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Nilesat 201 mogelijke footprint

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Na veel geroezemoes ivm de nilesat 201 footprint denk ik toch dat deze wijder zal liggen als de voorganger...



With a licensed capital of $500 million and an issued $170 million, the Cairo-based broadcaster plans to launch a new satellite, Nilesat 201, a 28-transponder satellite (24 in the Ku-band and 4 in the Ka-band) in 2010. Nilesat CEO Salah Hamza says Nilesat is currently broadcasting 415 channels throughout the Middle East. Nilesat expects the total channel count to grow from today’s near 900 channels to near 1200 by 2015. “Logic tells you that one day the market will reach saturation but we still have high definition to look forward to and I don’t think we are close to saturation,” says Mr. Hamza. Abu Dhabi is a recent market entrant, having invested $1.66 billion to develop and operate two hybrid telecommunications satellites through its Mubadala Development Company. The satellites that will offer telecom, internet, corporate data, and broadcasting services to the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and South-East Asia by 2010. The system is designed to accommodate the trends of emerging applications in the satellite industry, such as HDTV and other broadband satellite services. Yahsat’s chairman and COO of Mubadala, Waleed Al Mokarrab Al Muhairi, says “this is a tremendously exciting time to be in the satellite communications industry.”,com_magazine/func,show_article/id,411/+%22nilesat+201%22+footprint&cd=22&hl=nl&ct=clnk&gl=be


ATLANTIC BIRD™ 7 will be based on Astrium’s Eurostar E3000 platform. Optimized for high-growth broadcasting markets, two beams will give superior coverage across the Middle East, including Gulf states, as well as North Africa and North-West Africa. Up to 44 Ku-band transponders will be connected to a broad high-power footprint serving the Middle East and North Africa for Direct-to-Home (DTH) broadcasting.


ESA D ducros There will also be a second footprint for North-West Africa, across the Maghreb countries and extending down to the Gulf of Guinea will be connected to a payload of up to 12 Ku-band transponders designed for consumer broadcasting services and equipped to meet high demand for Internet access services.



wat zijn jullie meningen..?


Heb je naar de datum van verschijning gekeken ChRiStoX

Een gedeelte van dit is in de zomer vorig jaar in het Franse Tele Satellite magazine geplaatst, evengoed de Nilesat is oké !


waarop baseer jij je uitspraak? ik zie geen enkel reden om te denken dat Nilesat 201 een bredere footprint zal hebben dan de voorgangers, integendeel de nieuwe satelieten hebben een veel scherpere footprints en als je een paar tientallen kilometer uit de footprint zit dan heb je geen ontvangst meer....dus hoe graag wij dat willen,

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