delete to the left or right" (and some additional options which are not so important for the explanation). Once editing is finished, the user leaves edit mode by pressing a button (e.g., again the blue button) The end result is that in a database, not only the bookmarks are recorded but also a flag to indicate that a specific region(s) between two bookmarks are to be deleted. The user interface reads this info and when playing back the recording (except in edit mode) it skips the deleted parts. So, you play back the movie from the beginning to the end without commercials. It seems to me that this type of "editing" mode is not too difficult to implement since the code for bookmarking is already there. 2. TRANSCODING PART. in the "list of recordings" screen mythtv allows a user to (later) select a special option on a recording, which is called "begin transcoding". If this option is set, the recording is added to a todo-list in the database and a background process running at low priority starts to actually convert the recording to a smaller one by removing the deleted parts, thus saving disk space. Since relic has already studied the file format of relook, it should not be difficult for him to write a command-line based program that does the actual cutting. Also, cutting speed is not important, since it happens in the background and the user can continue to watch the program if he wants. Of course, then we still need a "job manager" that periodically checks the database for work and then launches the cutting program. When cutting is done, it should also replace the original recording with the cut version. That is not too difficult either (but it must be reliable. We do not want to loose recordings) By the way, the transcoding could have sub-options to e.g. also convert the file to mpeg format, for download on a PC (but that is a different story). *Advanced recording options as in Mythtv. In particular: "record this program at any time on this channel". This is also not too difficult too implement. The way it would work is that the user selects the "transcoding: option in the recording screen. relook would then basically do what it does now (schedule a reservation, only for the current program) but it would do one additional thing; copy the epg-record for the program to be recorded to a new database table, with an additional flag to remember that this is a "record at any time on this channel" (because we may want to add other options later). A background process that would run every night (e.g. after downloading epg-data) would check the database and look in the epg data for matching programs. If it finds one, then it makes a reservation for the program. *Update recording in case of schedule change: even for regular recording, it would pay of to store the epg-record in a database. The background process could check every night if the beginning time of the program has changed and then modify the reservation if a program is scheduled later or earlier. *in live banner, when epg-record is displayed left and right buttons should update the summary as well as the title. *compile.c should tell us the correct compilation date, not a fake date. _________ relooker
Gast Geplaatst: 12 september 2006 Geplaatst: 12 september 2006 Mooie image, goed werk afgeleverd <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" /> Ook te vinden op: Have fun.
Gast Geplaatst: 12 september 2006 Geplaatst: 12 september 2006 woow er is hard gewerkt blijkbaar <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" /> ere wie ere toekomt ... als simpele gebruiker heb ik nog deze toevoegingen voor de toedoe lijst: Citaat: 1. GUI part. you press a button (the blue one?) to enter "edit mode". At the bottom of the screen a bar appears which is similar to the "progress bar" on relook. Once in edit mode, the picture freezes and you navigate through the recording using the left and right button which jump forward/backward a fixed amount of time. By pressing UP/DOWN this amount of time is changed. This is of course much handier than relook's << and >> buttons which are rather difficult to use for accurate positioning. When you reach the start of a commercial, you press "bookmark" and then a popup appears with the question "do you want to delete to the left or right" (and some additional options which are not so important for the explanation). Once editing is finished, the user leaves edit mode by pressing a button (e.g., again the blue button) ....._ relooker Dat gedeelte lijkt mij nogal ingewikkeld voor voor de gewone huiskamer gebruiker <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> kan je niet eerst gewoon het huidige vooruit en terugspoelen 'vervangen' en die filmedit dinge via een plugin toevoegen ? kan je de intensiteit van het frontpaneel instelbaar maken ? en de scart metteen uitzetten bij het uitschakelen ? kan je de webinterface van enigma ook niet 'lenen' ? <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" /> kiep up de goed work !
Gast Geplaatst: 12 september 2006 Geplaatst: 12 september 2006 @relooker: is er een verband tussen de sterkgewijzigde DGS software die we deze maand mogen verwachten en deze image ?
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