Gast Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 Beste Dream-vrienden help help…. Wie heeft zijn Nslug als CS draaien? En wil mijn helpen? Ik wil graag CCcam, Camd3 of anders NewCS draaien op mijn NSLU2. Op dit moment draait er Nslung 6.8 op, ik heb geprobeerd het als mpcs In te richten. Zonder succes <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> volgens Een Ned-Dut handleiding die ik vond. Ik ben al 2 weken bezig geweest en heb heeeeel veeeel draadjes gelezen en steeds in de ochtend naar mijn bed. Kan iemand duidelijk Aangeven hoe ik dat moet doen en met welke OS, mag uNslung 6.8 of Openslug 3.10 Maak mij niet uit. Ik heb een Infinity USB Phoenix Cardreader + 2gb USB stick. Als het even kan een lijst of bijlage met de nodige bestanden. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> Bij voorbaat dank, Negrito
dolphs Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 heb 'm keurig draaiende met openslug 3.10 en cccam 2.03. Voorts mijn conax card met infinity smartmouse en irdeto kaart met smartreader+ .. werkt subliem .. Ik weet dat er enkele luitjes zijn die m met unslung 6.8 draaien, zou ook moeten werken maar idd het is niet even knal - knal - knal en klaar .. dat kost tijd ... kan je wel beetje op weg helpen .. 2 Xtrend ET10000 met Quad Inverto Ultra
Gast Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 dolphs bedank voor je berichtje. Ik heb nu Openslug 3.10 erop gezet, en ben nu bezig aan de hand van je post: openslug 3.10 op nslu2 met infinity smartmouse Ik heb alle nodige ipkg packages gedownload: - ipkg install libc6_2.3.5+cvs20050627-r6_armeb.ipk - ipkg install libgcc1_3.4.4-r3_armeb.ipk - ipkg install libstdc++6_3.4.4-r3_armeb.ipk - ipkg install libusb_0.1.12-r0_armeb.ipk - ipkg install usbutils_0.70-r0_armeb.ipk Mijn volgende stap zal zijn om je andere post uit te voeren: Ga alsvolgt op de NSLU2 te werk Hoop dat ik straks met mijn C+ kaart in de Infinity USB Phoenix Cardreader aan de slag kan. Alle hulp is welkom!!! Je mag mijn ook mailen, dat gaat denk ik snellen dan steeds via draadjes. Zie pm. Bij voorbaat dank, Negrito
Tonskidutch Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 Citaat: Je mag mijn ook mailen, dat gaat denk ik snellen dan steeds via draadjes. Zie pm. desalniettemin is het voor de overige lezers misschien ook interressant. ik ben namelijk door storing mijn met CCcam werkende NSLU2 nu kwijt heb de opname NSLU2 nu voor de test in de startblokken gezet dus wil graag hele riedel overnieuw doen als vergelijk zou de draad publiek houden dus welkom zijn. cheers Apocalypse Sigarettes after Sex
Bassie Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 Misschien hebben jullie hier wat aan.... Mij heeft het een hoop geleerd en geholpen. Bassie <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
dolphs Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 Feel free to correct me, of heldere uitleg kunt geven over crosscompile omgeving op vmware zodat je laatste kernel hebt (en dus WLAN kunt gebruiken) -- Dit kostte me veel tijd maar laat ik nou eens hopen dat het positief wordt ontvangen ... Mocht iemand zoiets hebben voor de Asus500g dan PM, anyway: NSLU2 met CCcam 2.x en OpenSlug 3.10 Benodigd: • Enige linux kennis aanbevolen • nslu2 (met originele linksys firmware) • USB stick van tenminste 256Mb, zonder dit extra geheugen is de NSLU2 niet volledig te benutten • Card Reader, in deze HOWTO Smartreader+ en WB-Electronics Smartmouse (ook König USB hubje) Infinity- SmartReader+ • Nieuwste firmware, op dit moment OpenSlug 3.10 beta, - • Nieuwste CCcam, op dit moment 2.03- • Wbt WinXP enige software (tools) zoals putty, Sercomm’s Win32 tool en WinSCP putty – Sercomm Upgrade utility - WinSCP – Flashen – wanneer originele firmware van linksys er nog in zit • Zorg dat alle USB apparaten zijn afgekoppeld en hang de NSLU2 met UTP-kabel aan computer, of laptop • Ga naar, dat is de default web pagina van linksys en stel apparaat in naar specifieke wensen, dus IP, gateway en netmask • Vervolgens naar admin en zoek flash, laad BIN-file “openslug-3.10-beta”, dit duurt 3-5 minuten en nslu2 herstart automatisch,wanneer het piepje klinkt is de NSLU2 kort daarna klaar voor gebruik met openslug Flashen – wanneer alternatieve firmware openslug er al in zit • Schakel de NSLU2 uit en zorg dat alle USB apparaten zijn afgekoppeld voordat er wordt geflashed • M.b.v paperclip de reset functie op NSLU2 indrukken en druk op power knop om de NSLU2 aan te zetten • Wanneer lampje na zo’n 10 seconden rood wordt, de reset loslaten zodat de NSLU2 in upgrade mode staat (knipperende kleur oranje/ groen) • De Upgrade Utility voor Windows 2K/XP (installeren en) opstarten en type [ctrl] [-b-]. • Klik op Files, selecteer BIN-file “openslug-3.10-beta” en selecteer upgrade. Het flashen (en controle) duurt zo’n 7 minuten. Wanneer het klaar is wordt de NSLU2 automatisch herstart. NSLU2 klaarmaken voor eerste gebruik • Open een SSH sessie (met putty) en log in met root en opeNSLUg naar IP • Doe de USB stick in port 1 of 2, zodat ze kan worden geformatteerd (EXT3), run dmesg, afhankelijk welke port de USB stick zich bevint zal sda1 of sdb1 veschijnen, in dit voorbeeld sda1 • Partitioneer door fdisk /dev/sda, in dit voorbeeld een USB stick van 512Mb, het is niet nodig om een swap partitie te maken! Dit om de USB stick zo min mogelijk te belasten en het leven te verlengen. - p: laat eventueel beschikbare partities zien op usb stick - d: delete eventueel aanwezige partitie(s) op usb stick - n: maak EXT3 partitie aan op USB stick, p: maak primaire partitie aan, 1 voor partition number en default 1 First cylinder (enter), default 10112 last cylinder (enter) - p: toon partities op USB stick en indien OK w om de partitietabel aan te passen • Herstart reboot om de zojuist gedefinieerde partitie te gebruiken en zorg dat de NSLU2 intussen aan het Internet wordt aangesloten • Wanneer d.m.v. SSH sessie ingelogd op de NSLU2, de zojuist gemaakte partitie formatteren door mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1, indien de foutmelding “/dev/sda1 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!” verschijnt, dan eerst umount /dev/sda1 • Type turnup init om volgende aanpassingen te maken: - password, nieuw wachtwoord invullen - hostname, kan gewoon NSLU2 blijven - domain, zelfde als workgroup waarin PCs staan bijvoorbeeld WORKGROUP - verander boot protocol naar static - IP-Adres eventueel veranderen, in dit voorbeeld blijft het op staan - IP netmask op laten staan en IP gateway op, afhankelijk van router instelling, maar meestal is dit het geval - first DNS server (evt. DNS1 en DNS2 van de Internet Service Provider gebruiken) - 2nd en 3rd DNS leeg laten • Plaats root files op de USB stick,turnup memstick -i /dev/sda1 -t ext3 en herstart met reboot, nu kunnen packages worden geïnstalleerd en deze zullen op USB stick komen in plaats van het flash ram! df -h Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 6.4M 5.4M 1004.0k 85% /initrd /dev/sda1 468.6M 17.3M 427.1M 4% / /dev/sda1 468.6M 17.3M 427.1M 4% /dev/.static/dev tmpfs 10.0M 28.0k 10.0M 0% /dev tmpfs 14.8M 20.0k 14.8M 0% /media/ram NSLU2 inrichten met packages benodigd voor CCcam • Open SSH sessie en log