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Je kunt een Telnet verbinding maken met de Dreambox.

Een Telnet verbinding maak je eenvoudig d.m.v. een terminal programma zoals de ingebouwde Telnet terminal van windows of een programma als putty. (zie: )

Bij WindowsXP is telnet "ingebouwd". Bij Windows Vista moet je telnet eerst installeren (zie: )

Via de ingebouwde Telnet terminal verbind je als volgt met je Dreambox:
Ga naar "Start" en klik op "uitvoeren"
typ bij openen:

telnet [ip_nummer_dreambox] (bijv. telnet
Dreambox login: root
Password: dreambox

Let wel: Inloggen via Telnet is alleen zinvol als je ook over enige linux kennis beschikt!

Op deze pagina vind je vrijwel alle linux commando's. Niet alle commando's werken op de Dreambox.
Zie ook:


  • 3 jaren later...

Gast Jeroensky
Geplaatst: (aangepast)

Enigma2 tuner Telnet.



Be aware: don't translate the code, keep it English


=Version 1.15=





OpenPLi image version 2.x uses opkg package manager, OpenPli image version 1.x uses ipkg package manager.

OPKG documentation can be found here.

So if you're a OpenPli-1.0 user, then type ipkg instead of opkg in the package manager related command examples below.




- Linux & OS-X & BEOS & BSD & other Unix like operating systems: Terminal type: telnet boxip where boxip is the ip number of your enigma2 tuner. If that doesn't work, check here: Linux howto + OS-X howto.


- Windows doesn't have a telnet client, so you need to install one: Putty (Linux(see package manager, but better is to use terminal) + windows) See this linkfor a detailed description on how to configure Putty.


For detailed explanations of UNIX (Linux) commands see:

Busybox telnet reference or List of Unix utilities on Wikipedia

Note: The tuner runs a small subset of these commands, and some commands are quite limited in their support for extra options. But they aren't dramatically different.




Start a telnet session


Use a telnet client and configure the Enigma2 tuner ip address in settings of telnet client.

Linux has by default a telnet client installed, it can be used by typing telnet in the terminal. Linux And OS-X users can get a Telnet client if not already their by using their package manager (search for telnet). Windows doesn't have any telnet client, so you need to manually install one.

Login as user root, hit enter button, and type the password if prompted (default=dreambox on a Dreambox tuner)



See all compatible commands.


Login with telnet client, when telnet client is logged in, press TAB TAB (so 2x TAB button)



Type smarter not faster.


The TAB key will also "auto-complete" commands and options for you. So instead of a full file name, you can usually just type a part of the name and press TAB. Pressing TAB again will display a list of possible matches.



ChangeEnigma2 tuner root password.


Note: Minimal 5 and maximal 8 characters long, and can consist of UPPERCASE/lowercase letters and numbers.







Solving a jammedEnigma2 tuner.



killall enigma2




Reboot aEnigma2 tuner.







ReloadEnigma2 tuner settings.


Note: Change X in:

0, reloading lamedb and Userbouquets

1, reloading lamedb only

2, reloading Userbouquets only



wget -qO -




Change powerstate of aEnigma2 tuner.


Note: Change password in your used root password!




wget -O /dev/null -q http://root:password...tate?newstate=0





wget -O /dev/null -q http://root:password...tate?newstate=1




wget -O /dev/null -q http://root:password...tate?newstate=2


Restart Enigma2:


wget -O /dev/null -q http://root:password...tate?newstate=3


Wakeup from Standby:


wget -O /dev/null -q http://root:password...rol?command=116




Basic navigation.


cd (�change directory�), will take you back to your $HOME directory




To change to a specific directory, type cd followed by the path to the directory. If it is a subdirectory of the current directory, you can just type the directory name.


cd /path/to/directory


Typing cd .. moves you up one directory from your current location.


cd ..


To see which directory you are in, type pwd (�print (display) working directory�).




Just as it sounds, use exit to log out.






Creating and deleting directories.


To create a new directory, type mkdir (�make directory�) and specify the new directory�s name.


mkdir directoryname


To delete an empty directory, type rmdir (�remove directory�) and the directory�s name.


rmdir directoryname




Install & remove & list packages.


To get a package to /tmp directory on Enigma2 tuner and unzip it:


cd /tmp






opkg install exact-package-name.ipk




opkg packagename




opkg remove exact-package-name.ipk


List installed packages:


opkg list_installed


List all packages:


opkg list


List only enigma2 plugin packages:


opkg list enigma2-plugin*


To filter the list, added the filtered word after the command between two stars, example: opkg list_installed *plugin*




Update Open-PliEnigma2 tuner.



init 4

opkg update && opkg upgrade

init 3





Create Enigma log (see what Enigma does).



init 4





init 4

/bin/sh /usr/bin/


Telnet will output Enigma2 activity. To stop press CTRL-C.

To resume normal operation:



init 3




Create Enigma screenshot.



grab /tmp/screenshot.bmp


After that go with ftp client or network browser to /tmp/ directory of Enigma2 tuner/pvr and download the screenshot.bmp file. Type "grab" to see more options, for saving jpg/png files and mixing video and OSD.




Listing files.


To display a list of files and subdirectories in your current directory, type ls (�list�)




To see a more complete list which includes hidden files or files that begin with a �.� (dot), type ls -a.


ls -a


To list all files and directories in long format which will provide details about each file and directory, type ls -la.


ls -la


To list all directories and files, sorted by size, in long format, type ls -lS.


ls -lS


To list all files and directories in long format by time modified, type ls -lta.


ls -lta




Copying files.


