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--Hallo allemaal,


Ik ben al tijden op zoek naar de informatie die ik hier vraag; ik hoop dat ik niet ergens een draadje gemist heb waar ik deze info had kunnen vinden....


Ik heb nu de hardware van mijn HTPC binnen en wil er een Vista based systeem van maken, draaiend op ProgDVB (eventueel naar VMC via DVBSbridge als het werkt). Omdat ik stoeien met deze dingen wel leuk vind ben ik gegaan voor de softcam optie, met mijn eigen Ziggo kaart (4107) in een Infinity USB Phoenix cardreader.


Tot zo ver de theorie. Ik kan echter niet voldoende achterliggende theorie vinden om de boel aan de praat te krijgen. Ik begrijp het idee achter de (soft)CAM en de reader, maar het principe van de camkey en camkey data ontgaat mij. Ik ging er vanuit dat de cardserver/softcam de benodigde data uit de kaart kon halen, maar intussen weet ik dat het zo simpel niet is.


Ik probeer Acamd van Appiemulder (hulde!) te gebruiken en de plugin start netjes. Heb uit een draadje geprobeerd een 4107 camkey te halen, en hoop dat die correct is. Maar het resultaat is niet echt om van te springen.


Allereerst de newcs output:

This is NewCS 1.62 - the New CardServer by the Butter-team..

Compiled on Aug 27 2008 at 16:48:56

Reading Config file from newcs.xml

TCP-log password is enabled, set to: NewCSpwd

TCP-log set to simple mode

level: normal

type: init

output: console,tcp

logger config: level 1 type 3 output 5

Console log options: level 1 type 3

TCP log options: level 1 type 3

[ 21:47:20 ] [ Box detect ] Windows Vista Build 6001

[ 21:47:20 ] [ Config ] Irdeto EMM mode 0 SET on reader smargo

[ 21:47:20 ] [ Config ] Pincode for device 0 (smargo): 0000

[ 21:47:20 ] [ Config ] com1 ECM priority: round

[ 21:47:20 ] [ httpd ] httpd-user: newcs, password: newcs, accesslevel: admin

[ 21:47:20 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache

[ 21:47:20 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache

[ 21:47:20 ] [ Loader ] Starting Telnet on port 1001

[ 21:47:20 ] [ Loader ] Started HTTP-server on port: 8080

[ 21:47:20 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node com1

[ 21:47:20 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device com1

[ 21:47:20 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting parity to NONE on node com1

[ 21:47:20 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node com1

[ 21:47:20 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting baud to 16457

[ 21:47:22 ] [ Loader ] Unknown card

[ 21:47:22 ] [ Loader ] Trying Irdeto (T=14)

[ 21:47:22 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node com1

[ 21:47:22 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device com1

[ 21:47:22 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting parity to NONE on node com1

[ 21:47:22 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node com1

[ 21:47:22 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting baud to 9600

[ 21:47:24 ] [ ATR ] T=14 1etu=104.17us Guardtime:17etu WWT:9600etu

[ 21:47:24 ] [ ATR ] Historical bytes: I R D E T O A C S V 5 . 3

[ 21:47:24 ] [ Loader ] Init Irdeto card

[ 21:47:24 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting parity to NONE on node com1

[ 21:47:24 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node com1

[ 21:47:24 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting baud to 9600

[ 21:47:24 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key 2C883 type 0 on Provider 000000 for caid 0602 ID=0

[ 21:47:24 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key 500 type 1 on Provider 000000 for caid 0602 ID=0

[ 21:47:24 ] [ Keyman ] Skipping duplicate irdeto

[ 21:47:24 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key 600 type 1 on Provider 000001 for caid 0602 ID=1

[ 21:47:24 ] [ Keyman ] Skipping duplicate irdeto

[ 21:47:24 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key FFFFFF type 1 on Provider 000002 for caid 0602 ID=2

[ 21:47:24 ] [ Keyman ] Skipping duplicate irdeto

[ 21:47:24 ] [ Keyman ] Adding key FFFFFF type 1 on Provider 000003 for caid 0602 ID=3

[ 21:47:25 ] [ Loader ] Card 0602 on port com1 ready

[ 21:47:25 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 15050

[ 21:47:25 ] [ Newcamd ] Newcamd thread Server started on port 15050


De newcs.xml config die hier achter zit:


<?xml version="1.0"?>



For setup-issues, look in readme.txt!