in naar NSLU2 ( met nieuwe password • Nu direct de aanwezige packages updaten dmv ipkg update en ipkg upgrade • Installeer de volgende twee packages; ipkg install libstdc++6 unzip • vervolgens de volgende handelingen uitvoeren om CCcam te kunnen starten - cd /tmp - wget -P . - unzip - cd /var - mkdir keys - mkdir etc - cd etc - Kopieer nu de twee relevante bestanden o cp /tmp/CCcam.armeb CCcam o cp /tmp/CCcam.cfg - In de CCcam.cfg file, vi CCcam.cfg, in dit voorbeeld SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+ ( Smargo USB Reader ) SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB1 ( Infinity Smartmouse ) - Om CCcam daadwerkelijk te kunnen starten dient ze eerst executable gemaakt te worden door chmod u+x CCcam (of chmod 100) en daarna ./CCcam –d - Sluit af en door naar het configureren van de cardreader(s) CCcam met USB Smargo cardreader werkend maken, maar voordat dit moet gebeuren dienen een aantal packages gedownload te worden, ga alsvolgt te werk: - In deze HOWTO wordt een 4ports USB hub op port 2 geplaatst met daarop 2 cardreaders - Maak een folder temp aan, mkdir /temp en cd /temp dit is de voorbereiding om een aantal packages te kunnen downloaden en om te kunnen compileren - Download de volgende packages en ga een half uur iets anders doen ipkg install kernel-module-usbserial kernel-module-ftdi-sio slugos-native libc6-dev bind-dev libusb-dev usbutils cron ntpdate timezone-europe –t /temp –V2 - Een package is niet zomaar te downloaden daarom moet ze gecompileerd worden wget –P . o tar xvfz libftdi-0.10.tar.gz o cd libftdi0.10 o ./configure o ln –sf /usr/armweb-linux/bin/ar /usr/bin/ar o make o make install - Vervolgens een tweetal kernel modules activeren: o insmod /lib/modules/2.6.16/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/usbserial.ko o insmod /lib/modules/2.6.16/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.ko CCcam met Infinity Smart Electornics SmartMouse cardreader werkend maken, maar voordat dit moet gebeuren dienen ook weer een aantal packages gedownload te worden waarvan de smusbutil gecompiled dient te worden, ga alsvolgt te werk: - De handelingen zoals hiervoor bechreven uitvoeren, echter de smartmouse is wat lastiger te configureren en deze extra handelingen uitvoeren wbt nslu2: - cd /temp - wget –P . - tar xvfj smusbutil.tar.bz2 - cd smusbutil - vi smusbutil.c en pas dit aan naar: Origineel Aangepast f = ftdi_usb_open(&ftdic, 0x104f, 0x0002); if(f < 0 && f != -5) { fprintf(stderr, "can't find any martmouse USB (VID:0x104f/PID:0x0002): %d\n",f); exit(-1); } f = ftdi_usb_open(&ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6001); if(f < 0 && f != -5) { fprintf(stderr, "can't find any Smartmouse USB (VID:0x0403/PID:0x6001): %d\n",f); exit(-1); } - make (negeer de interworking foutmelding (warning) - mv smusbutil /usr/bin/smusbutil - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib; Windows XP Nadat dit is gelukt de smartreader aan een Windows XP workstation hangen, dit is omdat de ROMcode in de Smartmouse aangepast moet gaan worden, standaard herkent openslug de smartmouse niet, dus moeten we de boel gaan omzeilen door een identificatiecode mee te geven die wel word herkend in kernel 2.6.16: - Download drivers (CDM 2.02.04 WHQL Certified in dit voorbeeld ) - Sluit smartmouse aan op Windows XP en installeer drivers zoals hierboven genoemd, negeer evt. bestanden ftdiunin.exe en ftdiun2k.ini; check device manager. - Installeer en start Mprog (MProg3.0_Setup in dit voorbeeld ) - Selecteer “Tools” en “Read en Parse” (zie bijlage afbeelding met oorspronkelijke instelling) - Vink weg de optie “Only program Blank Devices”,type [Ctrl] [V] en noem smartmouse_old - LAAT ALLES ONGEMOEID echter verander de VendorID en ProductID naar: 0403 en 6001; Dit zijn de settings zoals de Smartreader+, in vorige paragraaf, out of the box worden herkend, dus gaan we dat nu ook zo instellen voor de Infinity Smartmouse! - Type [Ctrl] [V] en noem het bestand bijvoorbeeld smartmouse_new(.ept) - Nu de EEPROM gaan herprogrammeren dmv [Ctrl] [P] - Sluit de smartmouse aan op de NSLU2 en lsusb, als alles goed is gegaan verschijnt nu Bus 3 Device 2: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd 8-bit FIFO Aanmaken crontab op de slug, bijvoorbeeld elke nacht om 04.00 CCcam herstarten, crontab –e 00 00 * * * /usr/bin/ntpdate –v –d 59 03 * * * /usr/bin/killall CCcam 00 04 * * * /var/etc/CCcam & OF 00 04 * * * /sbin/reboot Indien reboot dan in /etc/rcS.d de file S41CCcam maken met volgende inhoud: #/bin/sh insmod /lib/modules/2.6.16/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/usbserial.ko insmod /lib/modules/2.6.16/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.ko /var/etc/ & Instellen juiste tijdzone op de slug, zodat inderdaad om 04.00 CCcam wordt herstart, de website voor beschikbare timeservers zie ( ), in dit voorbeeld zijn Augsburg als synchronisatie server en Amsterdam als timezone gebruikt ( zie ook openslug mailserver pagina ). echo $TZ (zeer waarschijnlijk UTC) ln –s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Amsterdam /etc/localtime unset TZ Xtrend ET10000 met Quad Inverto Ultra
FeReNGi Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 Geplaatst: 5 september 2007 How to in Engels : NSLU2 - How to get CCcam Running on it Hi to you @ll, Starting from ground zero, you firstly must install on your new NSLU2 the firmware which will allow you later on to run CCCam emu. The firmware used on the following tutorial has been the Unslung 6.8 beta. So, how to install the Unslung 6.8 beta on your NSLU2? You must follow the steps on the README file*exactly* how it's stated there. Do not skip any steps, and do not skip ahead thinking you know what you are doing and that therefore you don't need to follow instructions step by step. If, at any time you have any questions concerning the installation or operation of Unslung firmware, your first port of call should be the NSLU2-Linux wiki at: Although the README file hás everything you must know to get the firmware installed I’ve decided to post it here, so it becomes more complete as possible. There are three parts to completing the installation of the Unslung firmware: 1 - PRE-INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS 2 - FIRMWARE INSTALLATION DETAILS 3 - UNSLINGING DETAILS PRE-INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS 1) You *must* test telnet Redboot access first before you flash the Unslung firmware. Failure to do so will mean you get no sympathy at all if you can't access Redboot when you need to recover from a bad flash. See - Redboot is the bootloader that runs when the device is first started, loading things into memory and starting Linux. By testing your ability to telnet into Redboot, you are ensuring that if you injure your NSLU2 with a bad flash you should be able to follow the "How To Recover From A Bad Flash" instructions at 2) If you want to install any packages, then you must have an external USB disk drive or an external USB flash disk. It is possible to make changes to the root filesystem in the internal flash storage, but the space is very limited. In fact, just running the "ipkg update" operation on an NSLU2 which does