Copy the contents of one file to another file, resulting in two copies of the same file on your account.


cp oldfilename newfilename


Copy the contents of one directory to another directory. Make sure you have created the destination directory before trying to copy files to it - see mkdir above. Results in two copies of the files on your account; one copy in the existing directory and another in the destination directory.


cp directory/* destinationdirectory


Copy a whole directory tree, including subdirectories:


cp -r /etc/enigma2 /hdd/backup/


This will create /hdd/backup/enigma2, and copy everything in it.



Searching files and directories.


The find command can be used to locate files or a group of files. It can also be used to display directories. The example given will find all file and directory names within the current directory and subdirectories of it that begin with the letter n. (You can also explore using the locate command - type info locate and/or man locate for usage information.)


find -name �n*�


To locate text in a specific file or directory of files (use * in place of filename to search all of the files in the current directory). The -i argument indicates the search is to disregard cASe, the -n instructs to show the corresponding line number, and -w tells it to match only based on the whole word. (This doesn�t even begin to touch on the power of grep and its many uses. In addition to its searching capability, the grep command can be used in combination with other commands to act as a filter. It also allows the use of �wildcards�. Two other variations of grep are also available, egrep and fgrep. To begin your quest for more information, type man grep and/or info grep.)


grep -inw text filename




Displaying / comparing file content.


Counts and displays the number of lines, number of words, and number of characters of the given file.


wc filename


Displays the entire contents of a file.


cat filename


Shows the content of the file, including line numbers (nl=number lines).


nl filename


Displays the contents of a file one screen at a time. Press the SPACEBAR to display the next screen of text.


more filename


Compares the contents of the two named files and reports the first different character found and the line number.


cmp filename1 filename2


Compares the contents of the two named files and reports all of the differences found. (Can also be used for comparing the contents of two directories.)


diff filename1 filename2




Moving, renaming, and deleting files.


Use to rename a file (mv fileA fileB), move a file (mv fileA /dirA/), or both (mv fileA /dirB/fileB).


mv oldfilename newfilename


Removes (deletes) the specified file. (The -i is not necessary, but is recommended as it will prompt you to confirm the action first. When prompted, type y to confirm or type n if you changed your mind.)


rm -i filename




Changing permissions.


Changes the permissions on a filename or directory as specified. (First go with cd command to directory where the file is.)


chmod permissions filename


This permission is only nessesary if a script (*.sh) or specific type of file won't work/handle properly. Normally you don't need to give permission to new files. For "normal" files (configs, plugins, etc.) the mode should simply be 600 or 666.

For root access use whatever is most intuitive to you, 700, 755, 777 is all ok. (On your dreambox at least.)

Advisable is 700 to signify these files are meant to be used by root only.

More chmod info can be found in this link.

Here a example of a chmod for a script file,


chmod 755



You can also add or remove permissions using letters (you can see them with "ls -l", as described above), which is handy for multiple files, to strip away "execute" permission from all files, or to add "read" and "execute" to all .sh files, or make all files read-only (not writable):


chmod a-x *

chmod a+rx *.sh

chmod a-w *




Archives and compression.



To archive a directory and all of its contents including subdirectories, navigate to where the directory is located and type the above command, replacing filename.tar with the name you wish to give the archive file and directoryname with the name of the directory you wish to archive. Alternatively, you can archive a select group of individual files (or directories) by specifying each file name in place of directoryname separated by spaces, like tar -cvf filename.tar fileA fileB fileC. Note: When creating a tar file (aka �tarball�) be sure to specify the name you wish to give the tar file! (TAR indicates Tape ARchive, as it was originally a tape archiving program. The -c means �create�, v means �verbose� (which basically says tell me what you�re doing), and the f indicates that a filename will follow (filename.tar)).

To create, list or extract from gzip compressed archives, use the extra "z" switch. Note that "-czf" if identical to "-c -z -f". Most archives were created this way.


tar -cvf filename.tar directoryname

tar -czvf filename.tar.gz directoryname



Typing this command will result in a list of the contents of the tar file. This is generally a good thing to do before unpacking the tar file to be sure there are no matching filenames which will result in files being unintentionally overwritten.


tar -tvf filename.tar

tar -tvzf filename.tar.gz



You can see the similarities to the command used to tar the file. This time, though, you use -x to �extract� instead of the -c used to create. The files will be placed in the current directory. You can also extract only certain select files (or directories) by specifying the individual names, separated by spaces, after the tar filename, such as tar -xvf filename.tar fileA fileC


tar -xvf filename.tar

tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz



Instead of the -z switch, you can use gzip on the commandline to compress single files. This is much less efficient though. The filename will automatically change from filename.tar to filename.tar.gz (appending .gz to the file extension).


gzip filename.tar



This command (g�unzip�) is used to uncompress a .gz file, which will also result in the filename being changed back to filename.tar. Alternatively, you can use gzip -d (for �decompress�) in place of gunzip.


gunzip filename.tar.gz



Sometimes ".tar.gz" is abbreviated to ".tgz".

You may also encounter "bzip2" files, typically named filename.tar.bz2. To uncompress these, type the following:


bunzip filename.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -





(notice the vertical bar and the dash at the end)

To reboot and stop theEnigma2 (Dreambox!) tuner to upload & install a image by computer browser.



Be shure you only do this if you want to reflash the Enigma2 tuner. Because your Enigma2 tuner will boot with DHCP active so that you can upload a new image by browser on a computer.


mount /boot -o remount,rw

rm /boot/*





Dreambox DM8000: Changing Oled display brightness.



Check brightness setting:


cat /proc/stb/lcd/oled_brightness



Configure brightness setting (between 0-255, as example 30)


echo 30 � /proc/stb/lcd/oled_brightness




Collected by Jeroensky TeRrItOrY. All credits 4 creators. (dat ben ik dus, vandaar dat ik het kan copieren naar dit forum.)


bron: Pli wiki

aangepast door Jeroensky

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