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na het lezen van het forum, denk ik er nog steeds over om een Kathrein UFS-910 te kopen. Ik weet echter niet of ik er wel een aparte CA module bij moet kopen. Op het forum zie ik allerlei termen staan:




CCcam + NewCS

MGcamd 1.27

CD module


T-REX cam

Diablo light

Aston Cam 1.07

Irdeto Cam

mediaguard ci module van canal digitaal

powercom pro


enigma 2


Ik ben een semi-beginner (wat skystar2 ervaring) maar kan geen touw aan deze termen knopen, daarom vroeg ik me af of het nodig is Kathrein 910 een CA module te bestellen om mijn Canal Digitaal kaart te kunnen gebruiken of om te experimenteren? Of kan het ook zonder dmv emulering? Indien wel nodig welke is aan te raden?


Ik heb een schotel met 8 lnb's en een diseqc switch, is het mogelijk al deze 8 satellieten in te stellen op de de Kathrein, of kan ie maar maximaal 4 satellieten aan?


Dit zijn waarschijnlijk allemaal beginners vragen, maar na twee dagen speuren op het forum kom ik er niet uit met lezen. Heeft iemand misschien een goede link naar een handleiding?


dank voor de hulp,



Kubuntu/Xubuntu laptops, Nokia 9302S, twinhead (13e,19e), Kathrein 910.


Misschien een rare vraag, maar omdat de Kathrein 910 usb en serieel heeft, zou de Duolabs Dynamite niet kunnen fungeren als CA module, kaartlezer?


heb je ook antwoorden op mijn andere vragen? 8 lnb's en een goede handleinding?





Kubuntu/Xubuntu laptops, Nokia 9302S, twinhead (13e,19e), Kathrein 910.


Ik zelf ben ook nog jong in de ervaringen van de kathrein.

En volgens mij kan de kathrein maar slecht 4 satelieten op dit moment aan. Canaal digitaal is ook met emuleren te ontvangen.(enige linux kennis vereist).Dit kan b.v. met mbox en sharing over het internet. Een handleiding zit vaak bij de betrefende image wat je erop wil zetten. Een originele handleiding kan je vinden op de duitse internet site. En met google kan je ook de engelse vertaling ervan vinden. Hieronder alvast de engelse handleiding van de originele ufs910


greetz Kersen

dreamboxpvr600 / kathrein uf910

Hotbird, astra 1,2,3


Dank je Kersen smile ,


Ook hier kan ik wat mee. Ik begrijp dat ik de CA module nog niet meteen nodig heb. Gelukkig ben ik een vervent gebruiker van Kubuntu en Xubuntu en heb dus wel enige Linux ervaring. Ik zal eens gaan googlen op Mbox en cardsharing om te zien of ik een beginners step for step guide kan vinden.


Hopelijk komt Kathrein in de toekomst met een firmware update die het mogelijk maakt met meer dan 4 satellieten te werken.






Kubuntu/Xubuntu laptops, Nokia 9302S, twinhead (13e,19e), Kathrein 910.


Ik heb die linux ervaring (helaas) niet. Als je die beginners step voor step hebt gevonden v.w.b. Mbox e.d. dan houd ik me van harte aanbevolen wink

DM8000SSC - OpenPLi 3.0, Multytenne twin, Conceptronic CH3SNAS, Philips Cineos 37" Full HD


mbox downloaden onder plugins


je mbox.cfg en cwshare aanpassen.


We will try to explain here how to start with Mbox.

You can NOT reply to this topic.

Only the moderators can add or change here.

If there is something wrong or you want to add comments, please contact one of the moderators to do this.

This topic refers always to the latest version of Mbox. (we will try to keep it updated)


Ok, here we go.


To start Mbox you need to configure mbox.cfg first.

These parameters you must set before you can start Mbox:


D: { 0 }

//D: { x }

//x=0 -> disable

//x=1 -> enable dbox2 cw writing

//x=2 -> enable STAPI for IPBOX

//x=3 -> enable STAPI for Kathrein


T: { /tmp/ }

// T option -> where to store temp files ... (,debug.txt ,etc.)

// T: { folder_path_to_files, example: T: { /tmp/ } }


K: { /var/keys/ }

// K option -> where is cwshare.cfg file

// K: { folder_path_to_files, example: K: { /var/keys/ } }


P: { /tmp/pmt.tmp }

// P option -> PMT location (Dont used with linux and windows)

// you must be tuned to channel so image can generate this file

// { /tmp/pmt.tmp } for resivers and images that create this file <- use this if you can

// { 1/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 1

// { 2/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 2




Now for the start of Mbox you need to know where the mbox.cfg path is.

