Satori Geplaatst: 23 maart 2002 Geplaatst: 23 maart 2002 Salvad0r heeft ons weer verblijd met zijn volgende versie van Pionero. Ik zal hem meteen in de up/download sectie zetten. Bedankt Sa1vad0r. Dit is nieuw in Versie 4.0 Beta_2 - Configuration of all Flash ICs depending on the decoder model and board. - Now you can generate the firmware checksum of BCT15xx and BCT16xx automatically. - The number of bits in the start delay (WaitStart) can be changed. This improves notably all the transmissions through the Jtag interface. - More security measures have been added to the Jtag code to avoid hung-ups with defective Jtag interfaces. - Added a "Cut" button in the Tuning section. - Now Pionero recognizes channels and transponders tables mixed with upgrades. - All INI and DOC files are now inside subdirectories. - New GUI translation : Arabic. - Bug fixes. Groeten Satori
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