not have an external storage device of some sort attached will most likely render the NSLU2 unusable due to filling up its internal flash memory (if this happens then you will need to follow the recovery instructions in the previous step.) So unless you are an expert, use an external storage device. The remainder of these instructions assume that you have a suitable external disk or flash disk that you will be using for this purpose. A few words on selecting which port to use: Completely contrary to previous versions of Unslung, the preferred port for the Unslung external disk as of Unslung 6.x is often port 2. This will free up the far-more-flexible port number 1 for other uses. However, this "feature" (part of the Linksys R63 firmware) may cause some small consternation for users upgrading from earlier versions of Unslung. But in general, swapping the drives between the two ports will likely be the least painful solution. The basic challenge faced by upgraders is that *something* must change: if the drive remains in port 1, then it will remain mounted at "/share/hdd/..." but the drive nomenclature will change from "/dev/sda" to "/dev/sdb". On the other hand, if the drive is moved to port 2, then it will remain "/dev/sda" but it will then be mounted at "/share/flash/...". What difference this might make depends on each individual configuration; check the wiki for possible assistance for your particular configuration. For new users, the following guidelines can help: - if you have only a single drive that will be formatted by the NSLU2, use port 2. - if you have a single drive that will be formatted by the NSLU2, and all other drives or flash devices will be either FAT or NTFS, use port 2. - if you have two drives, and both will be formatted by the NSLU2, then unsling to the drive in port 1. If you unsling to port 2, and later add a drive in port 1 that will be formatted by the NSLU2, it will work as expected -- however, the drive to be added MUST be formatted by the unslung NSLU2 in question, and once formatted, the drive must NOT be removed. (The Linksys code will move it's "conf" datafiles to the drive in port 1 during the format operation, and thus will become dependent upon the presence of both drives for proper operation.) 3) The external disk that you use as the target for package installation must be (or have previously been) formatted by the NSLU2. Since this point qualifies as a "frequently asked question", it is worth some clarification here. It is only possible to unsling to a disk that has been formatted by the NSLU2 - you cannot unsling to a FAT or NTFS disk. In fact, it is not sufficient to format the disk using another UNIX system -- in order to be recognized as a "Formatted (ext3)" disk by the NSLU2, and hence be suitable for unslinging, the disk must be specifically partitioned, formatted, and the partitions must contain a specific set of configuration files created by the NSLU2. So the simple rule is that if the NSLU2 web interface "Disk" page does not list the disk as "Formatted (ext3)", you will be unable to unsling to that disk. For upgrading users, it is possible to upgrade from all previous Unslung versions without reformatting your disk -- but not necessarily recommended. See the wiki article for recommended upgrade strategies: The unsling script will not touch anything in /unslung or /opt on your disk, so make sure all your file modifications are in those directories, as you were warned in the README file in all previous Unslung versions Smile 4) If you want to use a flash disk as the target for package installation, ensure that it is at least 256MB, and formatted as above via the Linksys web interface. 5) Please verify that any disks you are going to connect to the NSLU2 are recognized and working properly *before* updating your firmware (including any shares and data you had previously stored.) If not, DO NOT CONTINUE. You may want to check out "How To Troubleshoot A Drive Missing Condition" at: - The only exception to this, of course, are those enclosures that the stock firmware does not support, but the Unslung firmware does support. 6) If you are upgrading your firmware, you should make a configuration backup via the Linksys web interface. The configuration backup can be found under "Administration", "Advanced", and then "Backup." The top section of that webpage is titled "Config Backup" and "Download" should be used to save your NSLU2 Users, Groups and Shares setup to a disk file. FIRMWARE INSTALLATION DETAILS 1) Shutdown the NSLU2, and remove any disks that you may have plugged into the NSLU2. Power back up the NSLU2. - Firmware upgrades must always be performed with *no* hard disks or flash disks attached. This CANNOT be emphasized enough. Are you sure you unplugged the disks before powering up? If so, you may continue. 2) Access the Web interface. Note that you should use the username "admin" and password "admin" for the web interface at this point (as no disks are attached, the default username and password is the only way to access the Management web pages). 2-a) If you are installing Unslung 6.x onto an NSLU2 unit with Linksys standard firmware already installed, flash unslung-6.x.bin as you normally would flash new firmware (using the web interface "Upgrade Firmware" page). See your NSLU2 user manual for details if you don't know how to do this. - During firmware flashing, the top LED - Ready/Status - flashes red and green (approximately 5 minutes, but can be much longer). - The NSLU2 will reboot after the flashing is complete. 2- If you are installing Unslung 6.x onto an NSLU2 unit with an existing version of firmware already installed, you must first put the NSLU2 into RedBoot Upgrade Mode. - The NSLU2 should still be powered off at this point. If not, shut it down again before proceeding. - Using a paper clip, push and hold in the reset button which is located on the back of the NSLU2 near the power socket. - While holding in the reset button, press and release the power button. - Watch the Ready/Status LED, and as soon as it turns red quickly release the reset button. - You should now be in upgrade mode which is indicated by the Ready/Status LED alternating between red and green. - Use either the Linux UpSlug2 tool or the Windows SerComm Upgrade tool to upload the new firmware - you can find download links at - During firmware flashing, the top LED - Ready/Status - flashes red and green (approximately 5 minutes, but can be much longer). - The NSLU2 will reboot after the flashing is complete. 3) Shutdown the NSLU2 (again), attach disk(s), and power it back up. 4) Verify your NSLU2 is working normally again at this point in the web interface. In particular, you should ensure that all your disks are still recognized as they were before you updated the firmware (including any shares and data you had previously stored.) If not, DO NOT CONTINUE. You may want to check out "How To Troubleshoot A Drive Missing Condition" at: - If you are not "unslinging", you can stop at this point. *HOWEVER!