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De FreeCAM is een op een Irdeto 1 gebaseerde flash. Het ding heeft maar 256k EEPROM aan board. De Irdeto 2 heeft 512kb. Het kan ook zijn dat een (deel) van het Irdeto 2 algoritme er niet in staat! Probeer een AlphaCrypt of Irdeto 2 module te vinden. Ik vond hem op dit board voor 12 euro.... Dan weet je absoluut zeker dat de activering en update 100% werkt..


net wat maxhum al schreef hier


heb ik al vaker gelezen,


wetende dat er destijds toen de freecam volop in gebruik was en razend populair was ook enkele receivers pech hadden zoals heel veel echostars


dus kan het toch echt zijn; dat de freecam niet prettig werkt op de pace daar de receiver vooraf de aan de cam gestuurde data filtert (dus iets niet doorlaat)

zeker van die zaak ben ik niet daar ik nooit een pace heb gehad en/of heb mogen testen met de freecam.


wat ik wel zeker weet is dat er meerdere versies in omloop zijn van de 2.020 ik heb er zelf ook eens een gehexedit...

als laatste optie (wil je niet meteen een andere ci kopen) is hem eens met een andere te flashen per pcmcia


(gaat tegenwoordigs ook op xp)



Man With The Red Face (Radio Edit)

Mark Knight, Funkagenda



effe een officiele readme.txt erbij gepakt



FreeCAM2-010: Initial public release.

FreeCAM2-011: Fixed a bug in the $0328D6 routine which also existed in FreeCAM1. Channel switching is now faster.

FreeCAM2-012: Fixed a bug that caused some receivers not to support D-Cards (e.g. Mediavision).

FreeCAM2-013: Returned to original routine at $030064.

FreeCAM2-014: Fixed a bug that could destroy EEPROM contents when turning emulator off and switching between Mode GER and INT. Added support for GER, INT, XNT, TEL and AUTO Modes. In Version 014 only use AUTO (all other modes do not work). There is another bug (left from FreeCAM1) which can eventually destroy a smart card EEPROM contents when the EMU is on (sends 01 FF nanos, don't know why). So do not insert a card that supports EEPROM writing, when the EMU is on. I will work on a fix in 015.

FreeCAM2-015: FreeCAM in emulator mode no longer destroys smartcard. You can now switch the emulator on without the need to go to a 0602 channel before. Enhanced support for Non-Irdeto/BetaCrypt ECMs.

FreeCAM2-016: Fixed a bug which caused CA_System_ID 1722 not to work (Mediavision Bouquet affected).

FreeCAM2-017: Allow 4711 before the CA_System_ID to deactivate CAMCRYPT. This allows certain Goldwafers (Alfredo) to run.

FreeCAM2-018: Added support for preferred providers in Viaccess and Seca. For more details see the the FAQ/Prefered providers section below. Added support for dumping the CA_PMT. Set this to OFF, if you don't know what this means. Makes only sense to turn it on with an emulator which can interpret this (e.g. HBEMU).

FreeCAM2-019: Added support for TPScrypt. Disabled printing of error messages like "NVRAM/FILTER ERROR", but the problem still exists - see the Bugs section below. Added multiple EMM support. Now it is possible to receive EMMs for two different CA_System_IDs simultaneous. The two CA_System_IDs are: the one from the card and the default Irdeto1 ID - 0602.

FreeCAM2-020: Added support for Z-/x02-cards.


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* OS: Win95, Win98 or WinME


* Software: IRD106.EXE or XALOAD.EXE


Installation using XALOAD.EXE


1. Unzip all files to a directory of your choice (e.g. C:\FREECAM).

2. If you run Win95 (non OSR2) delete Irdeto98.inf.

3. If you run Win95 OSR2, Win98 or WinME delete Irdeto95.inf.

4. If you run WinNT, Win2000 or WinXP, it won't work.

5. Insert the CI-Cam into the PCMCIA slot. When windows asks you for a driver directory point to C:\FREECAM.

6. Start the MS-DOS command line. Go to C:\FREECAM and run "XALOAD.EXE F2-B020.BIN".


Installation using IRD106.EXE


1. Unzip all files to a directory of your choice (e.g. C:\FREECAM).

2. If you run Win95 (non OSR2) delete Irdeto98.inf.

3. If you run Win95 OSR2, Win98 or WinME delete Irdeto95.inf.

4. If you run WinNT, Win2000 or WinXP, it won't work.

5. Insert the CI-Cam into the PCMCIA slot. When windows asks you for a driver directory point to C:\FREECAM.

6. Edit IRD106.INI and change the BINARY entry to Binary=F2-B020.BIN.

7. Copy IRD106.INI from C:\FREECAM to windows directory (e.g. C:\WINDOWS).

8. Run IRD106.EXE. Press the START button.


top of page


Goodies menu:

DEBUG (on / off): OFF (default): sending of debug messages is switched off. ON: CA_PMT is sent to cardslot, "01 5A 00 00 01 length ca_pmt". ON is not useful if you don't know how to read the CA_PMT. This option does not open any extra channels.

