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Enigma 2 update PKT MOD voor IPBox 900/910/9000 HD

Gast Kimble

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Er is een update uitgebracht voor de Enigma 2 versie van SIF Team voor IPBox 900/910/9000 HD.


De update van 16-11-2008 is afkomstig van PKT (Polish Kathrein Team).

Belangrijke wijzigingen zijn onder meer een toegevoegd Blue Panel en een enigszins gewijzigde installatiemethode.


Enigma 2 Sifteam PKT MOD 9000HD/cuberevo/mini


Hi. This is Mod by PKT (Polish Kathrein Team ) of Sifteam Enigma 2 image for 9000HD/cuberevo.

There is added Blue Panel . We can download mbox or camd3 emu, configs, channel setting (only HB+A) ,

mount HDD to hdd/movie, start/stop/restart emu and see some infos about emu, ecm... etc etc


How to install:


Procedure is this same like in E2 sifteam but here we don't use command mv ./release/* . Copy by ftp from unpacked file this "enigma2_cuberevo_mod_PKT.tar.gz" to mnt/usb.


just write in telnet:


cd mnt/usb

tar xzf enigma2_cuberevo_mod_PKT.tar.gz


After this we got prepered usb stick with new e2 mod.

Remember usb stick should be formated in ext2!


Little FAQ for PKT blue panel:




If someone have problems with Polish language and wanted to change on own. Just press Menu, 7, 2, 2 and choose your language


And about PKT Panel. Little FAQ. Press Blue Button choose Polish kathi Team menu then :


1. Emu


* [1] Emulatory ( Emulators)

** (1) Zatrzymaj emu (Stop Emu)

** (2) Restartuj Emu (Restart emu)

** (3) Re/Start Mbox (if we have installed mbox)

** (4) Re/Start camd3 (if we have installed camd3)

** (5) Powrót do Emu (Back to Emu menu)


* [2] ECM /Pid Info

* [3] Statystyka Mbox (Mbox Statistic)

* [4] Peer info

* [5] Mbox Info

* [6] Emu Info


2. Dysk (Hard Drive HDD)

* [1] Pokaż ilość miejsca na dysku ( Show free space on HDD)

* [2] Pokaż wszystkie urządzenia ( Show all devices)

* [3] Pokaż podmontowane urządzenia ( Show mounted devices)

* [4] Wyswietl liste /hdd/movie ( Show list hdd/movie)

* [5] Podmontuj dysk do /hdd/movie ( Mount HDD to /hdd/movie)

* [6] Przelacz dysk w tryb uspienia ( Sleep Hdd)

* [7] Odmontuj dysk ( Unmount HDD)


3. System

* [1] Informacje systemowe (System Informations)

* [2] Procesy ( Process)

* [3] Mount

* [4] Test sieci ( Lan Test)

* [5] Filesystem

* [6] SWAP

* [7] Restart GUI

* [8] Reboot UFS/Ipbox


4. Addons ( Download)

* [1] Pobierz Emu ( Download Emu)

** (1) Pobierz Mbox ( Download Mbox)

** (2) Pobierz Camd3 (Download Camd3)

** (3) Usun Mbox ( Delete Mbox)

** (4) Usun Camd3 ( Delete camd3)

** (5) Powrot do Addons ( back to Addons menu)


* [2] Pobierz configi emu ( Download Emu configs)

** (1) Config Mbox

** (2) Config camd3

** (3) Powrot ( Back)


* [3] Pobierz liste kanalow (Download Channel List)

** (1) Lista @djcrash ( List from @djcrash HB+A)

** (2) Powrot ( Back)


* [4] Pobierz klucze (Download Keys for camd3)


5. PKT Info ( Info about PKT )





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