*, the only reason for not unslinging would be in the case of a re-flash of the SAME firmware. Even if this is a point firmware upgrade, you will need to unsling. ***** If you do not choose to do the unslinging procedure described below, DO NOT install packages unless you are SURE you know what you are doing! "Bricking" your NSLU2 by not unslinging and then running ipkg is not just a possibility, it is a certainty. 5) Shutdown the NSLU2 and unplug *ALL* attached disks. - You must NOT have any disk plugged into the NSLU2 when you reboot to perform the next part of installation - the "Unslinging". 'UNSLINGING' DETAILS (Very important this step) "Unslinging" is the process of copying the root filesystem of your NSLU2 onto an external disk, and configuring that external disk for installation of packages. Basically it's a script (stored in /sbin/unsling) which copies all the files from the internal jffs2 filesystem onto the external disk and tells the internal firmware to load the root filesystem from the external disk when booting in the future. To run the unsling-script you have to be logged in as root (with a telnet session). NOTE: There are two root passwords. One is saved in an internal database file called /usr/local/passwd (we know this one - it's "uNSLUng" and used when you boot without a attached harddisk) the other is stored in an external file called /share/hdd/conf/passwd (we don't know this one - it's used when you boot with a external harddisk attached). Later in the process you can change both of them. That means: Everytime you boot WITHOUT an attached harddisk you gain root-access with the "uNSLUng" password. If you boot WITH an attached harddisk, you won't have access until you change the file /share/hdd/conf/passwd. NOTE about the NOTE: New in Unslung 6.x is that by default the "unsling" script will prompt for a new password. This new password will become the new password used whenever the NSLU2 is booted without it's disk (replacing the "uNSLUng" password), and it will also be the new root password used when the NSLU2 boots up with it's disk. If you are upgrading, or wish to preserve your passwords just the way they are, use the "-nopw" option with the unsling script. 1) Power up the NSLU2 without any disks connected. - This only has to be done when you update the firmware. ***** To reiterate, you should not have a disk plugged in at this stage. If you powered up your NSLU2 with a disk attached, shutdown the NSLU2, unplug the disks, and power up again. 2) Enable telnet by going to the NSLU2's web interface and clicking on the "Manage Telnet" link (right-hand side), then on the "Enable/Disable NSLU2 telnet Service" page, click on the "Enable" button to turn on the telnet service. (You can browse directly to the enable/disable telnet page in your browser: "".), (You can leave this ip as default, but you also can change it, and then the command to acess the browser is exactly the same, just changing the ip for the one you’ve created to your NSLU2 - Note that you should use the username "admin" and password "admin" for the web interface at this point (as no disks are attached, the default username and password is the only way to access the Management web pages). - Make sure you have **** NO DISKS ATTACHED AT THIS TIME **** - If you plug a disk in before you complete the telnet connection, then the NSLU2 will pick up the Linksys password from the disk, and you will not be able to telnet into it. So don't have any disks attached at this point. - Make sure you have **** NO DISKS ATTACHED AT THIS TIME **** 3) OK, now that you don't have any disks attached, you can proceed and telnet into the NSLU2 using the username root and password “uNSLUng”. 4) Identify which drive you wish you "unsling", and plug it in. Wait a minute or two while the disk is mounted. Check the web interface to make sure that the disk has been recognized by the Linksys software. - If the disk has not been previously formatted on the NSLU2, then now is the time to do that. Make sure that the drive is recognized in the web interface. Be patient - it might take several minutes for the NSLU2 to recognize the hardware, mount the partitions, and verify that the drive is correctly configured to be considered "Formatted". Do not continue if the drive is not marked as "Formatted (ext3)" in the NSLU2 web interface. 5) In the telnet session, run "/sbin/unsling disk2". (If you've decided to unsling to a device connected to port 1, you'll run "/sbin/unsling disk1", of course.), but to get the CCCam correctly installed is better to use the port 2 for the hard drive/usb Stick, and leave the port 1 to attach later on a cardreader like phoenix - Once you "unsling" to an external disk on a particular port (Disk 1 or Disk 2), it is important that you keep that disk continually plugged into that same port whenever the NSLU2 is turned on. ***** By default, unsling WILL prompt you for a new root password, and it will change the password on your disk as well. If this is NOT what you wish it to do, use the "-nopw" flag with the "unsling" command: "/sbin/unsling -nopw disk2" for example. BIG NOTE: This is very important because the password you’ll give here is the one that later on will give you access to your NSLU2, so it’s better you use here the final password you’ll have as to access to the telnet session any time you want to get access through telnet or SSH to your NSLU2. After if you want to change the password you can do it, but it will be a big pain for you to get it done correctly, once NSLU2 has several files stored in different and unknown folders to the common user. So the advice goes to change definitely the telnet/SSH password at this stage. For more information on changing passwords and all the places where the NSLU2 stores passwords, please see the following wiki article: 6) Reboot. ***** DO NOT RUN ipkg BEFORE YOU REBOOT AND CONFIRM EXTERNAL ROOTFS ***** - If you were to run ipkg when the root filesystem is loaded from the internal jffs2 filesystem, then you would fill the flash and cause your NSLU2 to no longer boot and require reflashing to recover. 7) Confirm that your NSLU2 is unslung: You can verify that your NSLU2 is unslung by checking the NSLU2 web admin GUI - you are unslung if the text at the bottom reads something like: "uNSLUng status: Unslung to disk2, /dev/sda1" Also, when you login to the NSLU2, the login message printed will clearly indicate if you are unslung, or if something went awry and you are still running on the internal flash. If your NSLU2 does not indicate that it is Unslung, rather it says that it is running from internal flash, then the first thing to check is: - Did you miss step 7 above (reboot)? Cool Verify that you can log into the NSLU2 by going to the web GUI "Manage Telnet"page, enable the telnet service, then telnet in as the root user, with the password you entered when you performed the "unsling" operation. If everything is ok, on telnet you’ll be able to view the telnet session like this: LXXXXXX login: root Password: No directory, logging in with HOME=/ Welcome to Unslung V2.3R63-uNSLUng-6.8-beta ---------- NOTE: THIS SYSTEM IS CURRENTLY UNSLUNG ---------- BusyBox v0.60.4 (2005.03.22-06:52+0000) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. # Ok now that we have the Unslung 6.8 beta firmware running on NSLU2, we will