If there are other troubles, try different forums or irc channels around :o)


The configfile are NOT case-sensitive, and shouldnt care about dos/unix cr/lf.


** This is the example file for Phoenix Interface.






<readers name="Card Readers">







valid value for mhz are:

153(1.53mhz), 358(3.58mhz), 368(3,68Mhz), 450(4.5mhz), 536(5.36mhz), 600(6.00mhz), 715(7.15 mhz), 800(8.00mhz)

1000(10.00 mhz), 1071(10.71mhz), 1200 (12.00mhz), 1431(14.31 mhz), 1600 (16.00mhz)

This setting is now IMPORTANT, normal phoenix usually have 3.57mhz, and can usually be overclocked

to 6mhz. For the others you probably need extra crystal (be careful).















<irdeto-camkey>11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88</irdeto-camkey>

<irdeto-camkey-data>3C 86 33 AA C0 D3 67 53 3D EC 7B B2 EE ED EB 8C A3 AD A5 2E 58 B9 9B B3 46 72 78 32 77 A1 DA AC 3B 61 06 AD 09 09 77 4E 03 1B 2A 6E 30 19 5B 43 76 83 AD 0F C5 99 B8 7D 08 CE A4 7B E1 B6 C7 6A</irdeto-camkey-data>





<!-- ## Most Irdeto II cards work with this: ## -->


<irdeto-camkey>C8 99 D0 27 ED 1E ED 1A</irdeto-camkey>

<irdeto-camkey-data>3C 86 33 AA C0 D3 67 53 3D EC 7B B2 EE ED EB 8C A3 AD A5 2E 58 B9 9B B3 46 72 78 32 77 A1 DA AC 3B 61 06 AD 09 09 77 4E 03 1B 2A 6E 30 19 5B 43 76 83 AD 0F C5 99 B8 7D 08 CE A4 7B E1 B6 C7 6A</irdeto-camkey-data>
































<!-- Port to accept connections on -->


























<deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>







valid value for port are:

0-65535 - Which port reverse login to the client.









valid value for rate are:

1-60 - number of seconds between each ecm







Hoewel ik geen grote foutmeldingen zie, en ook wel vergelijkbare output heb gezien hier op het board is dit wellicht nog niet eens zo verkeerd.... Vervolgens komt Acamd erbij, wanneer ik de DVB-C kaart enable in ProgDVB:

21:51:43: cardclients: registering cardclient Camd35

21:51:44: systems: registering CA system Cardclient, pri -15, ident 1000

21:51:44: cardclients: registering cardclient Feynman

21:51:44: cardclients: registering cardclient Gbox

21:51:44: cardclients: registering cardclient Newcamd

21:51:44: cardclients: registering cardclient Radegast

21:51:44: systems: registering CA system SC-Irdeto, pri -10, ident 1001

21:51:44: feature: using feature SMARTCARD

21:51:44: registering Irdeto smartcard (id 49726474)

21:51:44: systems: registering CA system SC-Seca, pri -10, ident 1002

21:51:44: registering Seca smartcard (id 53656361)

21:51:44: systems: registering CA system SC-Viaccess, pri -10, ident 1003

21:51:44: registering Viaccess smartcard (id 56696173)

21:51:44: ACamd v0.5.0.8

21:51:44: loaders: registering loader KEY

21:51:44: Engine MD-API

21:51:44: ** registered systems:

21:51:44: ** SC-Viaccess (pri -10)

21:51:44: ** SC-Seca (pri -10)

21:51:45: ** SC-Irdeto (pri -10)

21:51:45: ** Cardclient (pri -15)

