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jl. stond er vermeld iets over dat de Ierse Tv zender RTE ook een RTE Int. zou gaan opstarten (FTA) is daar al iets meer van bekend <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />




Clarke-Tech 2100+ usb

Visiosat G4 Quadro

CD kaart & TVV kaart

2 x Gigablue UHD Bigsat & T90

(30w-24w-5w-1w-7o) & (52o-42o-39o-28o-23o-19o-16o-13o-9o-5o-2o)


Kan er nog maar weinig over vinden, jammer eigenlijk, maar zal heus wel een keer verschijnen.


De Site van RTE is erg onduidelijk over de ontvangstmogelijkheden, maar bied wel een Live Stream van RTE One aan, welke prima werkt onder realplayer en Windows Media


ok, thx we wachten dat wel af




Clarke-Tech 2100+ usb

Visiosat G6 (5w-5o-13o-19o-23o-28o)

CD kaart & TVV kaart

2 x Gigablue UHD Bigsat & T90

(30w-24w-5w-1w-7o) & (52o-42o-39o-28o-23o-19o-16o-13o-9o-5o-2o)

  • 1 maand later...

Dear Edbe


Thank you for your query. Your interest in RTÉ programming is much appreciated.


It is RTÉ's hope that we will provide a service towards Irish people living abroad. As a first step towards this we have greatly increased the amount of programming available on the RTÉ website and are very pleased with the take up rate so far. However we are also aware that increased access to programming via the web does not meet the needs of many Irish people living in the UK and elsewhere abroad. We have therefore put in place research and planning to discover what is the optimal level of services we could provide. As you know we encountered at an early stage of this planning the obstacle that RTÉ did not have the legal basis to provide public service television outside of Ireland. This has now been addressed by the legislation that went through the Dáil before the summer. The legislation clears the way for progress to be made. It does not however address the issue of the financing of the service - an issue which RTÉ is still actively considering


We are continuing with our planning and research into the setting up of an international channel and have an active group working on the project. There are significant technical and financial issues to be addressed before RTÉ is in a position to make any positive announcements. However I can assure you that the provision of the service is part of our plans. In the short to medium term we have to balance the development of the service with the major challenge of the introduction of digital terrestrial television which is facing all television broadcasters in Ireland.


Again, thank you for your query.


Kind Regards


Brigitte Murphy


RTÉ Communications

2 x Gigablue UHD Bigsat & T90

(30w-24w-5w-1w-7o) & (52o-42o-39o-28o-23o-19o-16o-13o-9o-5o-2o)

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