start the hard work to get access to the Web browser, telnet, SSH and FTP. You start enabling telnet on your web browser by accessing it with the default user (admin) and password (admin) and making the click on Manage Telnet. It will open you another webpage and you must click on ENABLE, so you may get telnet access. After, you’ll to the menu on windows and get a prompt command line to start your telnet session on NSLU2. You type: telnet and press ENTER the telnet session on your NSLU2 will start requesting you to type the user: root and after the password (lets use as example nslu2 as password) nslu2 NOTE: This password in example (nslu2) is the password you’ve set previously when doing the unsling command into Disk2, so never forget it! Ok, now, after typping the user and password we will get the following panel on the telnet session: LXXXXXXXXlogin: root Password: No directory, logging in with HOME=/ Welcome to Unslung V2.3R63-uNSLUng-6.8-beta ---------- NOTE: THIS SYSTEM IS CURRENTLY UNSLUNG ---------- BusyBox v0.60.4 (2005.03.22-06:52+0000) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. # Now we will start typing the following commands to get installed on NSLU2 the SSH, and Vsftpd (FTP acess): # cd / # ls bin dev etc home initrd lib linuxrc lost+found mnt opt proc public quota.user quota.user~ sbin share tmp unslung upload usr var # ipkg update Downloading s.gz Inflating gz Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/cross Downloading es.gz Inflating .gz Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/native Downloading kages.gz Inflating ges.gz Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/oe # ipkg install openssh Installing openssh (4.5p1-1) to root... Downloading _4.5p1-1_armeb.ipk Installing openssl (0.9.7m-2) to root... Downloading _0.9.7m-2_armeb.ipk Installing zlib (1.2.3-2) to root... Downloading 2.3-2_armeb.ipk Configuring openssh Generating RSA Key... Generating public/private rsa1 key pair. Your identification has been saved in /opt/etc/openssh/ssh_host_key. Your public key has been saved in /opt/etc/openssh/ The key fingerprint is: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Generating RSA Key... Generating public/private rsa key pair. Your identification has been saved in /opt/etc/openssh/ssh_host_rsa_key. Your public key has been saved in /opt/etc/openssh/ The key fingerprint is: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Generating DSA Key... Generating public/private dsa key pair. Your identification has been saved in /opt/etc/openssh/ssh_host_dsa_key. Your public key has been saved in /opt/etc/openssh/ The key fingerprint is: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Fixing permissions on the /tmp directory... killall: sshd: no process killed Configuring openssl Configuring update-modules Configuring zlib # ipkg install vsftpd Installing vsftpd (2.0.5-1) to root... Downloading 2.0.5-1_armeb.ipk Configuring vsftpd You'll need to add line like echo "ftp stream tcp nowait root /opt/sbin/vsftpd /opt/etc/vsftpd.conf" >>/etc/i netd.conf to your /unslung/rc.xinetd file -- see the wiki at fo r more info # cd / # Ok Now, we already have the SSH system and the Vsftpd installed on our NSLU2 Now we need to gain access to ftp server on root, so we can get inside NSLU2 anytime we want and change files and configs for CCcam. In order to be able to get access through FTP we will need to cheat NSLU2 and let him think that he still will have bftpd running on it, but in fact we are changing the bftpd for the vsftpd file. So, We go to the folder /usr/sbin and we will remove the bftpd binary file, typping the following commands: # cd /usr/sbin # ls CGI_chk_save_pass CheckBackup CheckDiskFull CheckPowerButton CheckResetBut ton DO_Reboot DO_ScanDisk DO_Shutdown QuickSet SetConf Set_TimeZone TelnetPassword USB_Detect WatchDog backup bftpd chroot crond date do_umount download drive_backup drivertodrivercp hwclock init_media nmbd onetouch_detect reset_ug s set_log set_status smbd smbpasswd smbstatu s smtpclient stop_smb telnetd thttpd umount_f lash update-modules upnpd # rm bftpd #ls CGI_chk_save_pass CheckBackup CheckDiskFull CheckPowerButton CheckResetBut ton DO_Reboot DO_ScanDisk DO_Shutdown QuickSet SetConf Set_TimeZone TelnetPassword USB_Detect WatchDog backup chroot crond date do_umount download drive_backup drivertodrivercp hwclock init_media nmbd onetouch_detect reset_ug s set_log set_status smbd smbpasswd smbstatu s smtpclient stop_smb telnetd thttpd umount_f lash update-modules upnpd Ok now, we have removed the bftpd, and definitely we lost all contact through FTP with our NSLU2, but don’t worry we will replace the access with another file, but with the same name, eheheh. Now we go to the /etc folder and we will remove as well the bftpd configuration file, as follow: #cd /etc #ls HOSTNAME adjtime ample.conf backup_sh.conf cgi_msg crontab disk.status fstab group hosts inetd.conf inittab ipkg localtime media.conf motd motd-fl motd-un mt-daapd.conf mtab nsswitch.conf passwd passwd- printcap protocols rc rc.d resolv.conf samba services sys_msg sysconfig thttpd.conf bftpd.conf #rm bftpd.conf HOSTNAME adjtime ample.conf backup_sh.conf cgi_msg crontab disk.status fstab group hosts inetd.conf inittab ipkg localtime media.conf motd motd-fl motd-un mt-daapd.conf mtab nsswitch.conf passwd passwd- printcap protocols rc rc.d resolv.conf samba services sys_msg sysconfig thttpd.conf Ok, now we have all bftpd removed (binary and config file), and we will start rocking!!!!! # cd /opt/sbin # ls ldconfig ldconfig.bin sshd vsftpd # cp vsftpd /usr/sbin/bftpd With this command we have copied the vsftpd into the /usr/sbin folder and named it bftpd (tricky isn’t it?!!!) and therefore we will cheat NSLU2 and it will think he got the bftpd running again. Moving forward…. #cd /opt/etc #ls # cd /opt/etc # ls init.d openssh # At this stage we will create two folders to get access to a root user through FTP #vi vsftpd.chroot_list ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "vsftpd.chroot_list" line 1 of 1 --100%-- We will type the Ins (Insert command) so we can write on the file, and we will type in this file our user : root, as follows: root ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "vsftpd.chroot_list" line 1 of 1 --100%-- Now we need to save the file we have created, by typing the following commands: Click on ESC key Click Shift and : key Type wq And we are back to the directory. In order to be assured the file is there we type again the ls command, like follow: root ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ # ls init.d openssh vsftpd.chroot_li st # And here we have our file, eheheh. Now we will create/change the vsftpd.conf (configuration file) on the same directory /opt/etc, and we will type the following commands: #vi vsftpd.conf The file will open and you will copy the following text and paste it there: # Example config file /opt/etc/vsftpd.conf # # The default compiled in settings are fairly paranoid. This sample file # loosens things up a bit, to make the ftp daemon more usable. # Please see vsftpd.conf.5 for all compiled in defaults. # # READ THIS: This example file is NOT an exhaustive list of vsftpd