21:51:45: loading cardclient config from C:\DVBC\ProgDVB\Plugins\cardclient.conf

21:51:45: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)

21:51:45: hostname= port=15050 emm=1 emmCaids 0602/ffff

21:51:45: Newcamd: username=client password=client key=0102030405060708091011121314

21:51:45: netwatch up

21:51:45: connecting to (

21:51:45: Netwatcher thread started (tid=588440224)

21:51:45: Newcamd: CaID=0602 admin=1 srvUA=000000001C02C883 provider 000003/0000000003FFFFFF 000002/0000000002FFFFFF 000001/0000000001000600 000000/0000000000000500

21:51:45: client 'Newcamd' ready

21:51:45: created 1 client(s)

21:51:45: loading smartcard data from C:\DVBC\ProgDVB\Plugins\smartcard.conf

21:51:45: loading smartcard data from C:\DVBC\ProgDVB\Plugins\smartcard.conf

21:51:45: no smartcard interface defined!

21:51:45: Found ProgDVB, enable Filter bug...


Dit is sowieso verkeerd... Maar ik weet niet genoeg over de achterliggende principe's en ik kan er niet genoeg over vinden om te begrijpen wat ik moet aanpassen. Mijn (waarschijnlijk incorrecte) smartcard.conf:


; Comment lines can start with # or ;




; Irdeto/Betacrypt


; RSA certificate for camkey challenge


; acs - ACS version identifying the card (optional)

; caid - caid for further identification of the card (optional)

; mod - RSA modulus, usualy 128 bytes = 256 chars

; exp - RSA exponent, usualy 1 byte = 2 chars


; Irdeto default certificate

; irdeto: mod exp

;irdeto: ;0011223344556677889900112233445566778899001122334455667788990011223344556677889900112233445566778899001122334455667788990011223344556677889900112233445566778899001122334455667788990011223344556677889900112233445566778899001122334455667788990011223344556677 03


; a ACS specific certificate

; irdeto: [acs] mod exp

;irdeto: [0604] ;0011223344556677889900112233445566778899001122334455667788990011223344556677889900112233445566778899001122334455667788990011223344556677889900112233445566778899001122334455667788990011223344556677889900112233445566778899001122334455667788990011223344556677 03


; irdeto: [0602] 3C8633AAC0D367533DEC7BB2EEEDEB8CA3ADA52E58B99BB34672783277A1DAAC3B6106AD0909774E031B2A6E30195B437683AD0FC599B87D08CEA47BE1B6C76A 05



; a ACS/caid specific certificate

; irdeto: [acs/caid] mod exp

;irdeto: [0384/1722] ;0011223344556677889900112233445566778899001122334455667788990011223344556677889900112233445566778899001122334455667788990011223344556677889900112233445566778899001122334455667788990011223344556677889900112233445566778899001122334455667788990011223344556677 03



; indicates that a card doesn't want/need RSA camkey exchange, but first try RSA

; NOTE: this is autodetected for ACS 0383/0384 cards (Z/non-Z mode)


; irdeto: [acs/caid] PLAIN

;irdeto: [0605] PLAIN

;irdeto: [0606] PLAIN



; camkey and camkey-data


irdeto: [0602/0602] camkey 1122334455667788 3C8633AAC0D367533DEC7BB2EEEDEB8CA3ADA52E58B99BB34672783277A1DAAC3B6106AD0909774E031B2A6E30195B437683AD0FC599B87D08CEA47BE1B6C76A


Ik kom met zoeken op internet echt niet verder in hoe ik het nu moet aanpassen. Ik heb ook geprobeerd Acamd direct met de cardreader te laten communiceren, maar dit levert nog minder resultaat op, en bovendien crasht ProgDVB dan bij afsluiten.


Ik weet dat het nogal een lap is, maar het leek me beter alle info in 1x bij elkaar te plaatsen. Iemand die mij kan helpen? Of die een link kan geven naar waar ik meer info kan krijgen?


Heel erg bedankt!



