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Gemini2 v4.2Enigma from 2009/04/23Most Functions are described in our Wiki.Gemini-WikiFunction Buttons:* BLUE - Blue Panel (BP)* long BLUE -> PiP (DM7025)* 2x BLUE - BP -> Gemini Extras* BLUE RED -> File Manager* RED - Record* GREEN - Quickbutton / Subservices* Yellow - Timeshift (not for DM8000)Extras:* Own Addon-Server via internet.* Cryptinfos of the Stations. Assign different Camds to Stations/Providers (AutoCam).* Manage many Daemons / Server (BP - Services/Daemons)* Visual improvements such as HD-Skin, icons or additional adjustments to the station list* Manager for formatting, setting up or integration of devices (BP-> Device Manager)* additional EPG functions, such as Autosave, Refresh, or connect different EPG formats* Own Addons e.g. Dreamnetcast, jukebox, calendar, e-mail or eTorrent to name just a few* Quick button (select the function of the green button via the menu)* detailed information about your Dreambox (Menu-> information)* File Manager, it is possible to handle all formats, regardless of whether images, sound, film material, playlists, Torrents, scripts or DVDs (BP-> File Manager)Many other functions, such as "the GP2 Controlr" Rezapp or the many options can in IHAD board or our Wiki to be read.New:* added more daemons to BP Menu-> Services / Daemons* NFS server, and port options for MAC-user expanded* simple Samba configuration on BP -> Services / Daemons-> Samba (Samba must be installed))* Quick button can also work as a menu when more than 1 point is activated (Note new quickbutton.xml))* In the file manager can be the Favorites menu as a starting set.* Function of the exit button in the file manager (in Movie Mode) can be changed* almost all menus, in which the settings are unified.* Jukebox now works as a browser, there is no need more to create playlists.* Selection of the drivers/kernel modules as a wizard on first start of the box integrated.Handling of complete respect block USB devices (HDD, USB, CDROM, Printer) redenominatedThis has the following effects:* Folder "/media" is empty, all the folders in "/media" are created by the system.* Tile "/etc /fstab" is empty and shouldn't be need to register devices yourself.* All equipment, including hotplug devices will receive depending on the number of partitions in the folder "/ media".* To switch to the new system easier, are currently or 2 links to hard drive.The Root of the link "/hdd" and the link "/media /hdd", both are really no longer necessary. smile* Autofs will only be used for network drives. Means there is no folder "/autofs" more in the Root.In the folder /etc are only 2 files needed for autofs (auto.master and the Editor Automount in Gemini can only drives network which, in the file "/etc /" saved. Network drives on the autofs mountare now in the folder "/ media / net".* Media-scanner and Media Player no longer in the image, this is the DVD player is already integrated in the image (to be found in the BP). This must and should also no longer be installed separately (specifies otherwise noted problems with the built-in).* If you have a printer connected to the Dreambox, it is no longer worry about the printer. This will be started and stopped automatically when a printer is detected. The status of the daemon can continue in the daemon list in BP's Profile. This printer is ever on the Dreambox work, must be the kernel module loaded.Important:If any devices to the Dreambox does not work or can not mount, please always check whether the appropriate drivers are loaded (BP-> Settings-> kernel modules). Caution complete handling of Camden redenominated* Changes to the Camden-scripts to e.g. Ecm several info files read out (advantage is that, when a recording, streaming, or PIP still the right ad in the coming infobar)* AutoCamd also converted, Camden on individual channels can be assigned to* Select the Start / Stop can be set (BP-> Settings-> General)* Starting / Stopping the Camden now in a separate process, thus no blocking of EnigmaFix + Update:* eTorrent now completely skinbar and sizes > 2GB fixed* Download-Routine* read from script, config files* see CVSThis Images doesn't contain any keys nor softcams.Backups or other modified Images are not from usand won't be supported!Download via DatabaseThanks a lot and have funYour Gemini-Team


Sigarettes after Sex


Gast beekware

Mmm... zit momenteel nog op 3.7 ivm de DVDPlayer. Werkt de DVDPlayer nu goed? Iemand dit al getest?


In de voorgaande versies liep het geluid niet synchroon met het beeld.


Ja, staat erop. Merk nog niet veel verschil met vorige versies. De verbeteringen zitten blijkbaar onderhuids. Behandeling van de opslagmedia is ietwat veranderd, wat het voordeel daarvasn is? DVD-speler is nog steeds niet veel soeps, zit nu wel standaard in het bleu-panel.


Ook ik zie geen verschil

De nieuwe cccam 2.1.1. werk

Maar mijn usb stik werk niet.

Nog even prullen en kijk of ik toch nog alles aan het werken krijg, anders toch maar terug naar de goed werkende gemini 4.1.o



Gisteren Gemini 4.2 in de Dreambox 7025+. Heb en probleem bij het luisteren naar Dreamcast. Eens een zender gekozen kan ik veranderen zoveel ik wil. Maar terug keren om TV te kijken lukt niet.Moet steeds een restart doen via knop achter de Dreambox. Met de afstandsbediening lukt dit niet. Wie kan mij dit probleem helpen oplossen.


Ik heb hem er na 2 crashes terug afgehaald. Kan zijn dat de cominatie met de Beyonddreams skin niet optimaal is, maar bij de 4.1 is dat wel een stabiele combinatie...

VU+ ULTIMO PLI 4.0, Philips DSR 7141


Ik had inderdaad ook al gemerkt als ik Favo's van Internet radio aan het maken was (Dreamnetcast), dat de boel vast wilde lopen. Ook niet terug keren naar Tv enzo.


Jammer dat ze deze dingen niet eerst testen voor 't uitbrengen.

Ga ik 4.1 ook maar proberen, zat op 3.8 nog.


Dreambox 8000HD OPEN PLI 4 + Wavefrontier T90 op de: 19E,13E,23E,28E

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