options. # Please read the vsftpd.conf.5 manual page to get a full idea of vsftpd's # capabilities. # # Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you comment this out). anonymous_enable=NO # # Uncomment this to allow local users to log in. local_enable=YES # # Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command. write_enable=YES # # Default umask for local users is 077. You may wish to change this to 022, # if your users expect that (022 is used by most other ftpd's) local_umask=022 # # Uncomment this to allow the anonymous FTP user to upload files. This only # has an effect if the above global write enable is activated. Also, you will # obviously need to create a directory writable by the FTP user. #anon_upload_enable=YES # # Uncomment this if you want the anonymous FTP user to be able to create # new directories. #anon_mkdir_write_enable=YES # # Activate directory messages - messages given to remote users when they # go into a certain directory. dirmessage_enable=YES # # Activate logging of uploads/downloads. xferlog_enable=NO # # Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 (ftp-data). connect_from_port_20=YES # # If you want, you can arrange for uploaded anonymous files to be owned by # a different user. Note! Using "root" for uploaded files is not # recommended! #chown_uploads=YES #chown_username=whoever # # You may override where the log file goes if you like. The default is shown # below. #vsftpd_log_file=/opt/var/log/vsftpd.log # # If you want, you can have your log file in standard ftpd xferlog format #xferlog_std_format=YES # # You may change the default value for timing out an idle session. #idle_session_timeout=600 # # You may change the default value for timing out a data connection. #data_connection_timeout=120 # # It is recommended that you define on your system a unique user which the # ftp server can use as a totally isolated and unprivileged user. #nopriv_user=ftpsecure # # Enable this and the server will recognise asynchronous ABOR requests. Not # recommended for security (the code is non-trivial). Not enabling it, # however, may confuse older FTP clients. #async_abor_enable=YES # # By default the server will pretend to allow ASCII mode but in fact ignore # the request. Turn on the below options to have the server actually do ASCII # mangling on files when in ASCII mode. # Beware that turning on ascii_download_enable enables malicious remote parties # to consume your I/O resources, by issuing the command "SIZE /big/file" in # ASCII mode. # These ASCII options are split into upload and download because you may wish # to enable ASCII uploads (to prevent uploaded scripts etc. from breaking), # without the DoS risk of SIZE and ASCII downloads. ASCII mangling should be # on the client anyway.. #ascii_upload_enable=YES #ascii_download_enable=YES # # You may fully customise the login banner string: ftpd_banner=Welcome to the NSLU2 vsftp daemon. # # You may specify a file of disallowed anonymous e-mail addresses. Apparently # useful for combatting certain DoS attacks. #deny_email_enable=YES # (default follows) #banned_email_file=/opt/etc/vsftpd.banned_emails # # You may specify an explicit list of local users to chroot() to their home # directory. If chroot_local_user is YES, then this list becomes a list of # users to NOT chroot(). chroot_list_enable=YES chroot_local_user=YES # (default follows) chroot_list_file=/opt/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list # # You may activate the "-R" option to the builtin ls. This is disabled by # default to avoid remote users being able to cause excessive I/O on large # sites. However, some broken FTP clients such as "ncftp" and "mirror" assume # the presence of the "-R" option, so there is a strong case for enabling it. ls_recurse_enable=YES Now we need to save the file we have created/changed, by typing the following commands: Click on ESC key Click Shift and : key Type wq And we are back to the directory. In order to be assured the file is there we type again the ls command, like follow: # Example config file /opt/etc/vsftpd.conf # # The default compiled in settings are fairly paranoid. This sample file # loosens things up a bit, to make the ftp daemon more usable. # Please see vsftpd.conf.5 for all compiled in defaults. # # READ THIS: This example file is NOT an exhaustive list of vsftpd options. # Please read the vsftpd.conf.5 manual page to get a full idea of vsftpd's # capabilities. # # Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you comment this out). anonymous_enable=NO # # Uncomment this to allow local users to log in. local_enable=YES # # Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command. write_enable=YES # # Default umask for local users is 077. You may wish to change this to 022, # if your users expect that (022 is used by most other ftpd's) local_umask=022 # # ls init.d openssh vsftpd.chroot_li st vsftpd.conf # Now we must go to the /etc directory and do the same with the vsftpd.conf file that is there, following the same steps: # cd /etc # ls CGI_ds.conf HOSTNAME adjtime ample.conf backup_sh.conf cgi_msg crontab disk.status fstab group hosts inetd.conf inittab ipkg localtime media.conf motd motd-fl motd-un mt-daapd.conf mtab nsswitch.conf passwd passwd- printcap protocols rc rc.d resolv.conf samba services sys_msg sysconfig thttpd.conf vsftpd.conf #vi vsftpd.conf The file will open (in blanc or written, I don’t recall it quite well) and you will copy the text mentioned above for the vsftpd.conf file and paste it there: Once again we need to save the file we have created/changed, by typing the following commands: Click on ESC key Click Shift and : key Type wq And we are back to the directory. In order to be assured the file is there we type again the ls command, like follow: # Example config file /opt/etc/vsftpd.conf # # The default compiled in settings are fairly paranoid. This sample file # loosens things up a bit, to make the ftp daemon more usable. # Please see vsftpd.conf.5 for all compiled in defaults. # # READ THIS: This example file is NOT an exhaustive list of vsftpd options. # Please read the vsftpd.conf.5 manual page to get a full idea of vsftpd's # capabilities. # # Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you comment this out). anonymous_enable=NO # # Uncomment this to allow local users to log in. local_enable=YES # # Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command. write_enable=YES # # Default umask for local users is 077. You may wish to change this to 022, # if your users expect that (022 is used by most other ftpd's) local_umask=022 # # ls CGI_ds.conf HOSTNAME adjtime ample.conf backup_sh.conf cgi_msg crontab disk.status fstab group hosts inetd.conf inittab ipkg localtime media.conf motd motd-fl motd-un mt-daapd.conf mtab nsswitch.conf passwd passwd- printcap protocols rc rc.d resolv.conf samba services sys_msg sysconfig thttpd.conf vsftpd.conf # Ok, now we have FTP access. You can use for example the Cute FTP Pro tool, to view the files inside the NSLU2 and to add and change them Now we will reboot our NSLU2 so he assume all the configurations we have done. Remember that after any reboot you must go again to NSLU2 Web