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iemand ervaring met de Basic Enigma ver.3 - Relasedate 25-08-07 ?


Aanbevolen berichten

wat ik nu al snel zie:

- Verbeterde Kernel + Bootloader

- Verbeterde Lan driver

- Verbeterde geheugengebruik

- Vloeiendere Streaming

- Deep standby zou nu beter moeten werken

- Teletxt is verbeterd

- Plug-ins zouden nu beter moeten werken

- toevoeging van /var/etc/launch bij boot

- Driver CI interface driver herschreven

- Betere ondersteuning van de nieuwe (blind-scan) tuner

- Verbeterde ondersteuning van de PVR functies


Ik wacht even op de Sf-Team versie, maar ziet er goed uit...




Enigma 1.08 release for Relook400s


This Enigma release is a slightly modified STANDARD enigma image build for the

dreambox machines Additions include cosmetic's (dgs logo in webif, and in about box), string change and some minor change to reflect the relook400s 's profile


The start sources are anyway available on and must checked-out using the appropriate release.



This box's mid is 20, this mid can be changed via the bootloader, or adding a key to the eeprom:

The new eeprom's key are the following:


db_key_videofmt = 160,

db_key_mid = 161,

db_key_cap = 162,


all data is string type and description follows:

videofmt can be pal or ntsc and selects the videomode in bootloader

mid is the mid this information is read by the info module and published in

cap is capability and is a rfu (reserved for future use) maybe one day will be used


So if you want for any reason change mid please consider writing key 161 in eeprom.



Bootloader features :


The bootloader has been updated, now the current version is 1.2.0, from now on please use this version.

Diff file can be found in the archive and it's based on the official 1.2.0 version that

can be downloaded from:


Improvments concern the flashing method, bootloader is flashed before the image

in this way the flashtime is less, and there is less chance that in case of electricity loss the boodloader can damage briking the machine (and needing a jtag for resurrection)

Compressed images are also now supported, so flashing is faster, commands for network flash

are added, so it's possobile to use the new flashing tools.

A CRC check is done before flashing bootloader, so it the bootloader is the same, this pahse will

skip preserving the bootloader.

Also DM9000 driver is improoved, and works better than the original port made by dgs.


Like the old 1.1.1 version tt features a JPEG or MPEG2 bootlogo, mid change and video mode change.

Jffs support was removed so it's safer thaan the official DGS images, beacuse in case of jffs2

corruption, the bootloader will continue to work.

Bootloago microcode is now compressed, and support to read it directly from bootlogo was added.


Support for HDD is added, now you could boot from HDD, ide command is enabled, and FAT FS too.


Extra Bootloader Keys at bootup:


Keeping pressed UP will make the video mode menu appear, this will make you select PAL or NTSC

Keeping pressed OK will reset video mode to pal, just in case you selected ntsc on a pal system.

Keeping pressed RIGHT key will present the MID selection menu to alter the mid.




The Mpeg bootlogo.

This bootloader features also the mpeg bootlogo like dbox2 and other machines.

to enable this or alter the original bootlogo, simply do a new bootlogo like you would do

for a dreambox or similar, save the bootlogo as mpeg with a high CBR (20000 is ok) and

place it in the same position of the jpeg bootlogo.

the only difference is the compression type flag:


#define GZIPED_WEL 1

#define JPEG_WEL 2

#define MVI_BOOTLOGO 3


so in the structure containing bootlogo, the compress_type must be set to 3.


this is the 16 bytes header of the welcome partition:


0001247D Data Len

00000003 Compress Type id (3 for iframe, 2 jpeg and 1 gzipped )

00000000 backround color

the data following is the REAL mpeg2 cbr @ 15000kbps iframe data. (the mvi or m2v file)


The iframe bootlogo works only with this bootloader, this bootloader will also accept

jpeg bootlogo.



Video Format switch

The boot loader now makes ntsc or pal without needing to have two images (one for pal

and one for ntsc) To change video format KEEP pressed the arrow up key on the front

panel until the menu appears.

Arrows change selection and ok saves the choice to eeprom, the power button reboots

without saving.

To reset the system to PAL: poweron the box keeping pressed the OK key on the front panel,

the video format setting will be restored to the PAL (default)


Machine ID change

Normally it is not possible to change the mID variable and with that the personality

of the box.

This boot loader will allow this, but keep in mind that it is not recommended to use a

mID of a box that has different features and processor.

For example, setting the mID to DM7000 or DM7020 will not make things go better as the

relook400s is not a DM7000 nor a 7020, it has a different hardware and different devices.

