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[7000S] AAF Bardimage 7000 CVS 20.06.07

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AAF-Image SHQ 07_07


The new AAF image is out of beta-testing and ready for download !


6880bbee454ebf3f80f7610fa2b90dfe *AAF_Boardimage_SHQ0707.img





- newest CVS (As of 30.06)

- WEBIF New AAF-Style

- Switchemu switching to extra menu has improved

- Switchemu Auto-restart EMU after update

- SHQ integrated in CVS

- Addon-Manager does not access HD yielding better response time


Some clues for installation


Image in Flash


-Those having a recent image can upgrade to the new image through the expertmenu from the dreambox (via expert settings-internet upgrade)ONLY FOR DM7000 !!


In this case you will not need the actual upgrade available since the upgrade is done via the DB menu


- Second method, with Flashwizard via flash


IMPORTANT: It is not absolutely necessary to install this upgrade although we advise to do so, in the latter case you will avoid errors due to mislinking, out-of-date drivers etc.


Image on USB-Stick / HDD


- Installation in flash followed by a call to the MAKEAAF-plugin are the first choice of method, this will work as well for the 7020 series !


Switchemu in Flash

When there is no HDD or USB-stick (or you don't wish to use them) you can build the switchemu into the flashimage, avoid using the extra menu as this will render the image unstable due to memory-limitations


MakeAFF into the active image

Through this option an entire upgrade from the existing image is made, the old settings are kept.


Settings restore

if restore settings is set to ON, the older satsettings and bouquets are used and kept, if not server settings are in order.

default is 'restore settings'


We wish you a succesul upgrade and great joy in using our AAF-image and thank you for your continuing support.

Your AAF Team


Translation by ChezzdevilAAF-Image SHQ 07_07


The new AAF image is out of beta-testing and ready for download !


6880bbee454ebf3f80f7610fa2b90dfe *AAF_Boardimage_SHQ0707.img





- newest CVS (As of 30.06)

- WEBIF New AAF-Style

- Switchemu switching to extra menu has improved

- Switchemu Auto-restart EMU after update

- SHQ integrated in CVS

- Addon-Manager does not access HD yielding better response time


Some clues for installation


Image in Flash


-Those having a recent image can upgrade to the new image through the expertmenu from the dreambox (via expert settings-internet upgrade)ONLY FOR DM7000 !!


In this case you will not need the actual upgrade available since the upgrade is done via the DB menu


- Second method, with Flashwizard via flash


IMPORTANT: It is not absolutely necessary to install this upgrade although we advise to do so, in the latter case you will avoid errors due to mislinking, out-of-date drivers etc.


Image on USB-Stick / HDD


- Installation in flash followed by a call to the MAKEAAF-plugin are the first choice of method, this will work as well for the 7020 series !


Switchemu in Flash

When there is no HDD or USB-stick (or you don't wish to use them) you can build the switchemu into the flashimage, avoid using the extra menu as this will render the image unstable due to memory-limitations


MakeAFF into the active image

Through this option an entire upgrade from the existing image is made, the old settings are kept.


Settings restore

if restore settings is set to ON, the older satsettings and bouquets are used and kept, if not server settings are in order.

default is 'restore settings'


We wish you a succesul upgrade and great joy in using our AAF-image and thank you for your continuing support.

Your AAF Team


Translation by Chezzdevil



AAF-Image SHQ 07_07



Onze nieuwe image nu eindelijk uit de betafase en staat na veel testen als download ter beschikking in de databank.




- Nieuw CVS (CVS datum 30.06)

- WEBIF New AAF-Style

- Switchemu verbeterde omschakelingen tussen de uitbreidingsmenu's

- Switchemu automatische restart van de EMU na de update

- SHQ is weer in het CVS geintegreert

- Addon-Manager start de HDD niet meer en zorgt dat de box rustig en stabiel start.


Hier nog enkele tips voor de instalatie :


Image in de Flash


-Wie al een nieuwe image in de flash heeft kan ook de huidige software update optie gebruiken! Men moet dan naar het Menü / Experten gaan. Let op, dit funktioneert ALLEEN op de DM7000!

Een nieuwe image hoeft men niet in de flash te zetten daar het geupdate wordt via de plugin.


- De tweede methode, men zet Flashwizard in de Flash

LET OP: het is niet nodig dat er een nieuwe image in de flash gezet wordt mits deze ook van recentere CVS datum is. We raden jedoch aan om de nieuwe AAF-image erin te zetten om geheel up-to-date te blijven met drivers, patches enz. zodat fouten tot een minimum beperkt worden.



Image op de Stick / HDD


- Het beste is om de Flashimage te starten en dan van daaruit het makeaaf te starten. Dit funktioneert bij de DM7000 en bij de DM7020.


Switchemu in de Flash

Wie geen USB-stick en HDD heeft en alleen de flashimage met switchemu wil gebruiken kiest voor deze optie, onthoud echter wel dat niet alles geinstaleerd kan worden daar het geheugen beperkt is.


MakeAFF in akt.Img

- Kiest men voor deze optie wordt de huidige flash-image geupdate met de laatste nieuwe patches/drivers Zelfs de settingslijsten worden netjes overgenomen.


Settings instellingen.

Staat bij de "Settings Uebernahme" op "EIN" worden de aktuele bouquettes en satellieteninstellingen overgenomen.

Staat er bij "Settings Uebernahme" op "AUS" worden de de nieuwste instellungen van de server gedownload.

Default Waarde = EIN!


Wij wensen alle gebruikers van onze image veel plezier en succes met het updaten.


Translation by view


Download AAF Image


438acac1bc3b645bcd34e3093ab940d7 *AAF_Boardimage_SHQ0707.rar

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