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What's JTV-project?

The aim of JTV project is to build a free (as freedom) stb middleware useful for multimedia consumption and interactivity.

The medium term focus is about:


- reduce the barrier for a new market of content and services creation

- give to the end user the power to improve and fix their box when it fails

- fair usage of scarce hardware resources,

- portability on different platform,

- license free and patents free (where such legislation should eventually apply)


Where JTV is now?

At 2007 may, it's the porting and the enhancement of Sun's GPL Java virtual machine Personal Basis Profile on a Power PC SOC set top box hardware.

Java CVM running on Linux supplies the platform indipendent executing environment for digital television applications with network connection, gui, memory access, extended api support for smart card and audio video decoding.

A BusyBox collection of tools supply a remote shell for development and debug purposes.


What can i do, now, with JTV?

Not many fancy things. you can flash your DM, see a splash screen and then see the first java application writing a greeting and the STB IP address, no more..

Now it's your turn: you can write a java application on your host computer (with the build package) and test it on the box; this is what the IP address is for!


To whom it may concern now:

- Digital set top box and Media center manufacturers

- Multimedia closed user groups service providers

- Broadcasting networks and Internet Service Providers interested in high interactive royalties free software for their decoders and services

- Digital signage's solutions providers

- Academics interested to research and develop software for decoders and set top box

- Ethusiastics end users interested to use and to develop the best media center for their own home, if you can write a java program for pc or for mobile phone now you will be able to write java for your set top box, join us!


To whom it may concern tomorrow:

All the citizens who are worried for their freedom in the digital world we are going to live in.


When JTV-project was started?

At the end of 2006 Sun released some of its code bases on Java technologies under GPL licensing.

Among them there is Personal Basis Profile CVM Java Virtual Machine code base that was realeased for the phoneme community project aimed to smart phones and pdas but the original design of these Java technologies was for digital television set top boxes and decoders, didn't you know? google it ;-)

Many private companies already provides these java virtual machine technologies for digital television with a closed source, proprietary APIs (if not MHP), royalties based business models.


Current status:

The first porting is started, basics api enhancements are occuring right now, a lot of work still necessary to realize a GUI for basic set top box functions: tuning, channels list management, channel search, ... this part of the project is identifyed as JTV-Navigator.


Which hardware platform is currently supported?

JTV-1000 targets STBx25xx from IBM, you can find different hardware providers for Linux set top boxes based on it, among them: Dream Multimedia.

Others examples of platforms available on the market and possible targets are the Nec's Emma2 or ATI's Xilleon, if someone has the willing to start a porting for another platform can contact us for suggestions and to get a codename like JTV-1020.

This particulary build was started for DM7000 and it will extend with code JTV-1000 to others STBx25xx SOC like DM500


What is the software license?

It's GPL v2, being based mainly on GPL v2 code bases


Is this project an open source MHP / GEM / BD-J aka Blu-ray disc java/ JavaTV implementation ?

No, but all of these standards are based on PBP so JTV is the suitable base to start clean room implementations of the above standards, we also suggest to follow these specifications while adding new apis and functionalities.

We want to add to PBP a minimum low level set of api exposing the hardware functionalities to make possible to implement high level api like MHP and the others adding only pure java code to the JTV-Navigator.


What about JTV-Navigator?

This is the GUI with which you'll be able to use all the functionalities of the STB.

Today is just an idea, it will soon have its own concurrent open source repository


Where is the community working on JTV?

You can join us today here on the cin-ecast mailing list:



This readme guides you to java programming on dreambox jtv images.

whatis.txt tells you more about jtv project.

For developers interested to build the firmware and java virtual machine you should get the jtv-build-* package and check for buildimg.txt.

buildimg.txt guides you to build the java virtual machine and its libraries, this is for jtv firmware developers looking to add new api, api bug fix or new hardware support.


To install the dreambox jtv image on your dreambox:


The firmware image is called root.cramfs, upload the image to the /tmp directory on the dreambox via ftp, username is root, password is dreambox.

Assuming the original firmware is exectuing go to the setup menu of dreambox, select Software Update, then manual update.

After reboot the ip got from a dhcp server will be displayed and dreambox is ready.


To build the .class of your java application:

You will need a java compiler, to build the firmware it was used javac from j2sdk1.4.2_13

javac -target 1.1 -classpath

the classes are in the firmware image, to get them you have to ftp to dreambox and get look into /java/lib

The classes implements a large part of Java Personal Basis Profile between 1.0b and 1.1


To execute the cvm:

Ftp your .class or .jar files to the /tmp dir, user root, password dreambox.

Telnet to dreambox, user root, password dreambox.

Try this to run again the first java program displaying the ip

/java/bin/cvm -Xbootclasspath:/java/lib/ -cp /java/usr/ PrintIP


Here is an example for the Font Demo of the democlasses.jar from phonene:

cd /tmp

/java/bin/cvm -Xbootclasspath:/java/lib/ -cp democlasses.jar basis.DemoFrame -d basis.demos.FontDemo

Waarom drukken we harder op de toetsen van de afstandsbediening als de batterijen bijna leeg zijn?


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