Ik heb een vrijwel identieke setup die werkt met acamd Voor zover als ik kan zien klopt het op je smartcard.conf na [0602/0602] moet denk ik [0606/0602] zijn.


In je newcs xml file staat <port>12000</port> als commentaar, dat heb ik niet als commentaar, ook httpd heb ik niet (dus gewoon helemaal weg). <rate>2</rate> kun je beter weglaten bij Ziggo.



Bedankt voor je hulp! Ik heb de aanpassingen gedaan, maar de output van newcs blijft verder gelijk.


Acamd 059b geinstalleerd, en de aanpassingen ook daar gedaan. De output is vrijwel gelijk:

00:01:40: cardclients: registering cardclient Camd35

00:01:41: systems: registering CA system Cardclient, pri -15, ident 1000

00:01:41: cardclients: registering cardclient Feynman

00:01:41: cardclients: registering cardclient Gbox

00:01:41: cardclients: registering cardclient Newcamd

00:01:41: cardclients: registering cardclient Radegast

00:01:41: systems: registering CA system SC-Irdeto, pri -10, ident 1001

00:01:41: feature: using feature SMARTCARD

00:01:41: registering Irdeto smartcard (id 49726474)

00:01:41: systems: registering CA system SC-Seca, pri -10, ident 1002

00:01:41: registering Seca smartcard (id 53656361)

00:01:41: systems: registering CA system SC-Viaccess, pri -10, ident 1003

00:01:41: registering Viaccess smartcard (id 56696173)

00:01:41: ACamd v0.5.0.9

00:01:41: loaders: registering loader KEY

00:01:41: Engine MD-API

00:01:41: ** registered systems:

00:01:41: ** SC-Viaccess (pri -10)

00:01:41: ** SC-Seca (pri -10)

00:01:41: ** SC-Irdeto (pri -10)

00:01:41: ** Cardclient (pri -15)

00:01:41: loading cardclient config from C:\DVBC\ProgDVB\Plugins\cardclient.conf

00:01:41: 3124/0A6EF1B0: clear

00:01:41: 3124/0A6EF1D4: clear

00:01:41: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)

00:01:41: hostname= port=15050 emm=1 emmCaids 0602/ffff

00:01:41: Newcamd: username=client password=client key=0102030405060708091011121314

00:01:41: netwatch up

00:01:41: Netwatcher thread started (tid=175044784)

00:01:41: connecting to (

00:01:41: Newcamd: CaID=0602 admin=1 srvUA=000000001C02C883 provider 000003/0000000003FFFFFF 000002/0000000002FFFFFF 000001/0000000001000600 000000/0000000000000500

00:01:41: client 'Newcamd' ready

00:01:41: created 1 client(s)

00:01:41: loading smartcard data from C:\DVBC\ProgDVB\Plugins\smartcard.conf

00:01:41: loading smartcard data from C:\DVBC\ProgDVB\Plugins\smartcard.conf

00:01:41: no smartcard interface defined!

00:01:41: Found ProgDVB, enable Filter bug...


no smartcard interface defined klinkt vooral niet zo goed. Nog ideeën waar dat vandaan kan komen? Zou een verkeerde camkey zo'n probleem geven?


No smartcard interface blijkt wel te kloppen. Ik ben nu al wat verder gekomen door Acamd toch weer direct met de cardreader te laten communiceren. Ik krijg het nu zelfs voor elkaar om een paar gecodeerde kanalen te zien smile.


Een handmatige scan op de frequentie voor mijn gebied levert een handje vol radiozenders en een paar TV kanalen op, die het allemaal goed doen. Maar ik krijg het niet voor elkaar om alle zenders weer te geven.


Ik krijg ook nog de nodige foutmeldingen in Acamd monitor, maar gezien er wel beeld is is dit misschien niet zo'n probleem?