browser and enable telnet on “Manage Telnet” webpage. So, assuming that your NSLU2 had reboot ok, and that you have enabled the telnet session, you get the telnet command line prompt at the windows menu, and you request another loggin: C:\ telnet ENTER LXXXXXX login: root Password: Welcome to Unslung V2.3R63-uNSLUng-6.8-beta ---------- NOTE: THIS SYSTEM IS CURRENTLY UNSLUNG ---------- BusyBox v0.60.4 (2005.03.22-06:52+0000) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. LKG36CF7A login: root Password: Welcome to Unslung V2.3R63-uNSLUng-6.8-beta # Ok, for now we forget the telnet session and we acess the NSLU2 through FTP, to install the CCcam. We enter the NSLU2 and we will place the following files at /etc folder: CCcam.channelinfo CCcam.prio CCcam.providers We will chmod them 644. After we can get back on telnet session and check if they are in place, by typing the following commands: # ls # cd /etc # ls CCcam.channelinfo CCcam.prio CCcam.providers CGI_ds.conf HOSTNAME adjtime ample.conf backup_sh.conf cgi_msg crontab disk.status fstab group hosts inetd.conf inittab ipkg localtime media.conf motd motd-fl motd-un mt-daapd.conf mtab nsswitch.conf passwd passwd- printcap protocols rc rc.d resolv.conf samba services sys_msg sysconfig thttpd.conf vsftpd.conf Ok, now we get back again into FTP session and we will go to the folder /usr/local: Here we will create 2 new folders: sbin and keys: We will place in usr/local/sbin the following files: CCcam.armeb CCcam.cfg We will change the name of CCcam.armeb into just CCcam After, we chmod both files 755. Now, if you want you can get back into telnet session and check if the files are there, by typping: #cd /usr/local/ #ls And after, check if the files are really in /usr/local/sbin, by typping: #cd /sbin #ls CCcam CCcam.cfg # Ok, Now we will create the start of CCcam automatically on your NSLU2 for every time you reboot the system. For such we will go to the folder /opt/etc/init.d # cd /opt/etc # ls init.d openssh vsftpd.chroot_list vsftpd.conf # cd init.d # ls S40sshd Now we will create the S59cccam folder with the init commands so our CCcam server may start automatically and for that we will copy this file: #!/bin/sh if [ -n "`pidof CCcam`" ] ; then killall CCcam fi sleep 2 /usr/local/sbin/CCcam -C /usr/local/sbin/CCcam.cfg And type on the prompt #vi S59cccam Now we paste here the file, and it must look like this: #!/bin/sh if [ -n "`pidof CCcam`" ] ; then killall CCcam fi sleep 2 /usr/local/sbin/CCcam -C /usr/local/sbin/CCcam.cfg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "S59cccam" line 1 of 8 --12%-- Now we save this file by typing once again, the following commands: Click on ESC key Click Shift and : key Type wq And we are back on the track To make it easier, now we go to FTP on same folder (/opt/etc/init.d) and we will chmod S59cccam 755 Now we will just use the FTP tool to place some other necessary folders, which are: On /lib folder we will chmod 755 and place there the files: On /usr/lib we will chmod 755 and place there the files: On /usr/sbin we will chmod 755 and place there the files: After this if you try to start the CCcam on telnet session you’ll get an error similar to this one: # cd /usr/local/sbin # ls CCcam CCcam.cfg # ./CCcam -d ./CCcam: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /lib/libstdc If you try to run an update like the following one you’ll get this message # ipkg update GLIBC_2.3 Downloading s.gz Inflating gz Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/cross Downloading es.gz Inflating .gz Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/native Downloading kages.gz Inflating ges.gz Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/oe # ./CCcam -d ./CCcam: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /lib/libstdc # ipkg update Downloading s.gz Inflating gz Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/cross Downloading es.gz Inflating .gz Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/native Downloading kages.gz Inflating ges.gz Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/oe # Therefore you must go to the wikki page and get the file libc6_2.3.5+cvs20050627-r6 _armeb.ipk This file belongs to the Openslug firmware system, but it has been the only one I found to avoid the error message GLIBC_2.3 After you download the file you place it through FTP on the /tmp folder, and now we must install it on NSLU2. So on telnet session you go to /tmp and do the following commands: # cd / # cd /tmp # ls # ls libc6_2.3.5+cvs20050627-r6_armeb.ipk # ipkg install -force-overwrite libc6_2.3.5+cvs20050627-r6_armeb.ipk Installing libc6 (2.3.5+cvs20050627-r6) to root... Configuring libc6 ldconfig: /lib/ is not a symbolic link After you will need to update the ldconfig file that you’ll need to reinstall and you can do it typing: # ipkg install ldconfig Installing ldconfig (2.2.5-1) to root... Downloading g_2.2.5-1_armeb.ipk Configuring ldconfig /opt/sbin/ldconfig.bin: /lib/ is not a symbolic link Now we are ready to start our CCCam, and we will get this: # cd / # cd /usr/local/sbin # ls CCcam CCcam.cfg # ./CCcam -d 19:30:40.762 CCcam: ================================================= =========== ========== 19:30:40.765 CCcam: starting CCcam 2.0.0 compiled on Jun 9 2007@12:50:09 19:30:40.765 CCcam: ================================================= =========== ========== 19:30:40.768 CCcam: online using nodeId ddc9009500c1700ec 19:30:40.776 CCcam: read config: cannot open /var/etc/CCcam.cfg or not found 19:30:40.772 CCcam: create 1 cam device(s) 19:30:40.782 CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/SoftCam.Key or not found 19:30:40.783 CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key or not found 19:30:40.784 CCcam: static cw not found or bad 19:30:40.785 CCcam: parsed 0 entries from /var/etc/CCcam.prio 19:30:40.786 CCcam: readProviderfile: cannot open /var/etc/CCcam.providers or no t found 19:30:40.787 CCcam: readChannelList: cannot open /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo or n ot found 19:30:40.788 CCcam: server started on port 12000 Now that we have our NSLU2 working properly and running CCcam smoothly we will want more, and we need to get a local card working on it. For that we already had bought an usbtoserial converter cable so we may connect on NSLU2 port 1 the cable and on it’s end attach our phoenix reader. To get the usb2serial cable working on NSLU2 we will need to install it’s drivers, and therefore (and assuming you have bought an sub2serial with PL2303 chipset based USB to Serial adaptor) we will do the following commands on telnet session to package: #ipkg install kernel-module-usbserial Installing kernel-module-usbserial (2.4.22.l2.3r63-r19) to root... Downloading nel-module-usbserial_2.4.22.l2.3r63-r19_ixp4xxbe.ipk Installing kernel-2.4.22-xfs (2.4.22.l2.3r63-r19) to root... Downloading nel-2.4.22-xfs_2.4.22.l2.3r63-r19_ixp4xxbe.ipk Configuring kernel-2.4.22-xfs Configuring kernel-module-usbserial After this is installed we will do another command: #ipkg install kernel-module-pl2303 (NOTE: Do NOT reboot your NSLU2 at this stage) Ok, now after kernel-module-pl2303 is installed we need to do some other commands: #depmod -a #insmod usbserial #insmod pl2303 After this is done we get back to the FTP tool we use and we will go to /etc/rc.d folder, and we open the file rc.modules which will have there: if ( [ -f /unslung/rc.modules ] && . /unslung/rc.modules ) ; then return 0 ; fi #!