The closest configuration to the relook400s is the DM7000 for it's pvr's functionallity.


There in the mID list there is also the possibility to set Relook400, Mutant200 or Relook510,

but keep in mind that these configurations are NOT SUPPORTED in enigma and you will probably

get the RC to not work plus more little things not supported.


The Relook mID's are 20 for mutant, 25 for CubeCaFe,26 for CubeCaFe-Prime and 40 for Relook400.

The Teams that are now adapting enigma for relook can use mid 20,25,26 and mid 40 for mutant200

CubeCaFe ,CubeCafe-Prime and relook400.


To access the mID changing utility, simply poweron the box and KEEP pressed the Right

Arrow button on the front panel, the navigation in the menu is done with the arrow keys,

ok confirms and save's and power reboots without saving.





Linux memory now goes from 0 to 03FFFFFF which are 64 MB of free ram to use for linux and applications,

the swap driver then maps extra memory from A0000000 to A189FFFF for a total of 24,6 MBytes of swap

All this makes a total of 32+32+24,6 = 88,6 free mem for enigma and other apps


is not anymore needed as demux driver gained mobility.


So this is a memory map of the new current configuration:


00000000-01FFFFFF : linux free memory

A0000000-A189FFFF : Free memory configured as swap


-------STB DRIVER MEMORY--------------

a18a0000-a18fffff : Stb25xx AUDIO

a1900000-a19dffff : STB25xx DMX

a19e0000-a19fffff : Stb25xx PVR

a1a00000-a1dfffff : Stb25xx MPEG

a1e00000-a1ffffff : Stb25xx VULCAN FB

40060000-40060fff : STB25xx GPIO

fed00000-fed000ff : nand.2

fee00000-fee00fff : dm9000.0

fee00000-fee00003 : eth0

fee00004-fee00007 : eth0

fef00000-fef00fff : pdiusbd12_udc.1




FS Image quirks/enhancements

Good news...

This image features a new filesystem, indeed it uses squashfs 3.1 in autolzma

mode (this will allow to mount zlib or lmza filesystems without module recompile),

autolzma first tries zlib, if the zlib fails then lzma is tesed, this image features

Also kernel 2.6.17 , that with the help of a "wanting to be unnamed" person, was setup

The new kernel needed a lot of work before it really was able to work in a stable manner,

the team thanks the work of this person.

*patchs respect the vanilla kernel are in this archive.


The current kernel exposes /proc/config.gz so it's possible to reconstruct the current configuration to rebuid the kernel.



* Common interface driver is re-written , uses less CPU, but is still not tested, it's possible

that bloking may occour and this will be under investigation in the near future


* Some tuning problems due to bad fec are now solved, if a bad fec is setted, the driver after

the first failure will set fec auto and re-do the tune.


* Strange resolutions like 640*576 now display without the 40 pixel's black border on the left


* Lnb diseqc switch problem is under exam and this release tries to fix multiswitch issues.


* ReWrote the Ide Driver , it's a bit better in terms of code cleanliness.


* SCI driver now work fine for all cards


* RTC CLOCK is updated and now box wakes after deep standby and should work


Old fixes inherited from the mutant's image (drivers are basically the same)

* Lipsync is fixed


* Blips and lines (reason of low var space) no more of theese as now we have a big ram

and problem appears only on low ram.


* XwebTV now works, and does not pixellate so much as before, also streamXX programs

were updated, tests gave positive results, this is due to a bigger buffer in demux driver.



new Streamts utility was included.. now streeming works 8 times on 10.. and is more fluid

source is included, please use this source to compile streamts on ported images and team images



* Audio Dac works (new hardware has a new audiodac that does not work with old images)


* DM9000 now uses the 2.6.17 kernel driver, and the old DM9000X driver went in retirement.


* DMX driver now has mobility and can be relocated,resulting in a better memory managment.



Partition Table:

This is the current partition table, as you may notice there is a mtd9, this is the

high ram used as swap space and necessary to make things work.