12:02:52: cardclients: registering cardclient Camd3512:02:54: systems: registering CA system Cardclient, pri -15, ident 100012:02:54: cardclients: registering cardclient Feynman12:02:54: cardclients: registering cardclient Gbox12:02:54: cardclients: registering cardclient Newcamd12:02:54: cardclients: registering cardclient Radegast12:02:54: systems: registering CA system SC-Irdeto, pri -10, ident 100112:02:54: feature: using feature SMARTCARD12:02:54: registering Irdeto smartcard (id 49726474)12:02:54: systems: registering CA system SC-Seca, pri -10, ident 100212:02:54: registering Seca smartcard (id 53656361)12:02:54: systems: registering CA system SC-Viaccess, pri -10, ident 100312:02:54: registering Viaccess smartcard (id 56696173)12:02:54: ACamd v0.5.0.812:02:54: loaders: registering loader KEY12:02:54: Engine MD-API12:02:54: ** registered systems:12:02:54: ** SC-Viaccess       (pri -10)12:02:54: ** SC-Seca           (pri -10)12:02:54: ** SC-Irdeto         (pri -10)12:02:54: ** Cardclient        (pri -15)12:02:54: loading cardclient config from C:\DVBC\ProgDVB\Plugins\cardclient.conf12:02:54: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)12:02:54: hostname= port=15050 emm=1 emmCaids 0602/ffff12:02:54: Newcamd: username=client password=client key=010203040506070809101112131412:02:54: netwatch up12:02:54: connecting to ( Netwatcher thread started (tid=147776160)12:02:54: socket: connect failed: No error12:02:54: netwatch down12:02:54: init of cardclient 'newcamd' failed12:02:54: file 'C:\DVBC\ProgDVB\Plugins\cardclient.conf' has error in line 'newcamd:'12:02:54: created 0 client(s)12:02:54: loading smartcard data from C:\DVBC\ProgDVB\Plugins\smartcard.conf12:02:54: loading smartcard data from C:\DVBC\ProgDVB\Plugins\smartcard.conf12:02:54: COM1: open serial port12:02:54: COM1: set DTR/RTS12:02:54: COM1: init done12:02:54: smartcards: added serial port COM1 as port 0 (normal CD, normal RESET, CLOCK 6000000)12:02:54: SmartcardWatcher thread started (tid=147921864)12:02:54: 0: new card inserted12:02:54: COM1: set serial options: 9600,8e212:02:54: 0: reseting card (sermode 8e2)12:02:54: COM1: toggle RTS, now on12:02:54: Found ProgDVB, enable Filter bug...12:02:54: COM1: toggle RTS, now off12:02:54: 0: direct convention detected12:02:54: 0: atr decoding TS=3b hist=15 Y1=90 TA1=21 F=558 D=1.000000 TD1=0e T=14 Y2=00 12:02:54: 0: historical: 49 52 44 45 54 4f 20 41 43 53 20 56 35 2e 3312:02:54: 0: historical: 'IRDETO ACS V5.312:02:54: 0: atr checksum ok12:02:54: 0: indicated wwt(T0)=892 ms, bwt(T1)=952 ms (at 6.0000 MHz)12:02:54: 0: PTS cycle: calculated baudrate 1075212:02:54: 0: negotiable mode12:02:54: serial: unsupported baudrate 1075212:02:54: 0: setting baudrate 10752 failed12:02:54: 0: reseting card (sermode 8e2)12:02:54: COM1: toggle RTS, now on12:02:54: COM1: toggle RTS, now off12:02:54: Ch: 7025 - Zenderoverzicht 12:02:54: Incomming PackageSize [184]12:02:55: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=1B71 (AND SID=000C)12:02:55: 0: direct convention detected12:02:55: 0: atr decoding TS=3b hist=15 Y1=90 TA1=21 F=558 D=1.000000 TD1=0e T=14 Y2=00 12:02:55: 0: historical: 49 52 44 45 54 4f 20 41 43 53 20 56 35 2e 3312:02:55: 0: historical: 'IRDETO ACS V5.312:02:55: 0: atr checksum ok12:02:55: 0: indicated wwt(T0)=892 ms, bwt(T1)=952 ms (at 