The default path for mbox.cfg is /var/keys/

For other paths you must start mbox with path as argument!!!

For some receivers like Ipbox and Kathrein there is no /var/keys/ so you must start mbox always with arguments.




without arguments

./mbox or ./var/bin/mbox


with arguments

./mbox /data/keys/mbox.cfg or ./var/bin/mbox /data/keys/mbox.cfg


To STOP Mbox you need to create mbox.kill.

Put this mbox.kill in the temp dir of Mbox. T: path (look your settings in mbox.cfg)

Example T: { /tmp/ }: touch /tmp/mbox.kill



Other parameters of mbox.cfg that are interesting:


M: { 1 }

// M option -> Mode option

// M: { x }

// x=0 -> local mode no NET

// x=1 -> NET mode

// default 0


H: { 0 }

//H option -> C line priority over network cards

// H: { x }

// x=0 -> disabled -> newtwork cards has priority over your local cards

// x=1 -> enabled -> your local cards has priority over network cards

// default disabled


Z: { 12 } { 8000 }

// Z option -> control sending/writing current informations

// Z: { xy } { IP port }

// x=0 -> don't print time stamp (in console screen and in debug file)

// x=1 -> print time stamp ( .... )

// y=0 -> no writing/sending informations to debug file/destination IP

// y=1 -> send informations to destination IP but not in debug file

// y=2 -> write informations to debug file but don't send to destination IP

// y=3 -> write/send informations to debug file/destination IP

// IP port -> destination IP and UDP port where to send informations


Only debug file: Z: { 12 } { 8000 }

only send debug to IP: Z: { 11 } { 8000 }

Both file and IP: Z: { 13 } { 8000 }


L: { 1 }

// L option -> how mbox to menage virtual card(s) with level 0

// ( only for peer(s) who have and can reshare virtual cards but don't want to use LEVEL 0 card(s) for them self)

// L: { x }

// x=0 -> don't load any virtual cards with LEVEL 0, you can't use them for your self

// x=1 -> load all virtual cards with LEVEL 0 ,you will be using them for your self

// default 1


If you run Mbox on a server then you can't use level0 cards so you have to set:

L: { 0 }



About the cwshare.cfg:


If you don't use a brascet and you must set some other options after the brascet then don't leave it empty.

Put a zero in it so Mbox knows it's not used.

Example: C: { 15000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } { 0 } { 0 }


When using Mbox and Newcs on the same box/server then Mbox can see those cards as local.

But you must make a connection ( C-line in cwshare.cfg) with IP

Only then you will have these cards as local in your Mbox server.


About D line in cwshare.cfg file ...

Now you can set what provids boxids you want to reshare with another peer(s)


This is standard D line


D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}



This is my new upgraded D line


D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}

{ 0000 } { 0 } send filter

{ 0000 } { 0 } receive filter



D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}

{ xxyy !!in hex!!!} { provid-boxid-boxid;provid;provid-boxid; ...!!in hex!!!} send filter

{ xxyy !!in hex!!!} { provid-boxid-boxid;provid;provid-boxid; ...!!in hex!!!} receive filter


for both brascets


xx -> 00 disabled

xx -> 01 allow only this cards for provid to be reshared received

xx -> 02 denied only this cards for provid to be reshared received


yy -> how much provids is in next brascet dont caculate boxids


1st example:



D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}

{ 0102 } { 0001006A;0001006C-0A0A-0B0B; }

{ 0102 } { 00010080;00010081-0A0A-0B0B; }




{ 0102 } { 0001006A;0001006C-0A0A-0B0B; }


xx is 01 ,ALL cards for (0001006A) provid is SENT to peer AND cards with boxid 0A0A,0B0B for provid 0001006C, ALL others provids(cards) will NOT be sent!!


yy is 02 ,there is only 2 provids in next bracket dont caculate boxids



{ 0102 } { 00010080;00010081-0A0A-0B0B; }

xx is 01 ,ALL cards for (00010080) provid is RECEIVED from peer AND cards with boxid 0A0A,0B0B for provid 00010081, ALL others provids will be IGNORED!!


yy is 02 ,there is only 2 provids in next bracket dont caculate boxids




2nd example:



D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}

{ 0202 } { 0001006A;0001006C-0A0A-0B0B; }

{ 0202 } { 00010080;00010081-0A0A-0B0B; }



{ 0202 } { 0001006A;0001006C-0A0A-0B0B; }

xx is 02 ,ALL cards for this (0001006A) provid is NOT sent to peer AND cards with boxid 0A0A,0B0B for provid 0001006C, ALL others provids(cards) are !!


yy is 02 ,there is only 2 provids in next bracket dont caculate boxids



{ 0202 } { 00010080;00010081-0A0A-0B0B; }

xx is 02 ,ALL cards for (00010080) provid is NOT RECEIVED from peer AND cards with boxid 0A0A,0B0B for provid 00010081, all others provids will be received!!


yy is 02 ,there is only 2 provids in next bracket dont caculate boxids









Connecting to newcamd server program Newcs




C: { server_ip server_listening_port username password des_key } { x } { xxxxyyyyxxxyyyy;......}

C: { 15000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } { 10 } { 0100006a:0100006B;}


[second brascet] -> { x } max. number ecms in buffer ,decimal !!!!!


[third brascet] { 0100006a:0100006B;} is used if you want to change caidprovid from what newcs detected to caidprovid to use with gboxx protocol so 0100006A will be 0100006B in gboxx protocol





Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval


O: { xxxx yyyy }



O: { 4000 2000 }


4000 (4 seconds)-> resend current ecm on boxid if no dcw

2000 (2 seconds)-> wait 2 more seconds for dcw ,if no dcw on time resend ecm(s) to all boxid's




NDS system ->Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval


N: { xxxx yyyy }



N: { 400 200 }


default disabled...



Add more cards for CaidProvid


X+: { xxxxyyyy:zz;xxxxyyyy:zz; } // zz -> max. is 30 !!!!!



X+: { 0100006A:15; }


With X+ active, for caidprovid:0100006A max. cards for use is 15.




About the 12000.list or the port.list:

You don't need the 12000.list file to run Mbox!!! Only if you want to use the forbidden/allow SIDs.


Now you must make file called "port.list" in K: path (look your settings in mbox.cfg)


"Port" is newcs listening port,so if newcs is listening on port 12000 ,file will be called 12000.list.


Pls use SID pids , CHIDs for Irdeto or G line, because now mbox send only one ECM and wait response from newcs before it send new ECM.


//this is for forbiden SID pids or Irdeto chids ..


SF: { 04A0 } -> forbiden SID pid -> your card cant decrypt this channel

SF: { 0220 }

IF: { 0203 } -> forbiden Irdeto ChID -> your card cant decrypt this ChID

IF: { 0302 }

G: { 0100006A } -> dont list and reshare this provid from your card if card cant decrypt that, mbox will just flood newcs with bad ECMs for this provid.



//max forbiden SID pids or ChIDs is 150.

//max G lines is 15.



//OR to enable SID pids or Irdeto chids


SA: { 04A0 } -> enable SID pid -> your card can decrypt this channel

SA: { 0220 }

IA: { 0203 } -> enable Irdeto ChID -> your card can decrypt this ChID

IA: { 0302 }

G: { 0100006A } -> dont list and reshare this provid from your card if card cant decrypt that, mbox will just flood newcs with bad ECMs for this provid.






About the file:


You don't need the file to run Mbox!!!


The file gives you the option to:


- change I,X,O,N line

- to delete running D line

- to add new D line(without filter rules)

- to resend "R" hello msg to all peers while mbox is running.


Write new values in "" file and put it in folder from P: line. (look your settings in mbox.cfg)


NOTE: Max time to wait before changes take affect is 2 minutes, new values for I,X,O,N will NOT be saved in cwshare.cfg but new D or C line will be saved.

"" file will be deleted after reading (read !


#D: { ip { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level 2 }}}} -> remove running D line

D: { ip { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level 2 }}}} -> add new D line without restarting mbox,new D line will be saved in cwshare.cfg

R ->Resend hello msg to all peers

X: { x } -> Change running X value

I: { x } -> Change running I value

O: { xxxx yyyy } -> Change running timeout intervals

N: { xxxx yyyy } -> Change running timeout intervals for NDS system

C: { server_ip server_listening_port username password des_key } { x } { xxxxyyyyxxxyyyy;......} -> add new C line




hopelijk heb je hier iets aan.



dreamboxpvr600 / kathrein uf910

Hotbird, astra 1,2,3

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