/bin/sh insmod pbuttons 2>/dev/null insmod rbuttons 2>/dev/null insmod x1226-rtc 2>/dev/null insmod ufsd 2>/dev/null Now we will add 2 lines on this file, and it will look like this: if ( [ -f /unslung/rc.modules ] && . /unslung/rc.modules ) ; then return 0 ; fi #!/bin/sh insmod pbuttons 2>/dev/null insmod rbuttons 2>/dev/null insmod x1226-rtc 2>/dev/null insmod ufsd 2>/dev/null insmod usbserial insmod pl2303 We close the file, and job for the Drivers of usb2serial converter is done, and we may now proceed to installation of our local card at CCcam. At this stage you’ll be able to reboot NSLU2 again without any problems, and all should be running smoothly. Although….. There appears to be different versions of the pl2303 chip in USB to Serial Adapters. If you find that the dmesg command displays error messages about the pl2303 (e.g. "pl2303.c: pl2303 _read_int_callback - usb_submit_urb failed with result -22") you should get a new version of the driver pl2303.o. For information see Message #7954 at ( The URL referenced in the above message is: So, you download the driver and get it reinstalled on NSLU2, on the following manner: 1) get the driver from the URL 2) find the current driver's location. You can do this with FTP tool and go to the folder /lib/modules/2.4.22-xfs/kernel/drivers/usb/serial 3) replace the current adapter file at the above location, 4) unplug the USB to Serial Adapter, 5) type on telnet session command #rmmod pl2303, 6) Then type #insmod pl2303, 7) plug adapter back in. You can make the necessary configs on NSLU2 CCcam.cfg to conect it to your CCcam on Dreambox, and to be able to read the phoenix reader path you've choosen. You open on routers portforward the port for the CCcam on NSLU2, in TCP protocol. You Reboot the NSLU2 so the CCcam start, now with the drivers of sub2serial attached and doing the recognition of your phoenix. After reboot the CCcam will start and your local card must be read through the phoenix attached on the sub2serial cable. You once again may check the acess to webbrowser, telnet, ssh and ftp and you'll see that everything is 100% working. And now finally we’re done! Happy Sharing to you @ll. Dreambox 8000 HD PVR / DM 920 UHD - Visiosat BISAT G3 Astra 28.5/Eurobird 28.2/Astra 19.2/Hotbird 13
Gast Geplaatst: 6 september 2007 Geplaatst: 6 september 2007 dolphs het gaat goed met programmeren, alleen in je aan WinXP hangen van de smartmouse verhaal. Mis ik het stuk of het direct met usb kabel of met een USB2RS232 adapter moet gebeuren. Want ik heb een Infinity USB Phoenix Cardreader Je verwijs ook naar "zie bijlage afbeelding met oorspronkelijke instelling". Maar ik zie geen. Wil je ook even meer info geven over hoe de driver te installeren. Moet ik als ik de smartmouse aansluit windows verwijzen naar de folder met de drv? En moet ik nog wat met de drivers verder doen? Mprog moet behalve “Only program Blank Devices” ook Device Type kiezen? Bij voorbaat ernstig bedank, Negrito
Ome Merde Geplaatst: 6 september 2007 Geplaatst: 6 september 2007 ik heb hier een CCcam 2.0.3 server onder Unslung 6.8ß draaien, draait super ... merDe deze ruimte is te huur
dolphs Geplaatst: 6 september 2007 Geplaatst: 6 september 2007 Citaat: dolphs het gaat goed met programmeren, alleen in je aan WinXP hangen van de smartmouse verhaal. Mis ik het stuk of het direct met usb kabel of met een USB2RS232 adapter moet gebeuren. Want ik heb een Infinity USB Phoenix Cardreader Je verwijs ook naar "zie bijlage afbeelding met oorspronkelijke instelling". Gaat om USB, smartmouse is USB Citaat: Maar ik zie geen. Wil je ook even meer info geven over hoe de driver te installeren. Moet ik als ik de smartmouse aansluit windows verwijzen naar de folder met de drv? En moet ik nog wat met de drivers verder doen? Mprog moet behalve “Only program Blank Devices” ook Device Type kiezen? Driver install op site mprog, even doorbijten zal drv folder zijn en dan vindt ie een info file. Kan natuurlijk zijn dat het voor de infinityusb helemal niet nodig is. Nogmaals ik heb een smartreader+ en smartmouse usb... Kan het helaas niet testen met infinityusb. maar begin eens met een "dmesg" en een "lsusb" en kijk wat standaard wordt gevonden voordat je de EEPROM in infinityusb gaat "faken" naar andere productid en vendorid Bijlage is attached Xtrend ET10000 met Quad Inverto Ultra
Gast Geplaatst: 7 september 2007 Geplaatst: 7 september 2007 Help ik kan het bestand nergens vinden. Tevens krijg ik de melding: # cd /usr/local/sbin # ./CCcam -d Bus error # Wat moet ik doen??? <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
dolphs Geplaatst: 2 januari 2008 Geplaatst: 2 januari 2008 Inmiddels ben ik bezig een herziene HOWTO te schrijven voor openslug 4.8 beta, dacht dat ik 1-2-3 klaar zou zijn maar helaas nog steeds geen libftdi standaard in de packages aanwezig en tot overmate van ramp is slugos-native vooralsnog ook nergens te bekennen ... ... wordt vervolgd, wellicht kan iemand ook een herziene versie voor de laatste unslug maken? Xtrend ET10000 met Quad Inverto Ultra
Cypro Geplaatst: 31 januari 2008 Geplaatst: 31 januari 2008 Hoi. Ik ben ook een hele tijd bezig geweest met Infinity Phoenix USB cardreader op mijn Slug. Tot op heden zonder resultaat. Ik volg dus zeer aandachtig deze thread, aangezien ik het idee had dat het met de Inifinity Phoenix USB niet ging lukken. Ik heb trouwens een USB naar COM converter met de pl2303 chip.
Reneetjuh Geplaatst: 13 februari 2008 Geplaatst: 13 februari 2008 Hallo. Ik heb inmiddels de NLSU2 ook draaien met de 4.8 firmware. Ik krijg de kaartlezer (USB Infinity) dus ook niet aan de praat. Nu wilde ik overgaan naar de 3.10 beta maar ik krijg mijn NSLU2 maar niet gereset en ook de upgrade utility ziet de NSLU2 niet... weet iemand wat je hier aan kan doen... Ik wil namelijk toch wel graag mijn kaart aan de praat hebben... Dreambox 7000s, Nokia Dbox 2, Nokia MM9500, Magic Module, Mastera IV, Moteck 2100 srg, Schotel 80cm draaiende van 43 west naar 72.0 oost...
Tonskidutch Geplaatst: 14 februari 2008 Geplaatst: 14 februari 2008 Ferengi Citaat: Now we will just use the FTP tool to place some other necessary folders, which are: On /lib folder we will chmod 755 and place there the files: On /usr/lib we will chmod 755 and place there the files: On /usr/sbin we will chmod 755 and place there the files: After this if you try to start the CCcam on telnet session you’ll get an error similar to this one: # cd /usr/local/sbin # ls CCcam CCcam.cfg # ./CCcam -d ./CCcam: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /lib/libstdc If you try to run an update like the following one you’ll get this message # ipkg update GLIBC_2.3 daar ging het weer eens fout hedenavond... bij mij hier na meer dan een half jaar dit te hebben getest waar krijg ik die bestandjes vandaan? wil het weer eens zuiver installeren op 6.8 cheers Apocalypse Sigarettes after Sex
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