6.0000 MHz)12:02:55: 0: checking for Viaccess card12:02:55: 0: checking for Seca card12:02:55: doesn't looks like a Seca card12:02:55: 0: checking for Irdeto card12:02:55: 0: no card handler found12:02:55: COM1: set serial options: 9600,8o212:02:55: 0: reseting card (sermode 8o2)12:02:55: COM1: toggle RTS, now on12:02:55: COM1: toggle RTS, now off12:02:56: 0: direct convention detected12:02:56: 0: atr decoding TS=3b hist=15 Y1=90 TA1=21 F=558 D=1.000000 TD1=0e T=14 Y2=00 12:02:56: 0: historical: 49 52 44 45 54 4f 20 41 43 53 20 56 35 2e 3312:02:56: 0: historical: 'IRDETO ACS V5.312:02:56: 0: atr checksum ok12:02:56: 0: indicated wwt(T0)=892 ms, bwt(T1)=952 ms (at 6.0000 MHz)12:02:56: 0: PTS cycle: calculated baudrate 1075212:02:56: 0: negotiable mode12:02:56: serial: unsupported baudrate 1075212:02:56: 0: setting baudrate 10752 failed12:02:56: 0: reseting card (sermode 8o2)12:02:56: COM1: toggle RTS, now on12:02:56: COM1: toggle RTS, now off12:02:57: 0: direct convention detected12:02:57: 0: atr decoding TS=3b hist=15 Y1=90 TA1=21 F=558 D=1.000000 TD1=0e T=14 Y2=00 12:02:57: 0: historical: 49 52 44 45 54 4f 20 41 43 53 20 56 35 2e 3312:02:57: 0: historical: 'IRDETO ACS V5.312:02:57: 0: atr checksum ok12:02:57: 0: indicated wwt(T0)=892 ms, bwt(T1)=952 ms (at 6.0000 MHz)12:02:57: 0: checking for Viaccess card12:02:57: doesn't look like a Viaccess card12:02:57: 0: checking for Seca card12:02:57: 0: checking for Irdeto card12:02:57: 0: no card handler found12:02:57: COM1: set serial options: 9600,8n212:02:57: 0: reseting card (sermode 8n2)12:02:57: COM1: toggle RTS, now on12:02:57: COM1: toggle RTS, now off12:02:58: 0: direct convention detected12:02:58: 0: atr decoding TS=3b hist=15 Y1=90 TA1=21 F=558 D=1.000000 TD1=0e T=14 Y2=00 12:02:58: 0: historical: 49 52 44 45 54 4f 20 41 43 53 20 56 35 2e 3312:02:58: 0: historical: 'IRDETO ACS V5.312:02:58: 0: atr checksum ok12:02:58: 0: indicated wwt(T0)=892 ms, bwt(T1)=952 ms (at 6.0000 MHz)12:02:58: 0: PTS cycle: calculated baudrate 1075212:02:58: 0: negotiable mode12:02:58: serial: unsupported baudrate 1075212:02:58: 0: setting baudrate 10752 failed12:02:58: 0: reseting card (sermode 8n2)12:02:58: COM1: toggle RTS, now on12:02:58: COM1: toggle RTS, now off12:02:59: 0: direct convention detected12:02:59: 0: atr decoding TS=3b hist=15 Y1=90 TA1=21 F=558 D=1.000000 TD1=0e T=14 Y2=00 12:02:59: 0: historical: 49 52 44 45 54 4f 20 41 43 53 20 56 35 2e 3312:02:59: 0: historical: 'IRDETO ACS V5.312:02:59: 0: atr checksum ok12:02:59: 0: indicated wwt(T0)=892 ms, bwt(T1)=952 ms (at 6.0000 MHz)12:02:59: 0: checking for Viaccess card12:02:59: 0: checking for Seca card12:02:59: 0: checking for Irdeto card12:02:59: ACS Version 0606, CAID 0602, CoCo NLD12:02:59: ASCII serial 4107943883U8260000A12:02:59: Providers: 4 HEX Serial: 02C883  HEX Base: 1C12:03:01: provider 0 with ProvBase 0x00 ProvId 0x00050012:03:02: ChanId 0xefff Date2 0x0cb3 2012/09/08 Duration 0x46 2012/11/1712:03:02: ChanId 0x270f Date2 0x0cb3 2012/09/08 Duration 0x46 2012/11/1712:03:02: provider 1 with ProvBase 0x01 ProvId 0x00060012:03:02: provider 2 with ProvBase 0x02 ProvId 0xffffff12:03:02: provider 3 with ProvBase 0x03 ProvId 0xffffff12:03:02: 0x1B71 0x000C 0x0602 0x00000000 0x0000 0x0030 1111001012:03:19: Ch: 7025 - Zenderoverzicht 