ECM: This setting has 2 different functions:


1. cam sends the selected list of CA_System_IDs and the CA_System_ID from the card to the receiver. This way cam tells the receiver which systems it supports. This function is only in effect on receivers which prefilter the CA_PMT (Technisat, Humax). On receivers which give the complete PMT to the CI (Nokia, Galaxis, Hauppauge/Technotrend DVBs) it has no effect.

2. the selected set of CA_System_IDs is used to find the ECM-PID. The cam checks if ECM-PIDs for one of the CA_System_IDs are in the CA_PMT and selects them. The order of the CA_System_IDs in the list defines their priority. The highest priority has the CA_System_ID from the card, followed by the CA_system_IDs from the list, from left to right. This function is independent of used receiver.


BS/I/V/S/N (default) 1702 1762 0602 0500 0100 1800

BA/I/V/S/N 1762 1702 0602 0500 0100 1800

BK/I/V/S/N 1722 1762 0602 0500 0100 1800

Irdeto 1762 0602 0604 0606 0608 0622

I/V/S/CO/N 1762 0602 0500 0100 0B00 1800

I/CR/V/NA 0602 0D00 0D03 0D05 0500 1801

Seca/Via 1702 1762 0602 0100 0500 1800

Via/Seca 1702 1762 0602 0500 0100 1800


I=Irdeto, BS=BetaCrypt-S, BA=BetaCrypt-A, BK=BetaCrypt-K, S=Seca, V=Viaccess, N=Nagra, NA=Nagra-Aladin, CO=Conax, CR=Cryptoworks


You can edit the menu text and CA_System_IDs: text at $37F00, CA_System_IDs at $37F80 or use a FreeCam editor like FCEdit.

EMU (on / off): OFF: use card or emu to decode. ON: internal Irdeto1/BetaCrypt1 emulator is used.

TPScrypt (on / off): OFF: cam does not decrypt TPScrypted Viaccess ECMs. ON: cam decrypts TPScrypted Viaccess ECMs and sends them plain to the card.

Prefered providers:


It is possible to define a list of so-called "prefered" providers for Viaccess and Seca. These are 10 byte long strings which consist of 4 or 2 provider idents, depending on the System. These strings have the following format (all values in hexadecimal notation):

53 45 aa aa bb bb cc cc dd dd for Seca: space for 4 idents each 2 byte long.

56 49 xx xx x0 yy yy y0 00 00 for Viaccess: space for 2 idents each 3 byte long, the last 2 byte are not used.


You can enter these strings in the same way as PlainKeys. Either with your remote control in the Key menu or at $3A000 in the bin file. It is wise to enter only the idents you have keys for. Multiple entries are allowed.


example Seca:

53 45 00 19 00 03 00 10 00 00 53 45 = SEca ident string

00 19 = ident for Canal+ Digitaal

00 03 = ident for Canal+ France

00 10 = ident for D+

00 00 = empty entry


example Viaccess:

56 49 00 78 00 00 7C 00 00 00 56 49 = VIaccess ident string

00 78 00 = ident for CSN France

00 7C 00 = ident for TPS France

00 00 = not used, always 00 00

Multiple EMMs:


It is possible to receive EMMs for two different CA_System_IDs. The first CA_System_ID is 0602 (default Irdeto1 ID). If it is in the CAT, it is activated. The second CA_System_ID is defined by the card. Example: if you set your card to 1702 you will be able to receive EMMs for 0602 and 1702.


aan de hand van de checksum kon je officiele van eigen huisvleit onderscheiden.


ik heb er meerdere op dvd archief.



Man With The Red Face (Radio Edit)

Mark Knight, Funkagenda



Met de instellingen suggestie van Maxhum en van Tonskidutch is ie plots aan de praat. Heren, bedankt <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" />voor de moeite en de waardevolle antwoorden en suggesties.

Het enige wat ik merk is dat ie nu soms wat blokkerig beeld geeft (ligt dat aan de 256 k eeprom)bij Nederlandse zenders.


Henk <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />


Geef maar toe dat ie er op de kop in zat <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> (geintje) sukses verder.


misschien, hendrik jan

staan er nog enkele oeroude irdeto keys in voor de nederlandse zenders (waar vroeger ook echt iets mee opende)

die hebben indien aanwezig eventueel het stotteren ten gevolg


de ci kan namelijk soms van slag raken indien er voor een PID kaart en keys zijn.


kun je eigenlijk allemaal wissen, via het ci menu van je receiver.



Man With The Red Face (Radio Edit)

Mark Knight, Funkagenda


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