wappie Geplaatst: 1 januari 2010 Geplaatst: 1 januari 2010 release 0.1.0(beta) ********************* This is the first public release, it's released as a beta version, probably it has many and many bugs, but to fix and to discover them I need all your help, so I decided to make it public Bootargs are the same as the ones used on Enigma2, so good luck! Currently a lot of things must be done, but it is just made public for fun. Channels lists can be uploaded with Dreamset 2.26 (selectin Neutrino HD Plus format) and setting directories: /usr/local/share/config /usr/local/share/config/zapit It is tested only with HDMI, i don't know how many bugs are present http://enigma2.sifteam.eu/index.php?dir=NeutrinoHD%20NightlyBuild%200.1.0/
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