12:03:19: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=1B71 (AND SID=000C)12:03:19: 0x1B71 0x000C 0x0602 0x00000000 0x0000 0x0030 1111001012:03:23: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [E0] (0.082)12:03:43: 0: Wrong signature (status: 7c 00)12:03:43: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [02] (0.141)12:04:14: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [E0] (0.083)12:04:34: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [E0] (0.084)12:05:27: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [E0] (0.083)12:06:23: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [E0] (0.083)12:08:29: Ch: 7025 - Zenderoverzicht 12:08:29: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=1B71 (AND SID=000C)12:08:29: 0x1B71 0x000C 0x0602 0x00000000 0x0000 0x0030 1111001012:09:53: Ch: 7025 - Zenderoverzicht 12:09:54: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=1B71 (AND SID=000C)12:09:54: 0x1B71 0x000C 0x0602 0x00000000 0x0000 0x0030 1111001012:10:05: Ch: 7025 - Zenderoverzicht 12:10:05: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=1B71 (AND SID=000C)12:10:05: 0x1B71 0x000C 0x0602 0x00000000 0x0000 0x0030 1111001012:10:10: Ch: 33 - Garuda TV 12:10:10: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=0021 (AND SID=1B6F)12:10:11: 0x0021 0x1B6F 0x0602 0x00000000 0x138B 0x0030 1111001012:10:11: 0: ChID missing. Not subscribed? (status: 90 00)12:10:11: [00] SC-Irdeto:  ECM Proccessed, CHID=00D4 (0.095)12:10:11: [00] SC-Irdeto: card was not able to decode the channel12:10:11: [00] SC-Irdeto:  ECM Proccessed, CHID=EFFF (0.272)12:10:11: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :2E29D229C9D319B512:10:11: [00] SendDCW Even: 6FA5566A7C35F6A7:12:10:11: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :2E29D229C9D319B512:10:12: [00] SC-Irdeto:  ECM Proccessed, CHID=EFFF (0.172)12:10:12: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :473260D9E1BA06A112:10:15: 0: Wrong signature (status: 7c 00)12:10:15: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [02] (0.141)12:10:19: Ch: 7025 - Zenderoverzicht 12:10:22: CAT not found...12:10:22: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=1B71 (AND SID=000C)12:10:22: Could not attach this channel to a cardclient or a smartcard...12:10:26: Ch: 33 - Garuda TV 12:10:27: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=0021 (AND SID=1B6F)12:10:27: 0x0021 0x1B6F 0x0602 0x00000000 0x138B 0x0030 1111001012:10:27: 0: ChID missing. Not subscribed? (status: 90 00)12:10:27: [00] SC-Irdeto:  ECM Proccessed, CHID=00D4 (0.096)12:10:27: [00] SC-Irdeto: card was not able to decode the channel12:10:27: [00] SC-Irdeto:  ECM Proccessed, CHID=EFFF (0.272)12:10:27: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :473260D9E1BA06A112:10:27: [00] SendDCW Even: 6FA5566A7C35F6A7:12:10:27: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :473260D9E1BA06A112:10:33: [00] SC-Irdeto:  ECM Proccessed, CHID=EFFF (0.172)12:10:33: [00] SendDCW Even: B4006C20FA95F584:12:10:38: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [E0] (0.084)12:10:39: 0: Wrong signature (status: 7c 00)12:10:39: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [02] (0.141)12:10:54: [00] SC-Irdeto:  ECM Proccessed, CHID=EFFF (0.172)12:10:54: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :36439811B9B7E25212:11:11: