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I hope that the following can help. Sorry, written in English.

I don't know how to attach files otherwhise I would have attached the complete

Xcamd configured files. But with the text you can reach the target !


Howto SECA2 official card activation

Dreambox SECA 2 : Canal Satellite and likely Canaal Digitaal initial rights access activation


Note : I've used that procedure to activate a 13 month prepaid card.(Csat Passionnement) on January 17, 2007


On Canal Satellite, the normal procedure to initialize the right access at the beginning of the period

is to request the activation to Csat (via phone or via the Activation on the web site), switch the decoder

to 13ème Rue and wait until the picture comes up.

I've been waiting during 3 day's and nights without success, trying several EMU's and an XCAM.

Here is how I've finally managed to activate my initial rights :


1- How to check your rights <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />the official sat card is installed in the low reader)

(You can skip that section if you are sure that your card is read OK)


Install CAMD3 8.80c in your Dreambox and configure correcly the CAMD3.CONF file in /var/keys.

Here is my config. You should find this lines at the end of the CAMD3.CONF file.









Change also these lines (uncomment and/or change values)

Uncomment line #LOG=2 and change it to LOG=1

Change the Logfile section to LOG_FILE=/hdd/log/camd3.log (don't forget to remove the

comment # sign at the beginning

of the line)

Save the modified file.


! If you use that Camd3 emu normally, don't forget to comment again the LOG lines after card activation

in order to prevent the logging process to create a huge file on your HDD. Please note that you can

create the file in /var/log if you don't have a HDD in your Dreambox.


Restart the CAMD3 Emu (or reboot)


Using ftp, get to the /hdd/log directory and open camd3.log file.

You shoud see someting like this on top of the log file, after the initialization procedure


18.01.2007 08:17:42 camd3: Slot /dev/sci0: TYPE -> SECA

18.01.2007 08:17:42 camd3: Slot /dev/sci0: CAID -> 0100

18.01.2007 08:17:42 camd3: Slot /dev/sci0: SER -> 57

18.01.2007 08:17:42 camd3: Slot /dev/sci0: PRV -> 0000: SECA endet am 1990/00/00

18.01.2007 08:17:42 camd3: Slot /dev/sci0: PRV -> 0080: CANALSATELLITE endet am 2007/02/28

18.01.2007 08:17:42 camd3: Slot /dev/sci0: PRV -> 0081: CANAL+ endet am 2007/02/28

18.01.2007 08:17:42 camd3: Slot /dev/sci0: PRV -> 0082: SPARE-A endet am 1990/00/00


In that example, that means that my card access rights are OK up to 28 Feb 2007. But still not picture !


2- How to activate the initial rights (Card installed in the lower slot)


This is the process to activate the card without any additional hardware CAM like Astoncrypt CAM.

That process make use of a quite old cam (2003) named XCAMD which is a sort of software emulation of the XCAM PCMCIA

card. Xcamd is able to process correctly the SECA2 activation sequence, but unfortunately (for me) it cannot be used

all the time, as a few minutes after activation, the screen returns to black. No proble with this, as you can return

to Camd3 after the activation and have all channels cleared.


Install XCAMD version 2.0 in your box (follow the instructions in the excellent doc and install each file in the

appropirate directory.) Don't forget to change the file properties to 755 otherwhise the xcamd in /var/bin will not


Pay attention not to override your /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key file if you use it regularly.


2.1 - XCAMD Configuration


My XCAMD.conf in /var/etc looks like this (only uncommented lines are shown) :






enable_execution_tracing=1 (if you want to trace the activation, but there are not much interesting infos)




2.2 XCAMD script to start Xcamd form the Blue panel with Green button (Gemini image) :


Create and install the following script in /var/scripts and save it with the name









case $1 in


/var/bin/xcamd &



killall -9 xcamd



$0 stop

exit 1




exit 0


(Don't forget to use a unix like editor (Textpad or Ultraedit (UTF format))


3- Reboot your box. Using the blue panel, switch to Xcamd and restart the CAM (green button)


4- Switch to the 13ème Rue channel on Canal Satellite (or on an encrypted channel with another Seca2 provider)


5- It took only 3 to 5 minutes to get the channel cleared.(activation OK)

(just to be sure, I've reactivated the activation procedure on CSAT web site (Espace Client))


6- Unfortunately, after another 3 minutes, the channel got black again.


7- Simply switch to Camd3 again (or Newcamd if you prefer) , and the channels will remain clear.

(Do not forget to switch the logging file off (LOG = 0) (see point 1) !)


(Note : I kept the Xcamd installed in my DM, because I'm not sure that I will not have to re-use it by the end of

the first validation period (e.g end of Feb.)


Good luck



Sorry, maar ik was op vakantie. Check je pm en we kunnen deze dan activeren zoals ik u uitgelegd heb via pm




Ik heb mijn Canal+ kaart via de website van canalplus geactiveerd.

Gewoon met je klantnummer inloggen... werkte voor mij perfect.

CT ET9000 1000GB Openpli Oscam

DM800HD 320GB Openpli CCcam 2.3.0

Triax 88cm, 4 twin Lnb's,2x 4/1 diseqc

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