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[Pioneer] Nieuw: Pionero V.3.2.1 beschikbaar


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Sa1vad0r heeft z'n nieuwe versie 4.3.1 gereed. Is voorlopig op te halen bij de URL hieronder, maar dan moet je een account hebben.

Namens Sa1vad0r zoek ik nog een plekje om het pakket neer te zetten.<p>Hier is Sa1vad0r's tekst:

Hi all :<p>Here you have the latest version of Pionero (v3.2.1)

I'm having a lot of problems finding a web site or ftp site where I can store it, so I had to upload it here :<p><p>It's in a yahoo group called "pioneeros" and you have to be subscribed to download that file.<p>This is what's new in this version :

- Added eeprom’s partial reading and writing functions from 0x000 to 0x0AF.

- Now it’s possible to change the maximum number of channels and transponders.

- New option to add more channels and transponders from a second file.

- Bug fixes and updated translations.<p>regards


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