Ch: 1780 - Q-Music 12:11:12: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=06F4 (AND SID=1B8F)12:11:12: 0x06F4 0x1B8F 0x0602 0x00000000 0x13BA 0x0030 1111001012:11:12: [00] SC-Irdeto:  ECM Proccessed, CHID=FFFF (0.173)12:11:12: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :E5AE6CFF1E3B318A12:11:12: [00] SendDCW Even: 122D63A2463F1BA0:12:11:12: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :E5AE6CFF1E3B318A12:11:15: [00] SC-Irdeto:  ECM Proccessed, CHID=FFFF (0.171)12:11:15: [00] SendDCW Even: 8883586302B7510A:12:11:22: Ch: 2114 - Nick/Comedy Central 12:11:22: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=0842 (AND SID=1B6D)12:11:23: 0x0842 0x1B6D 0x0602 0x00000000 0x1389 0x0030 1111001012:11:23: [00] SC-Irdeto:  ECM Proccessed, CHID=FFFF (0.171)12:11:23: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :7640BA704CA2EBD912:11:23: [00] SendDCW Even: 87016CF416DE2317:12:11:23: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :7640BA704CA2EBD912:11:32: 0: Wrong signature (status: 7c 00)12:11:32: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [02] (0.141)12:11:32: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [E0] (0.184)12:11:36: [00] SC-Irdeto:  ECM Proccessed, CHID=FFFF (0.171)12:11:36: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :DCB60D9FE9CE570E12:11:47: Ch: 1298 - Radio France Inter. 12:11:47: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=0512 (AND SID=1B94)12:11:47: 0x0512 0x1B94 0x0602 0x00000000 0x13BA 0x0030 1111001012:11:48: [00] SC-Irdeto:  ECM Proccessed, CHID=FFFF (0.172)12:11:48: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :E8CD560B0EB2E6A612:11:48: [00] SendDCW Even: 8883586302B7510A:12:11:48: [00] SendDCW Odd:                  :E8CD560B0EB2E6A612:11:52: Ch: 7025 - Zenderoverzicht 12:11:52: PMT: Cache file, search, not found PMT=1B71 (AND SID=000C)12:11:52: 0x1B71 0x000C 0x0602 0x00000000 0x0000 0x0030 1111001012:12:28: 0: Wrong signature (status: 7c 00)12:12:28: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [02] (0.141)12:12:28: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [E0] (0.184)12:14:34: 0: Wrong signature (status: 7c 00)12:14:34: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [02] (0.140)12:14:34: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [E0] (0.184)12:15:04: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [E0] (0.083)12:15:25: 0: Wrong signature (status: 7c 00)12:15:25: [00] SC-Irdeto:  EMM Proccessed, [E0] (0.064)

Ok, eigenlijk lijkt alles goed te lopen behalve dat ik niet alle zenders kan vinden.


Voor mijn regio is de frequentie 372,00Mhz (netwerk id 5555 maar daar kan ik verder niets mee?). Dan is er nog de symbol rate van 6875, en QAM64.


Scannen met welk proggie dan ook levert op 372, met 6875 en Q64 maar een paar TV kanalen(behalve het zenderoverzicht allemaal gecodeerd), wat radio en wat loaders op. Ik heb er omheen gescand met stappen van .1 Mhz.


Mis ik iets aan instellingen wat ik bij Ziggo nodig heb om de rest te vinden? Ik heb overigens een Terratec Cynergy C PCI HD kaart.


(Edit: typo's en kaarttype)


Sorry, intussen iemand te pakken gekregen die me de frequentielijsten doorgegeven heeft. Het werkt! laughlaugh


Doefus, bedankt, en appiemulder ook voor Acamd.

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