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Er is weer een nieuwe Nabilosat img, erg mooi en draai hier perfect op USB.

Veel download mogelijkheden en werkt perfect met gbox. o.a peerinfo tijdens zappen enz.

kortom een aanrader.







Nabilosat Image v 0.4


You can use this Image with:

DM7000 in Flash and Multiboot

DM7020 in Multiboot


Ps. Remember to install from the Image you have in flash when you install this image in Multiboot.



Wat's new:


Enigma CVS 26.1.2007

Patch 1.10


* Fixed Yellow button hd always runnign

* Fixed Bug that crashed Enigma in file Mode

* Added ECM INFO in Emu Manager.

* Added 5 New great Bootlogos by Army

* Added Gsub autostartup support

* Added:

------Network icon (When Network is decoding)

-----Emu icon (When Internal Emu is decoding)

------Card Icon (When Smartcard is decoding)

* -Emu Ecm Info in OSD additions:

* Mgcamd & Evocamd:

---Added: OSD text Informations on source

---Added: Icons (Emu/Network/Card)

* CCcam:

---Added OSD text info: caid and provider and decode type

---Added: system decrypt detect (system decrypting label green)

---Added: Icons (Emu/Network/Card)

* Updated Busybox from default 1.0.1 to 1.2.1

--New busybox commands:

* [[

* awk

* md5sum

* nc (netcat)

* netstat

* udhcpc

* usleep

* Epg improved:

* Added Epg cache autedect when zap on a Channel with Epg stream data:

* -- Popup to notify that stream is found, EPG is updating and request to not change channel

* -- Popup to notify when Epg update is complete

* -- Popup to notify when Epg cache file is saved

* Added a new section in Extra settings for Epg config:

* -- Location currently used

* -- Save Epg cache on hdd/usb/cf

* -- Enable MHW Epg

* -- Disable Epg Popup Advertisment

* Added a new section: Nabilo OSD Preferences


* Disable Ecm Info in OSD

* Disable Network Info in OSD

* Hide Infobar Timeout




Original epg_cache code is by aalex77.

Special Thanks to aalex77 and Juliet team to help to improve Epg in Nabilosat Image.


Thanks to all the PPL that contributhed to this version:

Nabilo - Franjuve and all the beta tester

Many Thanks to Matrix10 for Nabilosat Skin and the testing and inspirations of major additions

Many Thanks to Army for support and wonderful Nabilosat logos and skins and to MaximoII

Many Thanks to special testers as

greg for help in CCcam specifications

FUNLOY for testing and support

Rocknroll for bugs notifications

and V@NJ@ ,Darkvideo and all Nabolosat team.

Special Thanks to Fbrassin for is great work to provide to Nabilosat ppl packages.

Enjoy Nabilosat !!





Hystoric image



Nabilosat Image V 0.3



What's New:


* Moved plugins from 2xBlue to 2xYellow

* Redesigned Blue Panel to have in the main window the Emu Managment.

* Start/Restart Cam moved to OK button in Emu field.


Immediate download an installation of latest key package and automatic restart of current emu

* Added 6 logo with random function. Nabilo 0.3 is the first to have a random function in the loading of second bootlogo. It works in this way:

- First logo is fixed and it is always the same

- Second logo is choosen from the image at each startup between 6 different images.

* Added Compact Flash autodetection and mounting at start-up

* Fixed Ecm encryption system











Nabilosat image 0.2 -151007


CVS 10.1.2007

Patch 1.10



added webif expert

added private EPG

added EPG Expert

added plugin WeekEpg

added Hard Disk settings and Info


Added categories in download area:

Nabilo image Plugins

Nabilo Image Skins

Nabilo Image Script

Nabilo Image Languages


Added button-up and button-down working in Main Menu.

Fixed Bugs:

- Encrypt type

- Inadyn settings

- Plugin conflicts




Released 6.1.2007



Image x FLASH 7000 and MULTIBOOT USB - HDD - CF (7000 and 7020)


- Enigma 1.09 - CVS update 12.2006

- LZMA compression

- busybox

- WebIf

- Tuxtxt



BLUE Button:


1 click: Nabilosat Blue Panel (Nabilocam)

2 clicks Plugins




Nabilo Panel Detail:


- Green button: Start / Restart Cam

- Red Button: Autocam Config



-- Autocam Window:

--- Select Default Cam

--- Select provider Cam

--- Select Channel Cam

---- Green Buton: Save





- Blue Button: Plugins


- 1 Button: System Info

--- Dreambox

--- Mount Points

--- Process Info

--- Memory Info

--- Enigma Setup

--- Bitstream


- 2 Button: Extra Settings

--- Swap space configuration

--- Inadyn advanced setup






NabiloCP (Yellow Panel)


- Addons Download Manager

--- Nabilo Image Cams

--- Other Cams

--- Keys

--- Plugins

--- Script

--- Settings

--- Skins

--- Image


- Manual Install Panel

- Addons Uninstall Panel

- Images Uninstall Panel

- Nabilosat Forum

- Nabilosat Shoutbox

- Shoutbox Nick config

- Nabilosat Statistics




- Included Plugins:


---Satan Keys Updater


---TuxBox Commander

---Start Ngrab recording

---Stop Ngrab recording


OSD Added infos:





- Provider Name

- Encrypt type

- Current Cam

- Prov id

- Cayd

-- Decode type: (Network - Internal - Slot)

-- Network Card Info:

-- Card provider

-- Card id

-- SL

-- Level

-- Distance





- Reiserfs




- Packman

- Snake

- Tetris



No Keys, No Emu Inside.



thanx to all nabilosat teams and to all who help us on this great project

specialy Thx to bacicciosat Thanks to Matrix10 for suggestions and to Army and MaximoII for bootlogos. Thanls to N@bilo Franzjuve and Fbrassin for cooperation and to all the beta testers.


for any suggestion or propose to help us on this project plz

contact us on




Enjoy Nabilosat !

Denk eerst eens na voordat je een scherpe opmerking maakt !!!!


ik gebruik nabilosat al een tijdje en ik

moet op dit moment geen andere meer stabiel en erg mooi.

grt Monica <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" />


nog ... geen plan voor enigma2 nabilosat image


alleen CVS nabilosat dm7025


CVS nabilosat dm7025 wat is het verschil dan enigma? wat zit er dan in? zelfde opties/mogelijkheden als 7000 ?

Dreambox 8000 HD- 1TB HD - OpenPli Image



toch nog kleine (denk ik ) bug gevonden.

In bestands modus moet ik eerst voorwaards spoelen wil de opname afspelen.


Wachten op 05 dus.

Denk eerst eens na voordat je een scherpe opmerking maakt !!!!

Ik kan in dit img nergens de optie vinden om de var naar de usb stick te verplaatsen waar moet ik die zoeken?

goeie vraag. Ik kon hem ook nergens vinden.

dreambox 7000 triax 88CM met een MTI High line serie 0.2 dB AP8-T2NRC en Stab hh 100

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