Original (values may vary, but not the partition order).

mtd0: 00040000 00010000 "nor.config_welcome"

mtd1: 00140000 00010000 "nor.kernel"

mtd2: 00420000 00010000 "nor.root"

mtd3: 00230000 00010000 "nor.db"

mtd4: 00030000 00010000 "nor.boot"

mtd5: 00560000 00010000 "nor.kernel_root"

mtd6: 00790000 00010000 "nor.kernel_root_db"

mtd7: 007d0000 00010000 "nor.all_noboot"

mtd8: 00800000 00010000 "nor.all"


New partition mapping , mtd1 and mtd3 are swapped and mtd9 is added

(values may vary, but not the partition order).


dev: size erasesize name

mtd0: 00040000 00010000 "nor.config_welcome"

mtd1: 001e0000 00010000 "nor.db"

mtd2: 00460000 00010000 "nor.root"

mtd3: 00150000 00010000 "nor.kernel"

mtd4: 00030000 00010000 "nor.boot"

mtd5: 005b0000 00010000 "nor.kernel_root"

mtd6: 00790000 00010000 "nor.kernel_root_db"

mtd7: 007d0000 00010000 "nor.all_noboot"

mtd8: 00800000 00010000 "nor.all"

mtd9: 0189ffff 00001000 "highram"



Driver's new features and enhancements

This image features some addons resepct the relook400 beta image.


stv0299 and stv0288 driver support, the driver supports both tuners, stv0288 is blind scan, just

specify symbolrate 0 and the SR will be seeked from the nim itself, data is returned via the

FE_GET_FRONTEND , (freq, sr, fec, inversion), using this ioctl can be good to make a blindscan

program or plugin to find feeds.


stv299 driver has now a half-blindscan function, if symbol rate is 0 then the driver (not the nim) will

try most common symbol rates firt and some less common sybol rates after, data is also returned with the



stv0299 and stv0288 now in case of bad fec, and after 2 tuning failures, set the fec to auto, this

is to solve some problems with channels that do not tune correctly.


PIG driver. Now the pig driver really resizes the video, so playing pacman or tetris will

allow you to continue wahtching your favorite show in a small resized window.


Front driver was redesigned, now you can redefine every single key via ioctl, a header file

is included for better use of the front device. The ibm drivers were written from scratch

from the ashes of the old relook400 ones, now the negfilter ioctl is present and also pcr works,

helping with the lipsink problem.


Demux driver can be relocated and also offers more ram for audio and video queues, this will give

a better recording and/or better vlc streaming.


External Plugins now work fine and also teletext goes great.


RTC clock in standby now is updated and shows right time, also deepstandby works, and box wakes up at given time, does the action requested.


SCI driver was fixed, now card get a double reset, fixing some particular card problem.


Known bugs..


AV switch seems to have some poblems sending the box in standby.. this is under investigation.


STV0288 due to more complex algo, is slower in scanning respect to stv0299, this is also fault of the bling scanning algo's that reside in the driver, this is noticed especialy in channel scan (times rise of about 20%) , but in normal use difference is less noticiable.


As the Ci driver is written from scratch and not to well tested, problems may arise with some cams. blocking also may occour.


|There may be some strange problems tuning, this is happenening on some channel , but not |quite often

|There may be some other but that I did not find, but more or less the most bad ones are solved.

- update fixed but the autofec code?


Some "channel not found" problem on stv288 tuners were fixed, this was cause of the blindscan

now this problem has been fixed and the problem should not occour anymore.



Changes from the STANDARD Enimga image.


General personalization for the relook400s, with some addition of graphics.

the program launcher (enigma loop) is now in flash so it can be modified to add extra programs, it's location is /var/etc/launch and it's called at start-up, so just modify that to add your programs at start-up.


Added also and it's relative symbolic link to allow some programs that use crypto functions to work.


enigma now exports pmt.tmp in /tmp and also the implements the camd listener for the new applications that require it.


The rcS script now is more verbose during load, note that UPCL means up arrow clears flash (KEY UP ERASES), so you need to press it to erase and restore flash to default values, like the first time you flashed the image.


writing text to the 7 segment display is simple like 123 ,

just echo a string to the /dev/dbox/fp0 device driver.

But keep in mind that you have only 4 characters.



The password for root is relook , this is valid for telnet access, ftp acces and webif access.


Remote Control Unit:

Considering that the relook400s's rcu has more keys that the 7000 one's we

had more luck and the keypad is similar to the original functions they had on a

original image.


The driver emulates the rc input of the dbox , the dreambox and the input keyboard. The lcd driver is not present as the relook has no lcd.




There is no dual tuner support for now (and we do not know if there ever will be) the connected tuner is tuner1 , tuner2 is present but not used sorry..

VU+ Duo2 met  4x DVB-S2 / 2x Dual DVB-S2 Tuner. Plugin remote channel stream converter

Wavefrontier T90. 6x Google TV Android 4K clients.

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